The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

326 A combination of 37 beautiful girls

At Yu Xue's request, Ye Chui sat on the sofa and waited for the two little girls to perform. .

Wang Shiyu was wearing a black dress, while Bai Xi was wearing a white skirt.

In this villa, because it is filled with a small amount of energy, Bai Xi can maintain the form of a catwoman.

She is only about five years old, but she has a pair of cat ears on her head and a fluffy cat tail behind her.

The shape of the cat girl is very cute, no matter the ears or the tail, it is a natural fit with her image.

The two of them stood in front of Ye Chui, bending down in a dignified gesture.

Yu Xue sat next to her and brought an electronic piano in front of her for accompaniment—Yu Xue also knew some playing skills, because the song The Little Cat Demon and the Little Witch was a brisk children's song, and the tune was also It's very simple, so Yu Xue can barely play it.

Ye Chui waited eagerly for the singing of the two children.

Cheerful and simple notes sounded, and the two little girls also did some simple dance moves, and then the soft singing began.

"From the sky there was a little cat demon and a little witch, they lived together and were good friends..."

The lyrics are full of childishness, simple but catchy, and it is even more unique to be sung by the crisp voices of two girls.

Ye Chui couldn't help but opened his eyes wide.

Although this song cannot be described as the sound of nature when it is sung, it is definitely very beautiful.

After people hear it, they will subconsciously feel a burst of lightness, as if they are about to relax.

It took only four or five minutes to sing a song. When the last note stopped, Yu Xue asked expectantly: "How is it? We have been rehearsing for several days before we can sing this song completely. Is it okay?"

Both Wang Shiyu and Bai Xi looked at Ye Chui expectantly with their eyes wide open.

"It sounds good." Ye Chuixi nodded.

"Then we can make a record, right Brother Hammer?" Wang Shiyu immediately asked with a smile.

"Make a record?" Ye Chui was slightly taken aback, "Shi Yu, what do you want to do with a record?"

"I want to be a big star." Wang Shiyu said confidently.

Ye Chui frowned, and suddenly figured out what was going on, he laughed dumbfounded, and said, "Shiyu, are you jealous?"

Ye Chui discovered this a long time ago, and Xiao Shiyu seems to have some opinions on the future version of herself.

The main reason is that now Ye Shiyu has been occupying Wang Wenxue all the time, and she has also seen Ye Shiyu and Ye Chui being together ambiguously.

This made Wang Shiyu nervous immediately.

In fact, the little girl's thinking is very simple, another she suddenly came to this era, and there are two of her in this era.

Now that the other one is so popular, she has taken over her elder sister and dear brother Hammer, and now she is going to be a star, so little Wang Shiyu must do something.

So, she decided to become a star too.

Ye Chui couldn't help rubbing Wang Shiyu's hair vigorously: "I'm really speechless, what are you talking about with your future self, she is you, you are her, there is no arguing."

"Anyway, I just don't like her." Wang Shiyu hugged her chest and said, "So I want to surpass her!"

"Don't worry about it, now I have offended some bigwigs in the entertainment industry, let alone you, Da Shiyu can't release records, so he can only promote them on the Internet." Ye Chui said with a smile.

When Shiyu is mentioned in the conversation, if it is the Shiyu of this era, then Ye Chui will replace it with the little Shiyu, and if it is the future one, then use the big Shiyu instead.

That's what Yu Xue called her too.

"Then I want to promote it on the Internet!" Wang Shiyu held hands with Bai Xi, "Our Yuxi combination is definitely more famous than the Angel and Witch combination!"

"Okay, okay..." Ye Chui nodded with a smile.

One is the Chengren group and the other is the children's group, there is nothing comparable at all.

But seeing Wang Shiyu's enthusiasm, Ye Chui had no choice but to let her go.

In fact, Ye Chui is quite looking forward to what Wang Shiyu and Bai Xi will do.

"By the way, what's going on with the song Little Cat Demon and Little Witch?" Ye Chui asked a little strangely, "Why do I feel like this song is...the theme song of some TV series?"

The content described in this song is exactly the happy and interesting life between the good friends of the little cat demon and the little witch.

The content of the songs also revolves around the theme of life, and it doesn't look like a simple children's song.

It's more like a theme song.

"That's right!" Yu Xue immediately smiled and said, "There is an animation director in the virtual entertainment industry. When Xiao Shiyu was looking for someone to help her write a song some time ago, this director just happened to see him, and he came right away. Inspiration, I want to develop a cartoon based on Bai Xi and Xiao Shiyu. Xiao Shiyu and Bai Xi sing the theme song of this cartoon, and other episodes will be written one after another. Let Xiao Shiyu and Bai Xi sing."

"And this matter?" Ye Chui was slightly surprised.

The virtual entertainment circle can operate completely by itself, and the spirits inside are all individuals with relatively good reading ability. What kind of works they will produce is beyond Ye Chui's control.

Unexpectedly, a children's director found inspiration to develop such a cartoon because of Wang Shiyu and Bai Xi.

Ye Chui immediately found the background character design of this cartoon to check, and finally Ye Chui was very satisfied.

"Nowadays, domestically produced cartoons are generally relatively low-grade, and they are completely for children, and the mentally retarded are fine. This is not the case with this little cat demon and little witch. Although the characters are very cute, they are also aimed at children. But it But each episode tells a story, and this story is not of the mentally retarded type, but full of educational significance and contains a lot of truth. Let children watch it to develop their intelligence!"

"Not bad!" Ye Chui was very satisfied, "When will this cartoon be made?"

"It will be ready soon, right?" Yu Xue said, "Because it is a cartoon, the virtual entertainment circle has the special ability to produce 2D images, so it can be produced very quickly. When it is officially launched, it can achieve one episode per day. speed."

"I'm looking forward to this animation."

Ye Chui nodded and said, then he looked at Ye Shiyu and Bai Xi again.

"It's also very interesting that you two made this combination, maybe it will really become a hit."

"I will, hum!"

Wang Shiyu said confidently, determined to defeat her future self!

Ye Chui was speechless, is it so interesting to compete with himself?

Afterwards, Ye Chui came directly to an empty room in the villa, and after a while, there was a bang bang bang bang.

Ye Chui started to build a recording studio.

In the evening of this day.Inside a commercial building in Xizhou City.

A certain floor of this commercial building is a dance school.

At this time, in the huge dance hall, a group of young and beautiful girls are dancing their bodies with enthusiasm and faint effort.

There are 37 girls in total.

Each of them is tall and beautiful, at least 56 years old, but their age is generally a little young, only [-] to [-] years old.

Exudes youthful vitality.

"Hey, these girls are really attractive. It's not in vain that I spent a lot of energy collecting them, and trained them for a year."

Outside the dance room, a middle-aged man suddenly walked in.

This middle-aged man is Jiao Heng. He is looking at the girls in the dance room, but his eyes are squinting. These girls practice dancing, wearing only a boxer briefs and a sports vest, and the whole body is 70.00 % of the skin is exposed outside, this dress is only slightly better than ordinary underwear.

Wearing it like this to practice dancing is mainly for more freedom of movement, the most important thing is...

They are all about to be stars.

As a star, you have to dare to show it!

Dressing like this was actually suggested by Jiao Heng.

Watching a group of young and beautiful girls dancing at this time is very pleasing to the eye.

"With such a combination, let me see how Ye Chui's angels and witches compare to me!" Jiao Heng was very proud, and then he glanced at the stack of papers in his hand, "Even if you find this song So what about a good song? Now this song is mine!"

At noon, Yang Shanshan stole this song from An Le'er and sent it to him in a hurry.

This is indeed a good song, he hurriedly found a few lyrics writers to adapt this song in a hurry, and it only took one afternoon to complete the modification of this song.

It was originally called Rain and Snow Allure, but now it is called Dancing Allure.

Although Jiao Heng can't guarantee that the revised song will be better than the original, at least the essence of the original is preserved.

"Quickly familiarize them with this song, and try to let them release this single on the Internet within a few days. With this song, they will definitely become a hit!" Thinking of this, Jiao Heng came to a group of people. In front of the girls, he signaled them to stop, and the dance teacher next to him had already stopped the dynamic music with interest.

The 37 beautiful girls looked at their big boss curiously.

"You have practiced very well recently, I am very satisfied, and it is time for you to make your debut." Jiao Heng said with a smile.

This news immediately made a group of beautiful girls excited and screamed in surprise. Jiao Heng calmed them down and handed the song score in his hand to one of the girls.

"This is the song I found for you. You have also learned vocal music and can understand the score. Hurry up and get familiar with this song. This will be your main song!"

After saying these words, Jiao Heng didn't stay any longer, turned around and left the dance classroom.

"We have to gather another team to shoot the MV for their first single..."

Jiao Heng thought in his heart as he walked.

At this time, a footstep suddenly came from behind.

The first of the 37 girls came out suddenly.

This girl's name is Yun Lan. At the age of 17, she has already developed a slim figure, and her breasts are extraordinarily plump. When she walked over wearing a sports bra, there was a wave of turbulence.

As she walked over, the expression on her face was clearly charming, and she said in her mouth: "Boss..." (To be continued.)

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