The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

323 Become a Piano Master in 1 Second

"Little witch..."

This nickname is absolutely suitable for Ye Shiyu, and it seems that the future masses will also have discerning eyes.

Then Ye Chui thought to himself: "It's quite appropriate to name the combination of Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu Angel and Witch. I just don't know what Wang Wenxue will do in the future?"

Ye Chui didn't ask Wang Shiyu about Wang Wenxue's matter.

Because he knew that Ye Shiyu would not answer questions about the future, and this was also to avoid leaking too much future information.

Ye Chui, who is well aware of the mysteries of time and space, naturally wouldn't say much.

After the two went down, An Le'er had already brought back an electronic piano from home.

She tried to play one side according to the score. Although the music was quite pleasant, it was still a little intermittent in some places. After all, she was not a professional musician, and there was no way to play it unsatisfactory.

"It seems that I have to find another teacher who can play the piano." An Le'er felt quite a headache.

"No need." Ye Shiyu said suddenly, "Just let Brother Hammer play the piano."

"Let Ye Chui play?" An Le'er was taken aback, looking at Ye Chui, "Ye Chui, you can play the piano? Why didn't I know?"

"This..." Ye Chui was speechless, what the hell, when will the young master know how to play the piano.

Since the cultivation world, the young master has been known as a music idiot, okay?

"Brother Hammer just told me that he is very good at playing the piano." Ye Shiyu stretched out his hand and patted Ye Chui's shoulder lightly when he said this.

This very short contact caused Ye Chui's expression to change slightly.

Because in this very short time of contact, Ye Chui felt a wave of information rushing into his mind quickly.

The sky hammer system is installed in Ye Chui's brain.

This is the ability Ye Chui obtained after integrating a computer into his brain, and the skills he learned can be regarded as software installed in his consciousness.

The contact between Ye Shiyu and Ye Chui just now was to quickly penetrate a software installation package into Ye Chui's consciousness.

The software installation package entered Ye Chui's consciousness, and the installation started immediately.

Installed within a second.

Then, a large amount of information quickly appeared in Ye Chui's mind, allowing Ye Chui to instantly possess the piano skills that others would have to use for years or decades.

It can be said that Ye Chui became a piano master in a second!

Slightly looked at Ye Shiyu in surprise, and then Ye Chui walked to the electronic piano and his fingers deftly landed on the keys. He began to play the song score of "Rain and Snow Falling into the City", his hands kept hitting the keys of the electronic piano like rain falling on a silver plate , the voice is smooth and full of emotion.

Although it was the same as the melody played by An Le'er just now, it turned out to be very pleasant, like the sound of nature.

An Le'er was a little curious about Ye Chui's ability to play the piano at first, but now he is completely convinced.

Ye Chui can play the piano so well, isn't this already at the level of a master?

"Is there anything this man can't do..."

She looked at Ye Chui and couldn't help thinking so in her heart.

Ye Chui also felt very happy in his heart after finishing playing the song score of Rain and Snow Allure in one breath.

Then he glanced at Ye Shiyu in astonishment, and thought in his heart: "Although my Skyhammer system can theoretically install consciousness software, it can also directly copy and install the skills learned by other people into my consciousness, but it must be done. This kind of thing is not easy, at least I can't do it in version 3.0... It seems that in the future, I have upgraded the sky hammer system to a very high level, not only can I install this sky hammer system on other people at will In the brain, you can also directly compress the skills you have into an installation package, and then pass it on to others."

The sky hammer system is installed in Ye Chui's brain because Ye Chui has fused with a computer.

So for now, the sky hammer system can only be used by Ye Chui.

But Ye Shiyu also installed the sky hammer system in his consciousness. It can only be said that in the future, Ye Chui will develop a super high-end sky hammer system, which can be installed in the consciousness of others at will.

"Ye Chui, you play really well!" An Le'er said with a look of surprise, "I didn't expect you to play the piano at such a high level, I don't need to find a piano teacher for the two of them anymore, From now on, you can help them practice their songs."

"Okay." Ye Chui agreed, and he had no reason to refuse at this time.

The matter was settled like this, and Ye Chui stayed in the 4s shop for the next few days, helping Ye Shiyu and Wang Wenxue play the piano and let them practice singing.

Rain and Snow Falls in the City is a duet song.

The high and low sounds cooperate with each other, and the succession, opening and closing must be appropriate to make the most beautiful sound.

In terms of singing, Ye Shiyu didn't have any problems. She had already reached the most perfect state of this song when she sang it for the first time, while Wang Wenxue was relatively inferior. After all, she was not born in singing and needed some hone.

Create the combination of angel and witch, but you can't take the usual path.

Ye Chui knows without trying, it is basically impossible to release records for the two, and it is impossible to do too much publicity, the club will not let Ye Chui use those resources easily.

Fortunately, Ye Chui didn't expect the two of them to release an album or anything - he didn't need to release it for the time being, he planned to make the two of them popular on the Internet first, and then proceed to other steps step by step.

Now Tianhammer Video has become the hottest video site.

Although there are only a dozen videos on this video site, including a few episodes of TV dramas and some behind-the-scenes footage.

But it is these videos that have accumulated a huge amount of hits.

The ambiguous prophet has already appeared in the third episode at this time.

Because the first episode is free, the number of hits has reached more than 9000 million, and it is only a blink of an eye to break [-] million.

The third episode of the second episode starts charging.

Among them, the second episode has more than 200 million subscriptions, nearly 300 million.

Since the third episode was uploaded just now, the number of subscriptions is only over 100 million.

In any case, this income is very considerable.

And on Tianhammer's latest website announcement, Ye Chui asked Ozawa to release the information of Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu, and the combination will be launched soon.

The looks of both of them were at the perfect level, so naturally they immediately caused quite a stir.

Many people have expressed their expectations for the two.

This can be regarded as early stage momentum.

"He still intends to get involved in the singing industry?" In a relatively hidden hotel box, Jiao Heng slapped the table angrily and said, "This kid is really daring, he is definitely provoking us by doing this!"

There are only two people in this box, besides Jiao Heng, the other is Yang Shanshan.

There was a notebook in front of Yang Shanshan, and the browser on this notebook displayed the Tianhammer video.

Yang Shanshan was flipping through the introduction about the combination of angels and witches.

"I have a little impression of this Wang Wenxue." Yang Shanshan said lightly, "At the Xizhou Auto Show some time ago, this Wang Wenxue was a car model invited by Tianzhu Automobile. As a goddess, I never thought that Ye Chui would let her develop in the singing industry."

"I also know this Wang Wenxue. At first I thought about signing her to my company, but after negotiating with An Leer, I found out that she didn't want to let her go." Jiao Heng continued, "As for the other Ye Shiyu, you know What's the matter?"

"I've never seen this girl before, but she looks very cute and beautiful, and I don't know that Ye Chui is such a beauty from **." Yang Shanshan said with some sighs, "This Ye Shiyu and Wang Wenxue, one is quiet and the other is lively. Forming a combination is indeed very lethal, and maybe it can really become a hit."

"Impossible!" Jiao Heng snorted coldly, "The club won't make his group popular, at least his group won't be able to release records at all, at most it will accumulate some fame on the Internet."

"Maybe Ye Chui didn't intend to send them records, but he made up his mind to make them popular on the Internet from the beginning?" Yang Shanshan retorted.

"On the Internet?" Jiao Heng looked disdainful, "Only popular on the Internet, that's called an Internet singer, you can't get on stage."

"Other Internet singers may not be able to make it to the stage, but don't forget that Ye Chui made the Ambiguous Prophet and Ambiguous Download also both online TV dramas, but now they are completely popular, and the popularity is higher than the hit TV dramas." Yang Shanshan was indifferent Said.

Jiao Heng immediately shut his mouth, because Yang Shanshan was telling the truth.

Most of the online TV dramas and online movies are very crudely produced, and their income and fame are completely incomparable with the things broadcast on movie theaters and TV stations.

But the movies shown on Ye Chuitianhammer's video are obviously different.

Now Ye Chui wants to promote this singer group on the Internet platform, God knows what the consequences will be.

"Then what should we do?" Jiao Heng asked, "This kid is in trouble with the club and must be punished, but he only develops on the Internet, so what can we do with him?"

Yang Shanshan frowned and thought for a moment, then thought of something: "Jiao Heng, I heard that you are planning to follow the example of AKB in Japan and launch a large female singing group?"

Jiao Heng nodded: "Yes, that's right, now I have found 37 talented girls, Shanshan, you ask this, could it be..."

"That's right, you've been trying to figure out a way to make this combination recently, start promoting it, and make it bigger." Yang Shanshan said proudly, "In fact, it's a good thing that Ye Chui's ignorance of current affairs is against our club. Think about it, you now Take out this combination and promote it to fight against Ye Chui's combination. With this reason, won't other people in the club directly support you? You can also borrow other people's resources to make this combination completely popular Wake up, this is completely a good thing to kill two birds with one stone!"

Jiao Heng's eyes also lit up: "That's right, and the 37 girls I'm looking for are all very beautiful and cute... Hehe, if they really become popular, they will definitely be absorbed into the club. People, but they all like this kind of beautiful and pure girls." (To be continued.)

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