"Boss, can you wait a moment?" Yun Lan called softly with a bit of charm.

"Yunlan, what's the matter?" Seeing this girl approaching, his scorched eyes subconsciously focused on her plump breasts.

This kind of sports bra is really good, it can completely set off the fullness of the chest.

Every movement is a beautiful scene of choppy waves.

Among the 37 girls, this girl's figure is one of the best. I really don't know how she can develop so well at the age of 17?

"Boss." Yun Lan had already walked in front of Jiao Heng, she bowed her body slightly, as if respectful to Jiao Heng, and said, "Thank you for taking care of me these days, I think it's okay to invite you to dinner tonight? "

"Eat?" Jiao Heng looked at Yun Lan condescendingly.

The deep cleavage on the other party's chest seemed to have a magical charm that attracted everyone's attention, making it impossible to move away the anxious eyes.

In this case, the so-called meal is of course not just a simple meal. [

Jiao Heng swallowed forcefully: "Yun Lan, where do you want to invite me to dinner?"

"I've been learning how to cook recently, boss, can you come to my house?" Yun Lan continued to ask, looking very worried.

"Haha, you know how to cook at such a young age? You will definitely be a competent wife in the future. Well, I'll come to your house to taste your cooking skills."

Jiao Heng stretched out his hand and patted Yun Lan's bare and smooth shoulder, and gently rubbed the palm of her hand on her round skin.

The girl's skin is more tender than water, and it feels really good.

Yun Lan did not refuse either.Showing a shy look.

Jiao Heng couldn't help but chuckled a few times, and then gently kneaded Yun Lan's flamboyant face with his palm, and then withdrew his hand.

"I'm looking forward to the dinner tonight." Jiao Heng said again, then turned around and left.

The residences of these 37 artists were all arranged by the company, so he didn't have to ask her where she lived.

Watching Jiao Heng leave, Yun Lan bit her lip hard.He stretched out his hand and rubbed the spot that Jiao Heng just touched.

She dislikes such things as unspoken rules, but the day she decides to stay in this industry, she has already made up her mind.

As for this 37-member girl group that imitated Japan's kb, Yun Lan never thought that this group would become popular.

So she has to prepare herself early, at least it won't hurt to climb up to Jiao Heng, the big boss.

"Yun Lan, what are you doing out here?"

At this time, someone behind him suddenly asked. [

Hearing this voice, Yun Lan felt a sense of irritability.

master of this voice.It is a girl named You Rongrong among the 37 girls.

Among all the 37 girls, this You Rongrong is probably the only one whose breasts are bigger than Yunlan's, and her appearance is also extraordinarily cute and beautiful.

But Yun Lan never regarded her as her opponent.

Because this You Rongrong is completely the true portrayal of the words "chest and brain".

For a while, Yunlan thought that her IQ was all developed on her breasts.

Only 16 years old this year and have breasts of that size?

It makes other women feel like screaming...

Fortunately, her mind is really not working, almost to the point of being stupid.

She even naively thought that the group of 37 girls was really like what the dance teacher said, a big group that loves each other, and she didn't seem to feel the secret competition in it at all.

Yun Lan also thought about forming an alliance with her, relying on the advantage of their breasts.How can there be a huge advantage.

In the early stage of training, she also made friends with her with this goal.

But slowly she gave up on this plan.

For this stupid woman with a chest and a brain, she now only has a slow disgust.

However, You Rongrong didn't know it, and regarded her as his best friend...

It's really funny and silly.

"What do you want me to do?" Yun Lan said angrily, and walked to the dance classroom.

Then she thought of something, so she stopped slightly and said to You Rongrong in a commanding tone, "By the way, I'm going to use the room tonight, so you can find a way to go out to stay at night, and don't come back to me before twelve o'clock. You know Yet?"

You Rongrong was slightly surprised: "Yunlan, what are you going to do tonight?"

"Why do you care so much?"


You Rongrong had no choice but to nod.

Yun Lan snorted, and walked into the dance classroom.

You Rongrong seemed to think of something on that cute and cute face, she frowned slightly, as if she was worried, but then she shook her head again, and hurriedly followed into the classroom.


"Boom, boom!"

The continuous sound of beating continuously came from a certain room in the villa.

Ye Chui continued to build a set of recording equipment.

this device.Ye Chui naturally wanted to forge it into a magic weapon.

"Originally, I just planned to make the device into something that can record, but it seems a bit too monotonous for just recording. I also want to add a function to this magic weapon. That is video recording!"

The video Ye Chui imagined can make this magic weapon have the ability similar to the phantom.

Real people can be allowed to shoot in this room, and various scenes can be simulated directly.

For example, if you want to shoot a war scene, you only need to use the illusion ability in this room to instantly create a scene of a huge army.

In doing so, Ye Chui also considered that Ye Shiyu and Wang Wenxue are real people, and if they want to make them big stars, some real-world efforts are still needed.

Even if there are recording facilities, it will be difficult to shoot the MV when the time comes.

And with this magic weapon, everything is naturally solved.

But in this way, suspicion also increases the difficulty of this magic weapon, but Ye Chui enjoys it.

Create a magic weapon.To him, it was like the most meaningful thing. Every magic weapon born in his hands would make him feel ecstasy from the bottom of his heart.

In this way, it was built until eleven o'clock in the evening before Ye Chui came out of the room.

He stretched his waist, feeling a little hungry, so he thought longingly: "I don't know what dinner Xiaoxue prepared..."

Recently, Yu Xue is learning to cook, because Ye Chui stays in the 4S shop every day to teach Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu.So the matter of eating can only be solved by Xiaoxue herself.

Fortunately, because of her cultivation, her mind has become very good. Although she didn't have any talent in this area, she really learned, and the food she cooked was still very delicious.

At least Wang Shiyu and Bai Xi liked her food very much.

Ye Chui was also looking forward to it, not knowing what kind of craftsmanship this girl is.


To Ye Chui's dismay, he walked out of the room and into the hall.However, he saw Yu Xuefangjing lying on the sofa with two children lying on the sofa like corpses, all of them looking slouch, and seeing Ye Chui coming out of the room, the three of them suddenly became excited: "Ye Chui, you finally come out Come on, let's cook!"

"Damn it..." Ye Chui burst into sweat, "You guys have been waiting for me to cook?"

"Yes, yes, brother Hammer cooks the best food." Wang Shiyu's little lolita's mouth was sweet.Immediately smiled and praised.

"Stop coming!" Ye Chui rolled his eyes, absolutely not listening to what this little thing said.

"Ye Chui, I'm so hungry." Fang Jing looked at Ye Chui with a weak face.

Yu Xue also acted like a baby: "I'm so hungry."

"..." Ye Chui rolled his eyes, he was convinced by these girls, and he didn't want to cook, so after thinking about it, he said, "I'll go to the city to buy some takeaway, just wait for me."

Saying so, Ye Chui left the villa in a flash and came to the sky above the wasteland.

His body was suspended in the air, and he waved his hand.He took out the magic weapon of the cave, that is, the stone.

After weighing it in his hand, Ye Chui took a deep breath, and then threw it towards the direction of downtown Xizhou with a whoosh.

The current owner of this magic weapon is Ye Chui.

Ye Chui can sense it no matter where it falls, so don't be afraid to lose it.

Most importantly, this stone is a magic weapon of space with amazing hardness.It is also impossible to play it casually.

Ye Chui threw it hard, and the force he used was huge. The stone broke through more than twenty times the speed of sound in an instant, faster than Zi's speed.There was a loud sonic boom in the air, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Ye Chui looked at the direction in which the stone disappeared and sensed it. It only took a few seconds for the stone to completely reach the edge of Xizhou city.

"Okay, that's it!"

With a flash of Ye Chui's figure, he returned to the villa from the portal in the middle of the wasteland.

Then his figure flashed, and he rushed out of the magic weapon again.

When coming out of Dongtian Villa, you can choose to go out through the portal, or you can choose to go out directly through this magic weapon.

The entrance and exit from the portal is fixed, but the magic weapon can be moved at will, and he can enter and exit wherever the magic weapon is.

Ye Chui throws the magic weapon, and the small stone can fly to the urban area faster, and Ye Zhi directly uses the characteristics of the cave magic weapon, enters the cave sky magic weapon through the portal, and then appears through the magic weapon, so Ye Chui He came directly to the place where the magic weapon of the cave was thrown away.

As soon as Pu appeared, Ye Chui stretched out his hand and grabbed the fast-flying little stone in his hand.

At this time, he had arrived in the urban area of ​​Xizhou City.

Taking advantage of people around, he quickly landed on a commercial street.

There are various restaurants on this commercial street, although it is already more than ten o'clock at night, they are still brightly lit.

Ye Chui found a restaurant, went in and bought something that Yu Xuefangjing and Bai Xi Wang Shiyu liked to eat, and finally walked back with a bunch of lunch boxes.

"Find someone's place and directly use the magic weapon to enter the cave."

Ye Chui then thought in his heart.

Strictly speaking, Yu Xue and others are being carried by Ye Chui now, and Ye Chui can bring takeaway food into the villa at any time.

Just trying to find a personal place to enter.

"There's no one around here."

Ye Chui walked into a small garden, this small garden was quiet, only a dim street lamp exuded a faint brilliance, surrounded by bushes, very secretive.

Ye Chui took out the stone and was about to hide and leave here.

Suddenly, a timid voice came to his ears: "Sir, you are not allowed to defecate casually here."

Damn it, who is it!

Ye Chui was startled immediately, and hurriedly looked around, and found a slightly pale face in the bushes next to him.

It was almost eleven o'clock, in a quiet small park, under the dim light, a woman with a pale face...

Fuck, the atmosphere of a complete horror movie.

Ye Chui's heartbeat accelerated involuntarily, and it took him a while to calm down.

This woman with a pale face should not be a ghost, if it is a ghost, then Ye Chui can feel the strength of his heart.

This is a person, but what are you doing squatting in the bushes at night?

Also, he just took out stones from his pocket just now, how could he defecate anywhere, he is very conscious, okay?

"Who are you?" Ye Chuiyu asked.

But this girl, you are squatting in the bushes at night, and you are the one who defecates everywhere, right?

"Xiaohua was accidentally trapped in here, I'm helping her get out of it." The girl stood up as she spoke, holding a big wild cat in her arms.

This kind of night cat is very fierce, with a fierce light in its eyes, usually people dare to provoke it, but it is very strange, it is very quiet when held in this girl's arms, without struggling, but its eyes stare at it with a faint light. With leaves hanging.

"So you were helping this cat." Ye Chui said, but his eyes suddenly became a little straight, and he looked at the girl's chest with a little surprise.

Fuck, girl, did you grow up drinking milk...

The boobs are also magnificent.

Seeing that she will not be more than 17 years old at most, she has developed so well?

This t-shirt on her seems to be a little tight-even a looser t-shirt will be tight to her.

When she picked up the cat, the cat's small head was almost buried in her great chest.

"Uncle, it's wrong to defecate anywhere." The girl seemed to be struggling with Ye Chui's wanting to defecate anywhere just now, and reminded her seriously.

"Uh... I didn't want to urinate anywhere." Ye Chui said with a straight face, afraid that the girl would not believe it, he added, "Really."

The big-breasted girl looked hesitant, but in the end she chose to trust Ye Chui, and said, "I'm really sorry uncle, I didn't mean to remind you."

Saying so, she hugged the big wild cat she called Xiaohua and planned to walk to the cool chair beside her, and she was still yelling slogans to herself. The wild cat seemed to weigh at least ten catties.

Suddenly, her body swayed and fell to the side involuntarily.

"Be careful!" Ye Chui hurried over to support the girl, frowned and said, "Are you sick? You seem to be very weak."

"I'm not sick..." The girl with big breasts paled and shook her head, "I'm hungry."


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