Ye Chui practiced the Calcining Heart Sutra, and when he reached the tenth level, he could comprehend the power of time. The power of this time is the perception of time, which can penetrate the future and the past, and even directly travel through time and space.

In some respects, the Calcining Heart Sutra is definitely the most miraculous skill in the world, forging into Taoism, one can reach the miraculous state of opening up the world.

While in the cultivation world, Ye Chui had already comprehended the power of time and controlled this magical power.

But at that time, he didn't use it at will, because he knew that the terrible consequences of this power would cause unavoidable chaos.

Reborn in this world, he in the future controls this power, but sends a girl from the future into the past, which seems unimaginable to Ye Chui.

Is this intentional to cause space-time chaos?

Because of Ye Shiyu's intrusion, the time Ye Chui is experiencing now has deviated greatly from the original one, just like You Rongrong.Originally, it was impossible for Ye Chui to have any interaction with this girl, but now, this girl is sleeping in the room next to Ye Chui.

Ye Shiyu returned to the past from the future, obviously he was instructed by the future, what to do, how could this be...

"I hope that the future me will have a sense of all this."


Two days have passed since the dna test.

Ye Shiyu fell asleep in the early morning of that day and only woke up at noon. After that, she seemed to have completely forgotten about the dna and returned to normal.

Of course, Ye Chui could feel that a trace of deep worry would appear in this girl's eyes from time to time...

Noon today.

Ye Chui sat cross-legged in the wasteland, with a look of urgency on his face, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

In front of him, the magic weapon of the cave was floating in front of him, and rays of light continuously permeated the stone, which was incomparably moving.

Keeping this action has lasted for nearly half a day.

At a certain moment, Ye Chui's tightly closed eyes opened suddenly, and he shouted in surprise: "It's done!"

The damaged second formation in this magic weapon was finally repaired by Ye Chui!

At the same time, Ye Chui felt that the space inside the magic weapon of the cave was also expanding, as if an extremely violent earthquake was happening in the cave, and it felt like opening up the world.

In fact, this is indeed a situation where heaven and earth have opened up—the original space of [-] cubic meters is constantly spreading.

The void shattered, and chaos opened.

Rapid geographical expansion.

It didn't stop until it expanded to 50 cubic meters!

It was actually a thousand times larger than before!

"One million cubic meters, the entire space is 100 meters high, 50 meters long, and 1000 meters wide, which is equivalent to 100 square meters and 150 acres of geographical space!" Ye Chui inspected the entire interior of the Tongtian magic weapon.

The original villa was expanded, and there was a lot of space.

Ye Chui entered the space, excluding the villa, the rest of the area was more than 140 mu, which was at least five times larger than the wasteland outside.

"The car race is multiplying faster and faster, and the inside of this magic treasure is just right for me to transfer all the car races to the magic weapon!" Ye Chui thought in his heart as he looked at the space inside the winter magic weapon.

Now that the second array has been repaired, Ye Chui can open a total of five portals on this magic weapon.

These five portals can be opened anywhere.

But up to now, only two portals have been opened, one is high in the sky, receiving sunlight and air, and the other is placed in the wasteland as a portal for Yu Xue and others to enter and exit.Ye Chui wanted to let the car race live in this magical treasure in the future, so he opened another portal at this time, but put this portal underground, connecting to the oil well in the middle of the wasteland.

The car race created by Ye Chui needs to rely on devouring oil as energy, and connects the oil well to the cave to allow the car race to reproduce normally.

Then Ye Chui controlled the magic weapon again, collected a lot of soil and scattered it on the ground.

This magic weapon of the cave is surrounded by chaos in all directions. Chaos does not exist. It is a kind of space isolation. Standing on it is like standing in the void.

It's certainly not for life.

Ye Chui absorbed a large amount of soil and scattered it inside, accumulating a soil layer at least five meters thick, and then he gave up. At the same time, he transplanted a lot of flowers, plants and trees in it, and in a blink of an eye, the place became a greenery. trees garden.

Ye Chui even set up some fire formations in a part of the garden to absorb the essence of sunlight and transform them into traces of fire essence, making this place a place to raise spirits for the magic weapon of fire, which is more suitable for steel. Egg group life.

At this point, the inside of this magic weapon has taken on a completely new look, as if it is in a world in a fairy tale.

The ground is paved with greenery, and flowers and plants are overgrown.

The fringe area is the key habitat of the steel egg and other ethnic groups.

On one side of this garden, there is a villa rising from the ground.

This villa is naturally the villa designed by Yu Xue before. With the expansion of the space, this villa is completely read.

After doing all this, Ye Chui took control of the magic weapon of the cave, and with a wave of his hand, he immediately put away all the cars wandering around in the wasteland. The next moment, the cars appeared in the magic weapon of the cave.

The unfamiliar environment made the lives of these cars more joyful, and they kept running and frolicking.

When Ye Chui repaired the array before, in order to prevent danger, Yu Xue and others stayed outside, and now the door is naturally opened, allowing a few girls to re-enter.

The villa is still the original villa, the difference is that there is an extra back door, leading to the heavenly grass garden.

"It's like a fairy tale world here!" Wang Shiyu, the little girl, liked it the most, and rushed out with a trot all the way.

The flowers, plants and trees are all available, and some of the flowers and plants transplanted by Ye Chui are directly removed from the surface, keeping the most complete surface of the surface, and the most important thing is that even some butterflies were caught.

Looking up at the sky, the sky is bright and blue, and this space directly leads to the sky, and the connection is naturally the bluest sky.

The whole place here is beautiful, like a fairyland on earth.

Yu Xuewang Wenxue, Ye Shiyu, Fang Jing, You Rongrong and other girls are naturally also full of joy.

It's just that Bai Xi seems to have some feelings, walking around.

Ye Chui walked to her side, and said in a warm voice: "Your group should be sealed in the depths of this magic weapon. There are seven damaged formations of this magic weapon. Now I only repair the first two. I guess, at least You also need to repair the five formations before you can unseal your people."

Hearing Ye Chui's words, Bai Xi showed a trace of excitement on his face, and looked up at Ye Chui with a small face: "Thank you, master."

"Since I have concluded a master-servant agreement with you now, it is natural for me to help you fulfill these wishes." Ye Chui patted the head of the little cat demon lightly, "Be happy and go play with Xiao Shiyu go."

Bai Xi nodded immediately, and then ran over to chase the butterfly with Xiao Shiyu.

After all, Bai Xi's spiritual intelligence is only a five or six-year-old girl, and it's easy for her to play with Wang Shiyu who is the same age.

The cars in the distance are also chasing each other, and the laughter is endless, making this place a joyous one.

But in such an atmosphere, Yu Xue's angry shout suddenly sounded: "Despicable and shameless!"

"What's wrong?" Ye Chui walked to Yu Xue's side curiously.

"These people are shameless and slanderously!" Yu Xue pointed to the tablet in her hand and said angrily.

This girl has been paying attention to everything about Tianhammer Video recently, and she seems to regard herself as the person in charge of the station, as well as the manager of Wang Wenxue, You Rongrong, Shiyu, Bai Xi and others.

Every day, she will also dutifully browse some comments and information about relevant websites on the Internet.

But just now, when Yu Xue was lying in the blue sky and green grass feeling extremely relaxed, she picked up the trial version of the Tianhammer tablet computer made by Ye Chui and searched casually, but suddenly saw some videos attacking Tianhammer speech appeared.

These remarks were not one or two, but appeared densely on the Internet in an instant. Almost every large-scale news release station, and some active forum post bars, had such commentary news popping up.

"The Tianhammer video is simply a silver, filthy, pornographic website. The videos in it are not suitable for children. Such a website is not worthy of appearing on the Internet, and should be blocked immediately!"

"It is recommended that the relevant departments strictly control the appearance of similar websites. Such websites are simply corrupting customs. It is a misfortune for our country to have such websites!"

"According to the remarks of sociology expert xxx, the emergence and popularization of Tianhammer video will cause the regression of our society!"

"Today, a certain teenager in xx City died suddenly at home. According to the forensic examination, the teenager died suddenly of a heart attack caused by excessive masturbation. What was playing on the computer screen before his death was the picture of the ambiguous prophet of Tianhammer video."

"Countless parents questioned, how can such a website that spreads pornography be legalized?"

"According to the investigation of the editor of this site, although Tianhammer Video has only a few video works, each of them is very unscrupulous, especially the TV series "Ambiguous Prophet" is a cancer that endangers society!"

"Strictly protest, block the Tianhammer video, at least diversify the videos on this site, and avoid leading our country's teenagers astray!"


Numerous similar remarks have sprung up on the Internet like mushrooms after rain.

Obviously, this is the plan that Jiao Heng and several other bigwigs in the entertainment industry in Xizhou secretly discussed and decided to implement against Ye Chui a few days ago.

Most of the videos on Tianhammer Video are ambiguous and pornographic. In China, this is enough to cause huge pressure.

——This is the point of pressure that Jiao Heng found! (To be continued.)

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