The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

384 She is Too Dangerous for the Whole World

Ye Chui was just trying out his skills at this time, and he had completely mastered Zheng Ya's dragon-leading skill in a blink of an eye.

Yinlong Gong is a method of shedding the bodiless body and cultivating the truth.

Cultivation is driven by Yuanli, but this Yinlong Jue is driven by a breath of energy in the body.

It is a variant of cultivation.

Compared with cultivating the truth, Yinlong Gong is naturally not worth mentioning, but it gave Ye Chui a lot of enlightenment and pointed out a way for him.

At this time, Ye Chui was just testing his skills, so he directly took this set of weapons as his own.

Of course, this is also the reason why Yinlonggong is very simple. Compared with the cultivation method, Yinlonggong seems to be a weakened version of the cultivation method.

In just a few seconds, Ye Cui's eyes flashed brightly.

Here Zheng Ya is also concentrating and preparing to rush up again to join Ye Chuihuo.

But at this moment, Ye Chui took the first step, took three steps with both feet, and rushed to Zheng Ya in a blink of an eye, and slammed his left fist out.

This is an extremely difficult move in the dragon drawing technique, it is called "Three Steps of Bending the Dragon".

It is also the ultimate move of Yinlong Gong.

Zheng Ya used this trick just now, but unfortunately the power is difficult to control.

At this moment, Ye Chui used it suddenly, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly put his arms together in front of him.


Ye Chui's fist hit his hands directly, making a blunt bang.

Zheng Ya only felt a huge force coming from his arms, his arms were even more numb and painful, and his body fell backwards involuntarily, accompanied by an expression of incredible shock on his face.

He fell straight out of the dormitory, and then hit the wall on the other side of the corridor heavily before stopping, his eyes almost dull.

Ye Chui had already defeated him with this punch, but it was nothing. He had met too many masters and had been defeated countless times, but what made his eyes glaze over at this moment was that Ye Chui actually used the Dragon Inducing Kung Fu to kill him. The one who was defeated turned out to use his best kung fu to defeat him!

This is a shame.

"Introducing Dragon Kung Fu, how did you know how to do it?" Zheng Ya shouted loudly, with his hands hanging down weakly, the punch that Ye Chui gave just now was so powerful, his arm felt a burning pain, and he said Might have been broken.

"Is it unusual to be able to draw dragons?"

Ye Chui could feel the blow Zheng Ya received, and now that the child has been hit like this, Ye Chui is too embarrassed to tell him that in fact, he only learned the dragon drawing skill in a few minutes just now. .

Ye Chui walked up to Zheng Ya: "Among the Qianlong Group in Xizhou City, do you have the most prestige?"

"What do you want to do?" Zheng Ya's voice was cold, "That's right, I have the greatest prestige in Xizhou City, but it's impossible for you to get rid of Mu Xiaojie's arrest through me."

"You don't need to cancel it, you just need to help conceal her whereabouts." Ye Chui shrugged calmly, then turned to look at Ye Shiyu behind him.

Ye Shiyu was clever and quickly understood Ye Chui's plan. She walked over with a smile and put one hand on Zheng Ya's head.

At this time, the corridor outside the dormitory was empty, only Ye Chui, Ye Shi, Yu Mu Xiaojie and Zheng Ya, Bai Jingtian and five people.

"What are you going to do to me?" When Zheng Ya saw Ye Shiyu put his hand on his head, his face turned pale with fright, and he was about to struggle in a hurry, with one hand directly grabbing Ye Shiyu's arm.

"Don't move!" Ye Shiyu shouted softly, and casually swept Zheng Ya's arm lightly. Zheng Ya's face changed suddenly, and he felt as if his hand was completely broken, and he broke out in cold sweat.

Ye Shiyu's little hand had already touched his forehead.

"This guy's pre-consciousness firewall is very strong..." Ye Shiyu frowned, trying to access Zheng Ya's consciousness, but found that the other party's firewall was very strong.

"What are you going to do, brute force?" Ye Chui asked.

"If you crack it violently, this guy will probably become an idiot... I remember that you seemed to have made him an idiot in the original timeline." Ye Shiyu shook his head and said to Ye Chui, "It seems that it is because of him, you Later, a super powerful software was developed, which was tested by a few agents, and even a person with a strong defense can easily break through."

"Then you can use this software." Ye Chui said.

"No way." Ye Shiyu suddenly smiled at Ye Chui with a little embarrassment, "In the future, because I abused these consciousness software, you in the future will be very angry, so you will block part of my access rights."

"Then I can unlock these permissions now?" Ye Chui asked suspiciously.

Ye Shiyu nodded: "You in the future set that only he can unlock the permissions. The current you and the future you are naturally exactly the same. Of course, you can unlock my permissions."

"Then what do I need to do?" Ye Chui continued to ask.

"Visit my consciousness, and I will show you the sealed software library." Ye Shiyu said with a smile, with a bit of expectation in her eyes. It is obvious that the part sealed by the future Ye Chui is very important. powerful.

"Okay!" Ye Chui didn't hesitate, and immediately put his hand on Ye Shiyu's little head.

Because Ye Shiyu took the initiative to let Ye Chui visit her, she opened the access authority, and easily accessed her consciousness.

Under the operation of Ye Chui's sky hammer system, the human brain will automatically organize into three kinds of files: memory files, consciousness software, and viruses.

But obviously, in the future, Ye Chui raised the level of consciousness system and added many various functions.

For example, Ye Shiyu, after Ye Chui visited her consciousness, he found that besides memory files and consciousness software, there are other types of existence.

Such as software database.

The software database contains a variety of software, some of which are locked and others are open.

In order to practice songs for Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu before, Ye Chui downloaded the piano master's consciousness software from Ye Shiyu. The piano master is directly stored in this database and is open.

Ye Chui wanted to enter the sealed part of this database, but immediately encountered a permission problem: "Please show your identity certificate."

"Proof of identity?" Ye Chui was puzzled, how to prove his identity in this kind of interview?

"Identity..." Ye Chui thought for a moment, and suddenly his heart moved, and then he said a name.

Hearing this name, a reply came from the database stored in Ye Shiyu's consciousness: "Identity certificate passed."

Then, Ye Chui successfully accessed the database.

"Sure enough, in this world, no matter in the past or in the future, it is impossible for me to tell others about my origin, so my name in the cultivation world is only known to me, and I use this name to prove my identity." The identity couldn't be more suitable, but..." Ye Chui changed his mind and thought again, "Using this name as identity verification, it seems... this verification is the future me to verify for the present me?"

Ye Chui felt strange, his consciousness had already accessed into this database.

But as soon as Ye Chui's consciousness entered it, he suddenly felt a whirlwind.

"Not good!" Ye Chui was startled, and immediately wanted to withdraw his consciousness.

His subconscious reaction was that there was a problem with his identity verification, which triggered some switches in Ye Shiyu, and his consciousness was in danger.

However, Ye Chui soon discovered that it was not the case.

His consciousness was cut off from his body, but he didn't feel hard.

He found himself standing in a dark room.

"where is this place?"

Ye Chui, or Ye Chui's consciousness looked around.

"This is a secret data repository specially created by me in Shi Yu's body." A voice rang in Ye Chui's ear.

It is said that it sounds, but it is actually more like a kind of communication of consciousness.

Ye Chui immediately looked to the side, and was taken aback, "Are"

"That's right, I'm you." The future version of Ye Chui said with a smile.

The future Ye Chui is naturally very similar to Ye Chui, but his appearance is a bit older, and there is an extra scar on his face, which makes Ye Chui's originally rather ordinary face a bit harsher.

"Did you lure me here on purpose?" Ye Chui asked, frowning.

The future Ye Chui has set up a mechanism in Ye Shiyu's head. As long as the current Ye Chui accesses this database, it will immediately trigger this mechanism, allowing Ye Chui to meet the future Ye Chui—of course, this should not be the future Ye Chui Ye Chui, but a thought.

After Ye Chui comprehends the power of the heart, he can read out his own thoughts.

"That's right." The future Ye Chui said with a smile, "If I'm not wrong, you and Shiyu are staying in the dormitory of Xizhou University now, and you are planning to modify Zheng Ya's memory, right? "

"That's right." Ye Chui replied, although the person in front of him was his future self, Ye Chui still felt a little uncomfortable, as if... the present him was tricked by his future self.

"Do you know what the original timeline looked like?" the future Ye Chui asked with a smile.

"I don't want to know." Ye Chui shook his head and refused.

"Anyway, you've already planned to change the original timeline, so what's the use of refusing now?" The future Ye Chui sneered, "Since you decided to let Shiyu modify Zheng Ya's memory, you originally didn't want to interfere with the timeline. The idea has completely loosened up."

Ye Chui was silent. Indeed, when he chose to send Yu Xue and others back to the dormitory, but left Ye Shiyu behind, Ye Chui thought about using Ye Shiyu's ability.

This kind of help is more serious than Ye Chui's downloading of the piano master's software from Ye Shiyu before.

Downloading the piano master software and making Ye Chui a piano master, he will not use this ability to improve his status, but only use this ability to help Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu practice songs, which changes the timeline very little At least, even if Ye Chui can't become a piano master, he can find someone else who can play the piano to help Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu practice.

As for Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu's debut singing, it also has little impact on the timeline - in Ye Chui's plan, there will be countless stars in the virtual entertainment circle, and Ye Shiyu is not missing.

From the very beginning, Ye Chui deliberately made Ye Shiyu's influence on this world very little.

But things are different now.

Without the help of Ye Shiyu's ability, the Qianlong team would definitely not give up on Mu Xiaojie, and would continue to trouble Ye Chui in the future.

Maybe it will have some impact on Ye Chui's trip to the Territory of Chaos-this will definitely have a much greater impact on the timeline.

The future Ye Chui continued: "In the original timeline, in order to protect Xiaoling from other people's interference, you wanted to forcibly invade Zheng Ya's consciousness and modify his memory, but it turned out that the other party's subconscious firewall was too strong. Because, you can only brute force cracking. Brute force cracking will cause certain damage to the opponent's consciousness, and there is a certain possibility that the other party will become an idiot. As a result, this Zheng Ya has become an idiot. He is the old instructor of the dragon bone group, that is, Zheng Father Feng's godson, you made Zheng Ya an idiot, and made the old instructor furious, Qianlong team started to deal with you specifically because of this, and even Zheng Feng was imprisoned... This Zheng Ya is the one who completely broke up with Qianlong team The key point. Your current Tianchui Film and Television Skyhammer car and the upcoming Skyhammer mobile phone all rely on the help of the Qianlong Team, and without the Qianlong Team, your life will be completely different."

In the future, Ye Chui told what would happen without Ye Shiyu.

Ye Chui continued to remain silent, he knew that what his future self said was true.

In fact, although Ye Chui was reborn in this world, his personality is still similar to that in the cultivation world, and he has a great risk factor, and he doesn't want to be bound by the rules and regulations of this world.

And the consequence of this character is that many of Ye Chui's actions lack consideration and are prone to taking risks.

In the original timeline, his making Zheng Ya an idiot was the result of impulsiveness.

"Why are you telling me this now? Let me change the timeline?" Ye Chui then asked his future self.

"No." The future Ye Chui suddenly sent a sad thought, "Although we understand the power of time in the cultivation world, we don't understand the nature of the power of time at all... the timeline cannot be changed. of."

"It's impossible to change the timeline?" Ye Chui was taken aback, wondering what his future self meant by saying that.

Impossible to change the timeline?

How could it be possible that the future him sent Ye Shiyu from the future to the present, which was originally a change, the timeline is completely different from the original timeline, how could it be impossible to change it?

Suddenly, a thought flashed in Ye Chui's mind, and he immediately understood: "Could it be that parallel universes really exist?"

"That's right!" the future Ye Chui agreed, "We have never discovered that every time we use the power of time to travel through time and space, we actually use the power of time to re-open another parallel time and space. If you kill me, I will not disappear as your future, because we are already two people in two parallel worlds, the power of time... is actually not the power of time travel, but the power of opening up the timeline."

Ye Chui felt a little shocked, and at the same time was even more puzzled: "Since the timeline cannot be changed, why did you send Shiyu back?"

"It should be because of regret..." The future Ye Chui sighed, "The timeline I am in is hopeless, but I want to see another result. Of course, the most important reason is that I don't want poetry Rain stays in the timeline I'm in because she's too dangerous for the whole world." (To be continued.)

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