"Hmph, what can Ye Chui do this time!?" In the office of Jiaoyang Film and Television Company, Jiao Heng browsed the news with a proud face. .

Through the operation of him and several other bigwigs in the entertainment industry, countless media attacked Ye Chui.

The pressure of public opinion is enormous. Even though some relevant departments had let Ye Chui go, under such huge pressure of public opinion, they had to impose some sanctions on him.

Of course, the Tianhammer video is so popular now, it is much more popular than any potato or tomato, so it is a pity that it was shut down like this.

The huge video revenue of this site is quite exciting.

Therefore, when creating public opinion, Jiao Heng and other big bosses quietly left a glimmer of hope: If the videos played by this video station are diverse, it would be fine, but if they are all videos of this kind of ambiguous style, then it is big guilty.

The implication is that as long as Ye Chui can enrich the types of videos, that's fine, but videos with the style of ambiguous prophets are absolutely not acceptable.

According to the plan of Jiao Heng and others, at this time they sell their film and television works to Ye Chui and let Ye Chui put them on the video station, then Ye Chui must be wishing for it.

The phone rang, Jiao Heng glanced at it, and connected it: "Hey, how is it, the pressure point I found is not bad, right?"

"It's really good. This incident has already caused a huge response in the online society." Zhong Xiang's voice came from the other side of the phone.

Zhong Xiang and Jiao Heng have always been a bit uncomfortable and often quarreled, but when these interests are involved, the two will put aside their prejudices and cooperate carefully.

Make money first.

Zhong Xiang went on to say: "I have already made a list of TV series and movies here, let's sum up and communicate with that boy Ye Chui."

"No rush." ​​Jiao Heng said indifferently, "Let's wait a few days and wait until he is in a hurry. Then we can earn more benefits from our cooperation with him, and maybe we can even blackmail him. Some shares!"

If Ye Chui disobeys the club, the club will definitely clear him up. It would be great if the video station could be completely occupied before this.

Zhong Xiang pondered for a moment and then agreed: "Okay, this kid won't eat a toast, let him drink the fine wine when the time comes, and put some of our film and television dramas on his website for sale, which is also to give him face!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiao Heng also had a smug expression on his face.

The episode of Ambiguous Prophet has more than 500 million hits, and the download of Ambiguous is more than ten million. If the film and television dramas produced by his Jiaoyang Film and Television Company are also put on it, these film and television dramas may be able to create secondary income and be able to Earn a lot of money.

Thinking about it, I think this is a very beautiful thing.

"The current Ye Chui is probably like an ant on a hot pot. He has no brains?" Afterwards, he laughed triumphantly, "Hey, unless he can come up with countless other works at once, Otherwise he will be planted!"


"It must be because they were jealous of us standing so hot, so they united to punish us!" Yu Xue was very angry these two days, and had directly broken three Sky Hammer Tablets made by Ye Chui.

Thanks to the high quality of the tablets developed by Ye Chui, Yu Xue only broke three of them, and it would take more than a dozen of them to replace them with ordinary tablets.

At this moment, Yu Xue was full of anger, but Ye Chui, who was sitting beside her, had a calm expression on his face, and even a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Ye Chui, why aren't you angry at all?" Ye Chui's behavior made Yu Xue unhappy, and she was so angry that she was going to run away. How could Ye Chui be so calm?

"It's useless for you to be angry like this." Ye Chui said with a faint smile, "They might be happy when they are angry."

"You're right." Yu Xue nodded approvingly, and then she asked Ye Chui again, "Then who are the ones who are against us? Let's go find them trouble, relying on the relationship between the two of us now Cultivation, I'm afraid there is no one in this world to challenge us, right?"

"..." Hearing Yu Xue's words, Ye Chui immediately rolled his eyes and said, what the hell, does this girl want to form a male and female twin with him to harm the world?

"Don't think about it." Ye Chui rubbed Yu Xue's head and explained: "You also know that it is the entire entertainment industry that is against us now, do you want to beat them all up one by one?"

Yu Xue's mouth bulged, still looking puzzled.

Ye Chui shook his head and continued: "Their pressure from public opinion is probably trying to force me to submit, let me shut down the video station, or let me agree to cooperate with them and let their works be sold on our website .”

Ye Chui knows the way of doing this very well. Although people like Jiao Heng are members of the club, the role of the club is to bring together all the members of the entertainment industry. This kind of cohesion does not bring much to the club. power.

If the power is really overwhelming, the Tianhammer video station can be shut down directly, and there is no need to engage in the current public opinion pressure.

However, from the information that is circulating on the Internet, it can be seen that they still have a glimmer of hope for Tianhammer Video. I am afraid that the attention they paid is to sell their works on Tianhammer Video.

Ye Chui is very clear about these things, and it is also because of this that he is so calm now.

He explained these doorways to Yu Xue, and Yu Xue soon understood.

In fact, with Yu Xue's current cultivation base, her intelligence is not low, but she has been completely dizzy in the past two days and didn't think so much.

Ye Chui got it right, and then said happily to Ye Chui: "Then won't it be easy? There are at least ten TV dramas in the virtual entertainment industry, and they are all original TV dramas. Not only ambiguous themes, but also business wars, history, fantasy and other types, if we release these TV series, then we can shut them up immediately."

"That's right." Ye Chui nodded, "But I've been waiting for these two days, and I'm actually waiting for the completion of a cartoon."

"Cartoon?" Yu Xue was stunned for a moment, "What cartoon?"

"It's the little cat demon and the little witch. Wang Shiyu and Bai Xi are the theme songs for this song." Ye Chui explained, "This cartoon is entirely for children, and each episode will tell a It makes sense, but it is completely different from those domestic cartoons, full of fun, and not as mentally handicapped as those cartoons like Xitaiyang. The first part of this cartoon has a total of [-] episodes. I plan to wait The [-] episodes are finished and put together on the website. The first episode can be watched for free, and the second and third episodes will start charging. With this cartoon, those opposing public opinions will certainly be defeated. "

For cartoons, Yu Xue basically has no love, but she has watched an episode of The Little Cat Demon and the Little Witch, and she still enjoyed watching it at the time. Thinking about it carefully, Yu Xue's eyes lit up immediately: "If this If it is a cartoon, it will definitely cause a sensation, and now those public opinions on the Tianhammer video will definitely be self-defeating, hehe, this is more interesting than directly hitting them in the face."

After a pause, Yu Xue hurriedly asked again: "Then how long will it take for this cartoon to be produced?"

"Soon, it should be done tonight. I have asked Ozawa to put the trailer of this cartoon on the homepage of Tianhammer Video, and the [-] episodes will be launched at the same time in the evening. Starting from this cartoon, every day after that, A new TV series will be released, and the categories are naturally impeccable, so it will be enough to make everyone shut up." Ye Chui said with a faint smile.

Such things as public opinion are actually not harmful to Ye Chui at all. Since they direct the public opinion to Ye Chui, then Ye Chui will find a way to block the public opinion.

Even if he doesn't have the ability to develop new dramas, with Ozawa's help, Ye Chui can still call the wind and rain on the Internet.

It's just that doing so is treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. Even if Ozawa's ability is used to create favorable public opinion, some people will still be skeptical.

And Ye Chui came up with several new dramas one after another to balance everyone's bad feelings about the Tianhammer video.

Just this afternoon.

An Le'er received a call from Jiao Yang Film and Television Company, which was from Jiao Heng's secretary.

"Miss An, our boss hopes to meet you and have a meal together." On the phone, the secretary said respectfully.

"What's the matter?" An Le'er had obtained Ye Chui's ward in advance, so she knew how to deal with it.

"Discuss about uploading our company's film and television dramas on your Tianhammer video." The secretary said with a smile, and then he added, "By the way, for dinner tonight, we will also be attending the xxx film and television company xxx from xxx, xxx from xxx film and television production company, and..."

The secretary mentioned a series of people, and these people belonged to the existence in the entertainment industry who could call the wind and rain.That said, the meaning is already very obvious, just to let An Leer understand that the dinner tonight is a big meeting, if An Leer refuses, the consequences will be very serious.

"I'm sorry, I already have an appointment tonight." An Le'er refused with a smile. She felt very proud in her heart. She didn't even blink when she refused when so many big bosses united to invite her to dinner. How amazing, a strong woman ah.

"What?" The secretary was obviously taken aback, and he hastily emphasized, "Do you know what the consequences of refusal are?"

"I know, but what's the relationship?" An Le'er smiled lightly, and said in a calm voice, "By the way, Ye Chui has something I want you to pass on to Mr. Jiao, and I hope Mr. Jiao can pay attention to it tonight. Tianhammer video, there is a surprise." (To be continued.)

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