Yang Shanshan's intention was obvious, to use Jiao Hengzheng's plan to launch a combination against Ye Chui's forthcoming Angel and Witch combination.

For beautiful girl idols, within a certain period of time, there must only be a few popular ones.

This is market saturation.

There are only a group of people who like beautiful girls singing.

If this group of people is fought over, then the two-person beautiful girl who Ye Chui withdrew would have no threat.

And Jiao Heng thinks he has a great chance of winning.

He selected only 37 beauties in a nationwide selection, and each of them is a great beauty of the level of disastrous to the country and the people.

This group of beautiful girls has been trained by him for nearly a year.

Singing and dancing, everything.

With the support from the club at that time, wouldn't Ye Chui be overwhelmed?

37 beautiful girls vs two people, there is no reason not to win.

As a singer, it is natural to have songs to sing, and among the few famous songwriters in the entertainment industry, which ones are not under the control of their clubs?

It is impossible for Ye Chui to get any good songs for this singing group!

The more Jiao Heng thought about it, the more complacent he felt, and he waited for Ye Chui to finally give in!

Yang Shanshan also had an air of confirmation, thinking that Ye Chui was courting death if he wanted to fight against them, and now they could solve Ye Chui in minutes.

Suddenly, Yang Shanshan's cell phone rang, she glanced at the cell phone number, and said to Jiao Heng: "I have to go first."

While talking, she stood up and hurried out of the box, then connected the phone.

This call is from An Huashan: "Shanshan, where are you?"

"I'm shopping for clothes." Yang Shanshan said with a smile, "I heard that there are some new styles in xx store today, so I came here to have a look."

"Will you come back for lunch?" An Huashan continued to ask, "Lele just came over today, so it's good for us to have a meal together."

Hearing that An Le'er was at home now, Yang Shanshan immediately wanted to refuse.

What annoys her the most is meeting An Le'er.

This nominally her stepdaughter has always been indifferent to her, and usually doesn't say a few words.

Just when she was about to refuse, her heart suddenly moved.

An Le'er has a good relationship with Ye Chui. An Le'er should know a lot of information about Ye Chui's establishment of a film and television company. When I go back this time, I might be able to get a lot of information about Ye Chui's company from An Le'er. message.

Thinking of this, Yang Shanshan immediately laughed: "Well, I haven't seen Lele for a long time, I miss her very much, I'll go back soon."

Then she said a few more polite words, Yang Shanshan hung up the phone, got into her own car, and went all the way back to Xinglin Villa.

In the villa hall of Xinglin Villa.

The housekeeper, Lin Bai, was instructing the servants in the villa to prepare a sumptuous lunch, while An Huashan and An Le'er were sitting on the sofa talking and laughing.

"I didn't expect that Ye Chui actually developed a car. It really surprised me." An Huashan said with a smile. He gave his daughter 3000 million to invest before, but he just wanted to let her invest. The daughter hit a wall and then cut off her thoughts all these years, but she didn't expect that her daughter actually succeeded.

He is a businessman with a sharp eye and can see the future of commodities.

Although the Tianhammer car is only in its infancy, he often pays attention to this super smart car, knowing how powerful the potential of this car is.

Even An Huashan was quite moved, wondering if he would spare time to discuss with Ye Chui, and also invest in Tianhammer Automobile...

"The cars produced by Ye Chui are of good quality." An Le'er said with a smile, naturally she highly respected Ye Chui.

"You couldn't help but smile when you mentioned his name. It seems that this kid must have a very high status in your heart. I like this kid quite a lot. When will you guys settle down on your matter?" An Huashan laughed.

"Father, what are you talking about!" An Le'er immediately turned her head away, her face blushing.

"Hey, the girl is still pretending to be confused with me." An Huashan said with a smile, his face became serious again, "Lele, you have to hurry up on this matter, otherwise it will be late, and maybe you will let that old bastard Yu Goudan I got ahead... Recently I heard that something happened to Yu Goudan and he has been recuperating in the hospital. This matter may have something to do with Ye Chui. I heard that Yu Goudan has already regarded Ye Chui as his son. Look at it, although I like that girl Yu Xue quite a bit, but this kind of thing can't be tolerated, Lele, you have to hurry up."

An Le'er didn't speak, but just nodded, but she was thinking in her heart that there might have been some relationship between Yu Xue and Ye Chui, and it was all because of her misogyny, and she couldn't have a deeper communication with Ye Chui...

All she can do is to help Ye Chui as much as possible.

"Father, there is something I want to ask you to help with." An Le'er said afterwards.

"What do you think?" An Huashan said with a smile. He did not approve of his daughter's business, but the popularity of Tianhammer cars recently made An Huashan understand that her daughter is not talented in this area. If An Leer needs his help in business He certainly won't give up.

"You have a lot of contacts here in Xizhou City, do you know some good recording studio managers?" An Le'er asked.

"The person in charge of the recording studio?" An Huashan frowned, "What are you looking for?"

"It's like this. Ye Chui recently started a film and television company. He signed two singers and planned to let them sing songs. The songs have been found, and now the recording is short, so I want to find some with better quality. recording studio." An Le'er explained.

In fact, recording studios and recording studios are all facilities that are open to ordinary people.

But what makes An Le'er feel very strange is that in the past few days, she has been looking for some large-scale recording studios, but she always hit a wall and let the other party refuse.

An Le'er was a little baffled.

The recording facilities for the songs are actually not very expensive, but An Le'er thought about Ye Chui. Ye Chui's company had just been established. She didn't want to increase the financial burden so she wanted to borrow other people's recording facilities, but she never expected to be rejected all the time.

In desperation, she came to ask her father for help.

When An Huashan heard his daughter's request, he ate it up slightly: "Ye Chui actually wants to start a film and television company? Hehe, this kid is really ambitious."

"Dad, if you don't usually go online, you probably don't know that the Tianhammer film and television station established by Ye Chui is now a big hit on the Internet." An Le'er said hastily.

"Hehe, I'll take a good look at it when I have time." An Huashan said with a smile, and then mentioned the matter of the studio, "I know a few people in charge of the studio, so I'll help you get in touch."

Having said that, An Huashan found out his mobile phone and started communicating.

At the same time, Yang Shanshan drove to the outside of Xinglin Villa.

After getting out of the car, she immediately saw An Le'er's pink Sky Hammer car parked outside the villa.

"This little girl really came back... This car is the Tianhammer car that Ye Chui made?" Yang Shanshan walked to An Le'er's car and looked at it. This car is Tiantian. "The shape is quite unique, but I don't know what the surname can do."

Yang Shanshan stroked the surface of Tiantian's car, and said curiously, "I didn't expect Ye Chui to actually be able to produce this kind of car. He really has some skills, but I don't know if this car is just a superficial car." , but actually has a deep security risk?"

Her voice was completely talking to herself, and her voice was extremely small.

However, after she finished speaking, the car in front of her seemed to hear it, the headlights suddenly turned on, the body made a whining sound, and the car had already started, giving Yang Shanshan the feeling that the car got angry and then Like hitting her.

Yang Shanshan was frightened immediately, she hurriedly backed up a few steps, and waited for a while before the car returned to calm.

"This car... is really evil!"

Yang Shanshan wiped the sweat off her forehead, and breathed a sigh of relief, "What rubbish, this kind of car will definitely cause a car accident, and then it will attract a lot of lawsuits!"

Saying so angrily, Yang Shanshan walked into the villa.

In fact, the Tianzhu car is a super smart car, she also knows this, but she didn't study the concept of this super smart car in depth, thinking it was just a slogan that Ye Chui came up with casually, so she didn't take it seriously thing.

At this time, Tian Tian got angry, and she just thought that there was an accident with the car.

While walking into the villa, Yang Shanshan cursed in a low voice: "It would be nice if Lele got into an accident in this car!"

Entering the hall, seeing An Huashan and An Le'er sitting on the sofa, Yang Shanshan immediately changed her clothes and said eagerly, "Lele, it's been a long time since I saw you, you don't even know to go home and visit you dad."

"I call daddy every day..." An Le'er didn't like how Yang Shanshan finally dealt with it casually.

Yang Shanshan didn't seem to notice her indifference at all, and sat down beside An Leer: "Lele, I recently found a new clothing store, the clothes in it are very beautiful, I will take you there when I have time have a look."

"I'm sorry, I may not have time." An Le'er still said calmly.

"Damn girl!" Yang Shanshan cursed in her heart, but on the surface she became more and more eager, "Okay then, then I'll buy some clothes for you when the time comes, and you promise to like them."

"Whatever." An Le'er continued.

Yang Shanshan smiled kindly, then thought of something and said, "Lele, your favorite food is shredded pork soup with shiitake mushrooms, and Uncle Lin really didn't prepare this dish, so I'll cook it myself. "

With that said, Yang Shanshan really walked into the kitchen.

Just looking at her attentive appearance, the image of a kind stepmother emerges spontaneously.

Her acting skills are undoubtedly very good, otherwise An Huashan, an old commercial fox, would have been fooled by her for such a long time, and ordinary people might have been fooled directly.

However, An Le'er was unmoved, and a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes.

A woman's intuition made her unable to have any good feelings for Yang Shanshan.

An Huashan naturally knew that there was a conflict between his daughter and his young wife, but it was quite awkward for him to stand between the two, so he could only pretend to be confused.

After making a few phone calls, An Huashan frowned and walked to An Leer's side: "Lele, has Ye Chui offended someone in the entertainment industry recently?"

"Who did you offend in the entertainment circle?" An Le'er couldn't help being taken aback, "I don't know about this, what's wrong?"

"I told a few of my old friends about borrowing the studio. They were very happy to agree at first, but when they heard that they were going to lend it to Ye Chui, they immediately changed their minds. Someone must be doing it on purpose. Make things difficult for Ye Chui." An Huashan said with some doubts, "It seems that it is not easy for Ye Chui to offend people."

It is indeed not simple, Ye Chui Ye Chui is equivalent to offending all compatriots in the entertainment industry...

An Le'er looked like she was having a headache, and her brows were wrinkled.

An Huashan couldn't bear it, he thought of something, turned his head towards the kitchen and said, "Shanshan, do you still have contact with everyone in the entertainment industry?"

"Some contacts, what's the matter?" Yang Shanshan poked her head out of the kitchen and asked.

"It's like this, Ye Chui started a company..."

An Huashan briefly told about Ye Chui's matter. In fact, with An Huashan's mood, it was impossible for him to seek Yang Shanshan's help at such a low price because of Ye Chui, but his daughter was different. An Leer asked him for help, but he couldn't help him. Feeling unhappy in his heart, the most important thing is that he also wants to be able to help Ye Chui...

This can be regarded as competing with Yu Goudan for Ye Chui's favor, a good son-in-law is hard to find.

And hearing what An Huashan said, a smile flashed in Yang Shanshan's eyes.

She naturally understood what was going on. Ever since Ye Chui rejected the club, the members of the club had already banned Ye Chui. The major recording studios belonged to the entertainment company, so of course they would not be lent to Ye Chui.

Thinking this way in her heart, Yang Shanshan pretended to have a headache on the surface: "I'll try to contact my friends, I don't know if it will work."

Having said that, she immediately took out her mobile phone and started to communicate.

It was not An Le'er's original intention to ask Yang Shanshan to help, but it was also to help Ye Chui, so she temporarily endured the unhappiness in her heart. "Dad, I'm going to take a shower first."

After speaking, An Le'er walked to her room on the second floor of the villa.

Yang Shanshan pretended to make a phone call, but of course there was no result. An Huashan was quite disappointed after hearing this but didn't say much. Afterwards, An Huashan sat down on the sofa with a slightly sullen face.

Yang Shanshan was about to go back to the kitchen, but she happened to see the bag that An Leer put next to the dining table.

With a move in her heart, she quietly walked over and opened the bag...

In doing so, Yang Shanshan just wanted to find some clues about what An Leer was doing recently.

It's just that she didn't expect that when she opened the bag, she immediately saw something extraordinary.

"This is……"

Yang Shanshan took out a stack of folded papers.

These few pages are exactly the song score of Rain and Snow. (To be continued.)

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