I saw a girl in a small park at night, she was well dressed, she didn't look like a homeless person, but she almost fainted because of her hunger?

Ye Chui helped her to sit down on a chair beside her, and then asked in some words: "Why are you so hungry? Are you losing weight?"

"No." The big-breasted girl said in a soft voice. She was weak and half leaned on Ye Chui's body, and the big wild cat in her arms was nestled on her legs.

"Then why are you so hungry? It's all this time, why are you outside?" Ye Chui continued to ask a little bit.

"My roommate has something to do tonight and asked me to wait until twelve o'clock before going back. I came out in a hurry and forgot to bring my wallet, so I had to stay here in the park now." The big-breasted girl said staggeringly .

Ye Chui sat beside her and supported her, otherwise she might just fall to the ground...

What is it like to be hungry?

"How could your roommate be like this? And you won't go back if she doesn't let you go back?" Ye Chui said with some regret.

"Yun Lan, she has something important to do. How can I disturb her." The big-breasted girl continued, her voice was full of loveliness. [

Just this brief contact, Ye Chui can feel that this girl is a good girl with a kind heart who always considers others.

But the Yun Lan she was talking about must not be a good bird. As a roommate, he actually kicked her out and stipulated that she can't go back at twelve o'clock?

"What smell?" The big-breasted girl suddenly moved her body, and then her small nose sniffed around, "It smells so good."

talking.Her eyes looked faintly at the lunch box Ye Chui was carrying in one hand.

Not exaggerating, the corners of her mouth were drooling.

"..." Ye Chuida rolled his eyes, took out a tissue to help her wipe, then took out the sumptuous lunch box and put it on the bench, "I just went to get a takeaway, and the food is still hot, if you are hungry .Just eat it quickly."

"Can I eat it?" The girl with big breasts opened her eyes and looked at Ye Chui gratefully.

"Eat it, eat it, it's okay, at worst, I'll buy another one later." Ye Chui said with a smile.

This girl gave people a feeling that they couldn't bear to see her suffer.

"Then... thank you, you are really a good person." The big-breasted girl looked grateful, and then eagerly ate.

The way she eats is very delicate, even if she is starving and devouring food now, she will definitely not make people feel disgusted.

And she was eating.Not forgetting the night owl around him, he used the lid of a plastic lunch box to put some food and put it aside.

The big cat named Xiaohua immediately followed Xiangxiang to eat.

When doing this kind of thing, she seemed to be afraid that Ye Chui would be unhappy, so she even showed a sweet smile to Ye Chui.

Ye Chui nodded with a smile, indicating that he didn't care. [

"Is this your cat?" Ye Chui pointed to the big cat.

"No, Xiao Hua is a wild cat living in this park." The big-breasted girl explained. "Yunlan forbids me to keep pets in the room. Fortunately, I live relatively close to here, so I can visit it every day and bring it food."

"..." It was her roommate again. From what she said, that roommate of hers seemed to be very bad.

Of course, this is also someone else's business, and Ye Chui won't meddle in such nosy matters.

It's quite cute to watch her eat.

Ye Chui smiled and asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is You Rongrong." The big-breasted girl said.

"You Rongrong..." Ye Chui couldn't help but said when he heard the name. "Tolerance is a virtue?"

"Hehe." You Rongrong raised his head and glanced at Ye Chui and said, "My manager saw that my breasts are particularly big, and my surname is You, so that's why he gave me the name You Rongrong."

"..." Ye Chui has a feeling of language, it really is You Rong's grandma.

Suddenly, Ye Chui was taken aback again: "Your manager? Are you a celebrity?"

"It doesn't count now." You Rongrong said with a smile, "But I am currently participating in training, and I will debut soon. Our combination will definitely be very popular by then, and we can also hit it off with a hit. famous."

When saying these words, You Rongrong had a proud expression on his face, as if he was very confident in his words.

"Hehe. Is that so?" Ye Chui smiled, and became more curious in his heart, "Your group? What's the name of your group?"

"Our group hasn't officially decided on the name yet." You Rongrong said with a smile, "But our group consists of 37 girls!"

"37!?" Ye Chui was surprised, so many girls formed a group?

Is this Japan's kb?

Ye Chui is more interested. Apart from the big breasts that are impressive at a glance, You Rongrong is also very cute. This kind of cuteness is a kind of cute feeling, very attractive, at least for Ye Chui It has a lot of lethal power...

"She already has her own agency, if not, I would really like her to join my Tianhammer Film and Television Company..." Ye Chui thought in his heart.

Thinking of this, he asked casually, "Brother... Oh no, You Rongrong, what is the brokerage company you joined?"

"Jiaoyang Film and Television Company." You Rongrong replied casually while eating.

These things are not secret, and she doesn't have to hide them.

"Jiaoyang Film and Television Company!?" Ye Chui was shocked.

Damn, isn't this a scorching company! ?

Such a good girl turned out to be a celebrity signed by the rival company, Ye Chui shook his head, feeling rather depressed.

"Oh, it can't be done!" You Rongrong suddenly stopped after eating half of it, and said with a sad face, "I must strictly control my diet, otherwise I will gain weight."

As a star, the diet must be strictly controlled.

However, although You Rongrong said that he didn't want to eat it, when he looked at the delicious food on the bench, his mouth was drooling in disappointment...

"Eat, it's okay to eat more once or twice once in a while." Ye Chui had no choice but to remind, seeing how eager this girl was...

Obviously, You Rongrong is a girl who has no self-control, and she really let go when Ye Chui provoked her like this.

It must have been a long time since this girl ate so happily.

She ate most of the takeaway that originally served five people in a blink of an eye, and finally she patted her stomach and sat on the bench with a satisfied face.

At this time, she seemed to have finally thought of the most important question: "Oh, no, I... I ate your food, but I have no money with me."

"Hehe, this meal is my treat for you." Ye Chui said with a smile, naturally he didn't care about it.

"How can I do it..." You Rongrong was quite entangled with this point, she thought about it, and then thought of something: "Is this good, how about I give you a performance?"

"Performing?" Ye Chui was taken aback.

"That's right, that's right, I learned a new song today, it's very nice." You Rongrong nodded.

"Hehe, since you said that, then fine." Ye Chui also said with an admiring attitude.

Seeing Ye Chui's agreement, You Rongrong was very happy. She felt sorry for eating Ye Chui's food, so she wanted to use performances to repay Ye Chui.

I saw her bouncing up and down to the side of the street lamp, first did some stretching exercises, and then she was about to start performing.

This is obviously a song with a dance.

You Rongrong jumped a few times first, the movements were full of movement.

Of course, the two lumps of soft flesh on the chest were even more dynamic, jumping violently.

Ye Chui also watched with a smile, pleasing to the eye.

The tabby cat, Xiaohua, was also full, jumped onto the bench, and nestled directly on Ye Chui's legs.

As a wild cat, it is rarely so friendly with people, but Ye Chui provided delicious food, which obviously changed its attitude towards Ye Chui a lot, and Ye Chui also felt very interesting, with one hand on the big tabby cat Caressing slowly.

There was a smile on Ye Chui's face. After listening to You Rongrong's dynamic dance, he began to sing, and then his smile gradually froze.

"Fuck me, isn't this girl singing about rain and snow falling into the city..."

In the past few days, Ye Chui has been helping Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu to get familiar with this song, and he is very familiar with the melody of this song.

Hearing You Rongrong sing the first line, Ye Chui has already confirmed that this is the melody of rain and snow.

"No, it's slightly different."

Ye Chui felt something again, the melody of this song seemed to have been slightly modified.

"Could it be a coincidence?" Ye Chui thought again, but he shook his head again, "If it's a coincidence, it's too coincidental... Besides, You Rongrong is from Jiao Heng's company, so it's too coincidental to call it a coincidence." Reluctantly, then there is only one possibility, the song score of Allure of Rain and Snow has been leaked?"

Ye Chui's mind turned, thinking about the connection.

It's not that hard to figure out what's going on.

Only Ye Chuiyu Xue Wang Wenxue, Ye Shiyu An Le'er and two little lolitas have seen the song score of Yuxue Qingcheng.

And the only person who could let Jiao Heng get in touch with this song score is... An Le'er.

The relationship between An Leer and Yang Shanshan, as well as the relationship between Yang Shanshan and Jiao Heng, made Ye Chui quickly think that this song score was probably passed on through An Leer.

"Damn it, they actually stole this song and made some lame adaptations. It seems that they intend to publish this song before us!" Ye Chui's face became gloomy, could he be more shameless?

However, the causal cycle in the world is really wonderful, and he happened to meet Wu Rongrong and knew about it in advance - if Ye Chui knew, the reason why he met You Rongrong here was because of You Rongrong Roommate Yun Lan wants to have sex with Jiao Heng, then Ye Chui will definitely marvel at the wonder of karma and fate...

"I have to find a way to make some remedies!"

Ye Chui watched You Rongrong's performance, and then thought in his heart.

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