The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

317 The subtext of this chapter is that you want to subtly rule me?

"Okay, I will definitely go." Ye Chui said in a deep voice, and then he hesitated slightly, "However, I want to know what requirements I have when I go?"

"Hey, it's fine for you to be alone, but you'd better remember that you'd better not tell anyone about your visit to the club, let alone the place and time when the club will be held."

"Okay, I see." Ye Chui replied.

Ye Chui still knew that the other party had to keep a certain amount of mystery.

The phone then hung up.

Ye Chui was full of anticipation for what was about to happen tonight.

The club is the name of an organization, and this organization is called the club, and obviously, the club has a deep relationship with Hellfire.

In fact, in the spiritual world these days, Ye Chui asked the extremely leisurely Xingmei to help her investigate.

Unfortunately, Xingmei did not find any useful information.

"The entertainment industry is an indispensable and important tool for Hellfire to collect the wishes of all living beings. Using the stars in the entertainment circle, film and television works, to create a transcendent image in the hearts of the audience, and then absorb the wishes of countless beings It's just that the information about the entertainment circle's absorption of sentient beings' will is confidential in Hellfire. A senior cadre is responsible for this matter. If it is not someone from her faction, it will be difficult for others to find out about this Information about how it works." Xingmei said to Ye Chui.

"The person in charge of the entertainment industry is a senior cadre? What's his name?" Ye Chui's wife then asked Xiang Xingmei.

"It's called Xuanyin." Xingmei replied, "She is very powerful. She is a senior cadre who has just risen in the past few decades, but she ranks second among the seven senior cadres."

"The second one..." Ye Chui whispered the name softly.

In the real world, Ye Chui is preparing to join this club.

"I don't know how this senior cadre, Xuanyin, used the entertainment industry to collect the willpower of all beings... Maybe we can get some answers tonight."

The wish power of all beings can be said to be a kind of emotional power of worship and fanaticism.

For example, if a star is admired by countless fans, then the star will gather the will power of all beings.

Ye Chui builds a virtual entertainment circle, because this virtual entertainment circle is a magic weapon, all the stars are weapon spirits, and Ye Chui is the master of this magic weapon, so the wish power of all beings gathered in the virtual entertainment circle will automatically gather To Ye Chui's body.

The wish power of all living beings cannot be seen or touched, and even if it is gathered on the body, it cannot be felt.

Although some people can use the power of sentient beings to do many extraordinary things, in general, the power of the power of sentient beings is very limited. Ye Chui has never been able to figure out which existence in Hellfire brought together so many people. What exactly is the wish of all beings to do...

Ye Chui's virtual entertainment circle can automatically gather the absorbed wishes of all living beings into Ye Chui's body.

But how real stars in the real world hand over the willpower of all sentient beings they condense to Hellfire, this is not easy to do.

That's why Ye Chui wanted to figure out what was going on.

According to what was said on the phone, before eight o'clock in the evening, Ye Chui took the steel egg to the front of xx apartment on xxx street.

This apartment is a mansion.

At this time, rows of luxury cars were parked outside the mansion.

However, these so-called luxury cars are much worse than the current steel eggs.

After all, the current Steel Egg was rebuilt by Ye Chui with an Aston Martin, and it is a luxury car among luxury cars.

People got out of the car one after another, and when they saw Ye Chui driving an Aston Martin, they all showed a hint of surprise in their eyes, and even stopped to watch.

These people were even more surprised when they saw Ye Chui getting out of the car.

Those who came to this party at night were all the most respectable people in the entertainment circle in Xizhou City, including star directors and company presidents. They all knew the famous people in the circle, but Ye Chui made them feel Very strange.

But because of Ye Chui's car, they didn't dare to underestimate Ye Chui.

"Ye Chui, you are here."

A soft voice rang in Ye Chui's ear, and when he turned his head, Ye Chui saw Yang Shanshan stepping down from a red BMW next to him.

"Yang Shanshan." Ye Chui said with a smile, "Hello."

"Hello, hehe, I didn't expect the Tianhammer film and television company you founded, Ye Chui, to be so powerful. Recently, the two TV series "Ambiguous Prophet and Ambiguous Downloading" are extremely popular on the Internet." Yang Shanshan said with a smile.

In fact, she wasted her only spot at the beginning. When she invited Ye Chui to join the club, she just relied on a kind of intuition. Seeing the advertisement made by Ye Chui, she subconsciously felt that Ye Chui would have a big impact in the entertainment circle. as.

So she extended an invitation to Ye Chui.

It's just that I didn't expect that Ye Chui could go so far. With an ambiguous prophet, Ye Chui's Tianhammer Film and Television Company quickly became famous in the entertainment circle.

"It just happened to be loved by everyone." Ye Chui said modestly.

He looked around and saw that the people who had stopped there no longer paid attention to this place, and walked into the mansion next to them.

Ye Chui continued to ask, "Yang Shanshan, can you tell me what this club does?"

"Don't call me by my name, okay? Just call me Shanshan. The name Yang Shanshan sounds too foreign." Yang Shanshan said in a loud voice.

Fuck, you are my girlfriend's stepmother, can you not be so ambiguous?

But Ye Chui wanted to get more information from Yang Shanshan, so he pretended to be anxious and said, "Okay, I'll call you Shanshan from now on."

Yang Shanshan cast a coquettish glance and continued, "You, your eyes have been dishonest since the first time you saw me, now you finally showed your fox's tail, right?"

Fuck, who's eyes were dishonest the first time they saw you?

It was you who kept glancing at me at first!

Ye Chui thought so in his heart, but continued to pretend to be anxious and said: "You discovered this, hehe, it's all because you are so beautiful, ordinary people can bear it."

"It's really annoying." Yang Shanshan pretended to be angry and said, but there was a charming smile on her face.

Ye Chui and Yang Shanshan talked like this, and they walked towards the mansion together.

Taking advantage of this time, Ye Chui asked: "Can you tell me now, what exactly is this club going to do?"

"The club is a group where all people in the entertainment circle help each other. Mutual benefits and benefits are shared. In the whole of China, or in other words, the whole world, as long as there is a club in the entertainment circle, anyone who mixes in the entertainment circle As long as he is famous, he must be a member of the club."

Yang Shanshan said quite proudly.

Ye Chui has already guessed this point, the club is Hellfire's tool to control the entertainment circle, so it is easy to guess that all the famous people in the entertainment circle are members of the club.

But of course Ye Chui couldn't be calm, he pretended to be extremely surprised and said: "No way! This... is this true?"

"Of course it's true." Yang Shanshan said triumphantly, pointing to the silent people who walked into the mansion and said, "Look, these people are all famous people in the entertainment industry in Xizhou City, this one is Tian The boss of Feng Entertainment Company, this one is Wang Baobao, a new star who has been hot in the past two years, and this one, Li Tian, ​​the movie he directed just won the Golden Monkey Award for Best Director a while ago..."

Yang Shanshan introduced them one by one. Everyone here is famous.

And they are all from the entertainment industry, either stars, or entertainment company bosses.

In the end, Yang Shanshan summed it up and said: "In a word, if you want to succeed in the entertainment industry, you must join the club, otherwise, you will only be excluded!"

Ye Chui had an expression of sudden realization: "The club is an organization where everyone in the entertainment circle is united. If you don't join it, you will be attacked by the club. Is that what you mean?"

"That's right." Yang Shanshan nodded, "After joining the club, you will become a member of the club. There will be an upgrade system based on how much you contribute to the club. Members are divided into four levels, bronze, bronze, Silver, gold, diamond. After reaching the silver membership, you will have an opportunity to invite others to enter the club. This invitation is called the unspoken rule in private. Ye Chui, I am now a silver member, and I will invite others this time. The opportunity was given to you."

Fuck, the subtext of these words is that you want to subtly rule me?

Ye Chui was speechless and angry, but pretended to be very grateful: "I didn't expect this kind of skill to exist in the entertainment industry. Thank you for inviting me to join."

"It's nothing, as long as everyone helps each other and benefits each other in the future." Yang Shanshan said with a smile, a flash of light flashed in her eyes.

If she invites Ye Chui, then Ye Chui will become her subordinate. This is a restrictive relationship, and if Ye Chui makes great achievements in the future, she will follow her.

Moreover, they will hold a ceremony later, after the ceremony, Ye Chui will become his subordinate, there will be a kind of slavery relationship, this kind of slavery relationship is spiritual, Ye Chui will listen to her from the heart...

Of course, Yang Shanshan didn't tell Ye Chui about the ceremony, so as not to frighten Ye Chui.

During the time of talking like this, Ye Chui and Yang Shanshan entered the mansion. Under Yang Shanshan's leadership, they entered a huge room: "Participating in club parties, you have to change into special clothes. Members have different clothes according to their grades. It's different. This room is specially used for changing clothes."

Having said that, Yang Shanshan led Ye Chui into the big room.

Entering here suddenly, Ye Chui immediately couldn't help but screamed in a low voice.

In the huge room, there were more than a dozen people changing clothes, some men and some women, they just fucked like this without avoiding suspicion, and then put a long robe on their bodies.

What surprised Ye Chui even more was that Yang Shanshan, who was standing beside him, also began to take off her clothes without any shyness... (To be continued.)

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