The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

385 Even possesses such a wonderful skill as xxoo!

"Is she too dangerous for the world?" Ye Chui was puzzled by his future self's words, but he soon understood what the future self was referring to, "Because Shi Yu is a member of the gods ?”

"That's right." The future Ye Chui nodded, "With the development of fate, something about her will gradually awaken, and I can only send her to a place where no one can find her in my world. In order to ensure that her awakening will not affect the world."

"Then what do you mean by sending her to this timeline?" Ye Chui couldn't help being a little annoyed, oh shit, this is sending trouble to him to cause harm.

"Don't be angry, sending her to you can end things before everything starts, and her risk factor will be much smaller." The future Ye Chui smiled slyly, "Besides, even if you still fail , Things have developed to that point, you can also follow me and send the two of them back to the past, it’s just another timeline, when we get enough four, we can drink tea and play mahjong when we find a chance.”

Ye Chui rolled his eyes, feeling speechless about his sense of humor in the future.

He continued to ask: "What exactly are you talking about, should it start from the Territory of Chaos?"

"That's right, I should have advised you not to go to the Territory of Chaos, but this matter is for Fang Jing's parents, you will definitely not agree, so I can only tell you to be careful." The future Ye Chui continued to think They exchanged, "You will discover the secrets of Wenxue and Shiyu in the Territory of Chaos. I guess you have guessed before that they are two ** cloned from the body of an ancient god by the Spirit Guard. The purpose is to allow the spirit defenders in the deep spiritual world to be reincarnated in the real world, and there are a total of [-] similar bodies plus Wen Xueshiyu—in fact, the clan of gods refers to them.”

Ye Chui had already prepared enough mentally for this guess, so he wasn't too surprised, but he was a little surprised: "They both come from the same body? I checked the DNA of the two, and there shouldn't be any blood relationship." right."

"What they inherited from that ancient god is only the god factor, and the other dna has been completely changed." The future Ye Chui said, "Using the body of that ancient god, they continue to clone and reproduce. has been changed to better suit the psychic energies of the individual Guardians."

"So that's how it is." Ye Chui wanted to understand what was the key, "The factors of the gods are the key to the reincarnation of the spirit defenders? Wenxue and Shiyu didn't awaken as spirit defenders because of the instability of the factors of the gods. The memory of them, they should have been put into the body made by the gods as an experiment, but they failed in the end, and their awakening is to stabilize the gods in their bodies and restore their memories. I want to Is it the key to prevent someone from unlocking the factors of the gods?"

"That's right." The future Ye Chui nodded, "To be precise, there is only one person in this world who can unlock the key to the factors of the gods, and that person is you."

"Me!?" Ye Chui was puzzled, but quickly thought of the reason, "Because... the ability of a craftsman?"

"Yes, the human body is also a magic weapon. You should already know this. The spirit defenders in the spiritual world do not have the support of the will of all living beings, so they can only clone their bodies for reincarnation, and you are the key to their reincarnation."

"Why did they reincarnate into the real world?"

"Many reasons, I think the most important one is that they want to wake up the gods and demons of the gods who were once sealed by their ancestors, the ancient gods, and the ancient fierce beasts such as green bulls are just the mounts of these gods and demons. That's all."

"So dragged?" In Ye Chu's mind, he thought of the blue bull monster that was dragged to the Pacific Ocean by Ye Shiyu in the form of a giant girl, and then he continued to ask, "Then what should I do?"

"The key to unlocking the factors of the gods, but don't let this key out." The future Ye Chui continued, "I think you have noticed that although Ozawa is evolving her body, her spirit and body cannot It is a perfect fusion, and the god factor can combine her body with spiritual energy. It can be said that the god factor is a catalyst that fuses spirit and body. You are about to master the key to this catalyst, but in my In the timeline, out of curiosity, I accidentally let Wen Xue touch this catalyst..."

Ye Chui was slightly taken aback. He had already vaguely felt that something might happen to Wang Wenxue in the future, so when Ye Shiyu returned to this timeline, he was very kind to Wang Wenxue. At this time, he couldn't help asking: "Wen Has the personality of the gods in Xue's body awakened?"

"That's right." The future Ye Chui suddenly sighed, "The thing I regret most in my life is that I killed her."

Ye Chui asked: "Who killed Wang Wenxue?"

"I said that I killed her. This is not a metaphor. I mean because I killed her myself." The future Ye Chui said with a sigh.

"You mean you had to kill her because she was awakened."

"That's right, I have never told Shi Yu about this matter. In Shi Yu's eyes, the one who killed her sister was a member of the gods, and I couldn't save her because I was injured secretly when I was fighting against Qingniu. Kill her sister. That's why she wanted to come back for revenge, but she never knew that I was the one who killed Wang Wenxue... I had to choose to do it, because if I didn't do that, Wenxue would become a fallen angel, Bringing a devastating disaster to the world. It's just that although I killed Wen Xue, Wen Xue, who has become a fallen angel, still passed on the secret of the gods to the people of the gods before he died. In a few years, I finally developed the secret of the gods factor, allowing the Lingshou army, or the gods to be reincarnated successfully, and the battle between me and this group of gods is about to begin."

"Battle, do you need help?" Ye Chui joked.

"Hey, I have no problem dealing with a group of biochemicals - I thought my million-dollar Transformers Legion is a vegetarian." Future Ye Chui said with a smile.

Obviously, ten years of evolution has brought about earth-shaking changes to the car group of Steel Egg. It is estimated that every citizen of Steel Egg can already have a humanoid form.

Ye Chui continued to ask: "In the future, what is the role of Hellfire? You seem to have never mentioned them."

This time the future fell silent, and he continued after a while: " just a joke."

"En?" Ye Chui was taken aback, what kind of evaluation is this?

"About hellfire, I can't tell you more for now, because you will definitely..." Ye Chui seemed to have difficulty thinking of any adjectives in the future, and he said after a while, "It will definitely hurt of."

"Eh..." Ye Chui didn't know what to say.

With such an awesome organization like Hellfire, the reason for their existence would actually hurt Ye Chui's egg?

"In short..." Ye Chui continued to talk about Dao in the future, "I know that the people in the Lingshou Army have mastered the ability to awaken Shiyu. Wenxue and Shiyu, after they awaken, one will become a fallen angel, and the other will become a Princess Youming, I don't want to antagonize Shiyu, that's why I sent her to the past."

Ye Chui fell silent, thinking of Wang Wenxue who was as lovely and pure as an angel, it was hard to believe that this girl would have a scary side.

There is also little Wang Shiyu, this little loli, who has a bit of a devilish aura but should be completely harmless in general, actually has a voluptuous soul hidden in her body.


The two really deserved to be true angels and devils.

"Fang Jing's parents, don't worry, they've been living a good life." Future Ye Chui continued, "Originally, you had to wait another week to set off for the Territory of Chaos, but as for the blueprint of the battleship, I put it directly into Shi Yu's consciousness, you can build a battleship now, and you can set off in three days."

"I didn't expect you to think so much." Ye Chui said.

"This can be regarded as my compensation for my past mistakes." The future Ye Chui said, "I have already told you what I should tell you. Ye Shiyu knows—hehe, you can be regarded as having the ability to predict the future."

Ye Chui felt that his thoughts in the future became weaker and weaker.

"One last reminder, beware of Bai Jingtian..." Future Ye Chui finally said.

After saying these words, the thought disappeared.

Ye Chui also felt that he had regained his consciousness, and his connection with his body was also restored.

At this time, his consciousness is accessing Ye Shiyu's consciousness, and he has unlocked the database of that software.

Looking at the database, there are various skill software densely stored.

In other words, this is a skill installation package, all kinds, cooking, driving, football, playing games... all kinds.

As long as one of the skills is taken out and installed in the consciousness, then this ability can be learned immediately.

Ye Chui glanced around and couldn't help sighing.

Fuck, he even has such a wonderful skill as xxoo!

After installing this kind of xxoo skill, you can immediately become the king of **...

"It seems very wise for me to lock up this database in the future. There are many things in it that are illegal, and Shi Yu must not learn them!"

Ye Chui thought.

The blockade of Ye Shiyu's database actually means that the database is installed with a password, even if Ye Shiyu accesses it, identity verification is required.

After Ye Chui visited, he could choose to turn off this identity verification, but after careful consideration, he decided to keep the function of identity verification—otherwise, with Ye Shiyu's devilish character, he might make a mistake. what's coming.

With the database of this consciousness software, it can be said to be omnipotent...

From the huge database, Ye Chui quickly found the wall-crossing software, he downloaded this software into his consciousness, and then withdrew from Ye Shiyu's consciousness.

What happened in the consciousness just now, although a long time has passed, but only a few seconds have passed in the real world. (To be continued.)

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