Bai Xi also stretched out her hand to touch the cat ears on the top of her head, and flicked her tail back and forth. She was also quite puzzled, and didn't understand why she suddenly transformed.

Ye Chui guessed: "After all, this is a magical treasure, maybe there is still a trace of Yuanli here, and you will involuntarily transform after absorbing these Yuanli." Afterwards, Ye Chui said a little speechlessly , "By the way...can you put on some clothes first?"

Bai Xi transformed into a form, and couldn't put on clothes, and could only be completely naked.

Only some clever monsters can turn their fur into clothes when they transform into form.

Bai Xi doesn't have this kind of state, and every time she takes shape, she can only be naked.

Bai Xi also realized this, she hastily covered her small body: "Don't look!"

"Okay, I won't look at it." Ye Chui rolled his eyes, turned around, and with a wave of his hand, an extra suit of clothes appeared.

This is Wang Shiyu's clothes. Ye Chui waved his hand, which is equivalent to temporarily leaving the magic weapon of space, and then went outside to get the clothes.

After handing the clothes to Bai Xi, there was a rustling sound of getting dressed behind her. After a while, Yu Xue said: "She has already dressed, but unfortunately there is no way to deal with the tail at the back of her ass. She made clothes."

Ye Chui turned his head and saw that Bai Xi was wearing a cute children's clothing, his appearance was really cute, mainly because of the cat ears on the head and the cat tail on the back, it was extremely cute.

Little Wang Shiyu couldn't care about the pain in her nose anymore, she stood beside Bai Xi and looked at her ears and tail curiously, finally she turned her head and said to Ye Chui, "Brother Hammer, I want this kind of ears too. And the tail."

"Forget it." Ye Chui rolled his eyes.

Then he walked around and looked at the world.

The height here is more than ten meters, and the area is five to six hundred square meters. The place is very wide.

And the edges around it are quite smooth.

Yu Xue walked around curiously, and finally said to Ye Chui: "It will be very interesting if you transform this place into a villa."

"That's right." Ye Chui nodded.

Yu Xue asked curiously again: "But, aren't Bai Xi's people trapped here? Why can't they be seen?"

"They are indeed trapped in this magic weapon, but they are at the bottom. At least I have to repair all the formations before I can find them." Ye Chui explained.

"That's it." Yu Xue replied, and then she became interested and started designing with great interest, "Ye Chui, can I design the layout of the villa? Five hundred square meters and ten meters high, it can be designed as a two-story building. A multi-story building with a roof, by the way, isn’t this a different space, how could there be air and sunlight?”

"This space is under my control now, I can freely introduce air into it, and the same goes for sunlight." Ye Chui explained.

This space magic weapon has a wonderful characteristic, that is, it can be used to open the space magic door.

It doesn't mean that only holding this stone can enter the interior of the magic weapon of space.

The portal to enter this space is set in other places, and there are three portals that can be set in total.

When Ye Chui was repairing the array, he had already opened the first portal above the sky.

Use this portal to bring air and sunlight into the space.

As for how to open the remaining two portals, Ye Chui has not thought of it yet.

However, he intends to open one of the portals in this wasteland, that is to say, no matter where the magic weapon in Ye Chui's hand is, he can directly enter it from the wasteland.

In addition, Ye Chui holds this magic weapon in his hand, so he can enter it anytime and anywhere.

After telling Yu Xue this information, Yu Xue immediately showed a surprised expression: "So that's what happened, this space magic weapon is so amazing, it can also be used as a teleportation circle."

"It can be said that." Ye Chui looked around, "However, this is also the ability of this magic weapon. Ordinary cave magic weapons, like the Xuezang cave on the other side of Xuezang Mountain, should not have the ability to open it. The ability of the portal can only be said that this magic weapon is relatively high-end."

"So that's what happened." Yu Xue nodded, and then she got motivated and clapped her hands vigorously: "Then let's start designing the layout of this villa!"

After that, the wasteland became very lively.

In the afternoon of that day, Yu Xue directly ordered a large amount of furniture from the Internet, and these furniture were also pulled into the wasteland and piled up outside.

There are countless kinds of furniture and household appliances.

And inside the space, Ye Chui also quickly carried out the construction under Yuxue's request.

In this space, Ye Chui is omnipotent.

"Ye Chui, first divide the space here into two floors." Yu Xue directed.

Ye Chui didn't know much about the layout of the room. Yu Xue said so and Ye Chui followed suit. With a wave of his hand, a fault appeared in the middle of the huge space. This fault was directly composed of chaos and was unbreakable.

"Separate this place again." Yu Xue continued to command.

She knew exactly what the villa would look like, and she kept instructing Ye Chui.

Generally speaking, it is not an easy task to build a villa, or even decorate it, but it is easy for Ye Chui at this time, everything can be completed in a single thought.

In this way, at night, the layout of the villa has been completed, and Ye Chui has also completed all the wiring connections.

The electricity used in the entire space is entirely solar energy. Ye Chui opened a portal in the space to directly obtain countless solar heat, and use the electricity generated by this heat to supply all the electricity in the villa.

Entering this villa, first of all, there is a huge hall, with a kitchen and entertainment and fitness facilities on one side. At the strong request of Wang Shiyu's children, Ye Chui also brought some children's play facilities.

Next to it is a staircase leading to the second floor, where there are several bedrooms, large and small.

Because the place is large enough, each bedroom is also designed with one bedroom and one living room, and there are separate toilets and other things.

In addition, this villa also has a backyard. Under Yu Xue's suggestion, Ye vertically absorbed a few tons of soil into it, and then transplanted a few big trees to make the small space of this small space look antique and plant it. All kinds of flowers and plants are very unique.

Above the second floor is the roof. In this reading space, there is naturally no good view on the roof, but Yu Xue has built a huge swimming pool, where you can swim, sunbathe, etc...

To sum it up in one sentence, even if it is the most luxurious villa in the world, it may not compare to this place!

It took another half a night to put the furniture and appliances into the villa, and then this portable mansion was officially completed.

Ye Chui secretly called this villa the harem.

He thought of Fang Jing, so he planned to call Fang Jing here, but Yu Xue had some ideas, because Ye Chui actually had some ideas for letting Fang Jing move in...

While hesitating, Yu Xue simply called Fang Jing over and let her live in a bedroom adjacent to her room.

Ye Chui was naturally relieved, except for the two little lolis, now there are already two members in his harem, very good.

Fang Jing is now a standard house girl, if Ye Chui hadn't injected a little energy into her body to transform her body every day, her body might have collapsed long ago.

Let her live in a villa so that she can take care of her health problems in the future.

After the completion of the villa, Fang Jing, Yu Xue, Wang Shiyu, and Bai Xi, who turned into a cat girl, were very excited, because Yu Xue was equipped with karaoke equipment in the lobby of the villa, and they yelled all night to celebrate, and waited for Wang Shiyu and Bai Xi in the middle of the night The two children couldn't hold on any longer and went to sleep.

Ye Chui hugged Yu Xue with one hand and Fang Jing with the other, feeling full of happiness.

Drinking is of course unavoidable at this time.

Then drink it right away.

In fact, with Ye Chui's current cultivation level, he would not get drunk when drinking, but he likes the taste of drunkenness, so he didn't restrain himself and let the alcohol stimulate his nerves. When he woke up, he was expecting to be hugged Seeing Yu Xue and Fang Jing lying on the bed.

The bodies of the two women are entangled with each other, which makes me very happy.

But Ye Chui is also a little worried about whether the two of them will have some small emotions when they wake up, just like the last time after drinking too much, they hugged Wang Wenxue and An Le'er and slept all night, and the two of them became angry directly the next day Then he looked down on Ye Chui for many days.

But it was obvious that Ye Chui was worrying too much.

After Yu Xue and Fang Jing woke up, they first looked at each other in a daze for a moment, and then figured out what was going on. Both of them blushed slightly, and then silently got up from bed.

The calm before the storm?

Obviously not, because the two were talking and laughing soon, and sleeping with Ye Chui for a night made their relationship deeper. In fact, the two had a good relationship before, and now their friendship is long live.

When Ye Chui had a particularly big head, when they went to the bathroom to take a shower, Ye Chui also heard them eagerly discussing the issue of which position is more comfortable...

This is obviously the rhythm of a senior boudoir.

Ye Chui was very sensible and didn't discuss this matter with them too much. It's very good now, and Yu Xue and Fang Jing obviously avoided thinking too much about this aspect.

Anyway, Ye Chui is so capable, they are completely willing to deal with the few problems around Ye Chui.

That is to say, under such circumstances, two days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Ye Chui's cell phone rang suddenly.

The phone call was exactly the phone number on the card that Yang Shanshan had given him, and the old voice on the other side was also heard before.

"Hello, the club will have a party tonight. The meeting place is the xx apartment on xxx street. Please come before eight o'clock in the evening." (To be continued.)

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