"Sea monster?" Ye Chui was taken aback for a moment, then remembered that Mu Xiaojie once described to him that groups of sea monsters suddenly appeared in the sea area near the Territory of Chaos. These sea monsters are the product of the genetic modification of the gods. , with extraordinary combat power, completely sealed off the entire island, making it impossible for everyone on the island to leave the sea except the gods.

Neptune possesses powerful sea combat detection capabilities. As he reported back to Ye Chui, he quickly perfected some radar detection signals into virtual images and displayed them in front of Ye Chui. Sure enough, in the area near the island of the gods , within a radius of fifty miles, is full of all kinds of ferocious sea monsters.

These sea monsters are fighting each other, some are as big as dinosaurs and are tens of feet long, while others are only as thick as wrists and less than one meter long, but they are also extremely fierce.

The picture that Neptune showed in front of Ye Chui can be called shocking.

"What did these people of the gods do? If these sea monsters enter other sea areas, I don't know how much damage they will cause to the world." Ye Chui sighed, and there were countless sea monsters swimming in the sea area ahead. If these sea monsters enter other sea areas, it will be a catastrophe.

"These sea monsters seem to be imprisoned by the gods in a special way, and they will not leave the vicinity of the Territory of Chaos." Mu Xiaojie explained, and at the same time she frowned at the picture projected by the sea king, "This is my first This is the first time I saw the real face of these sea monsters... I didn't expect them to be quite cute."

"..." Ye Chui, Yu Xue and others looked at Mu Xiaojie with strange eyes, this thing is not cute no matter how you look at it.

Countless sea monsters were constantly cruising, and Yu Xue asked Ye Chui worriedly: "Can the Tianhammer rush over, it feels like it will smash our ship to pieces in minutes."

"These things are child's play for me!" Just as Yu Xue finished speaking, Neptune's voice rang out, as if he was very angry at Yu Xue for not trusting him, "These sea monsters pose no threat to me at all. , solved them in minutes, just like playing."

"You're not bragging, are you?" Yu Xue said with a look of disbelief. She lived on this ship for the past few days. It seems that there is no other use for it.

King Hai was furious when he heard Yu Xue's words: "You don't believe me so much, well, let me show you my ability!"

Saying so, amidst a burst of rattling sounds, a mobile screen suddenly appeared in the captain's room.

This operating screen looks very simple, just like the operating stick of an arcade machine. There is also a screen in front of it, and the projected image in a certain sea area in front is displayed on the top.

"What is this for?" Yu Xue looked at the strange projection in doubt.

"To me, killing these sea monsters is like playing a game. If you don't believe me, you can try it." Sea King said proudly.

"Huh? Playing games?" Hearing the word "playing games", little Wang Shiyu immediately became interested, "I want to play, I want to play!"

"..." Ye Chui rolled his eyes, this time we have to do business, dear, don't be so casual, okay?

The Sky Hammer is equipped with various weapons, and these weapons are controlled by the small arcade joystick, which can be used to launch various weapons such as lasers or missiles-Sea King did this to tell Yu Xue: "This king doesn't take these sea monsters seriously at all. Tolerating how powerful these sea monsters are is just a child's play in my eyes."

"Boss." Sea King suddenly discovered something, and said to Ye Chui, "I also found a lot of fleet ships ahead, which seem to come from various countries."

"The Territory of Chaos has changed a while ago, which has attracted the attention of many countries. It is reasonable for various countries to send fleets over." Ye Wei nodded, Huaxia has organized thousands of Dragon Scale Teams, and Bai Jingtian is on board. The boat that I was in was only carrying hundreds of people, and besides that boat, there were nine other boats that arrived here.

At this time, the sea area is quite complicated, and the fleets of various countries may misfire at any time and cause some chaos.

In this case, Ye Chui's warship is not easy to insert directly into it, and it may cause a chaotic battle if you are not careful.

"Let's dive in." Ye Chui then said to Haiwang.

"Okay!" Neptune agreed, and the shape of the battleship changed again. Some cabins were sealed instantly, and the shape of the battleship also changed to make it more conducive to underwater navigation. Amid the sound, the huge battleship sank to the bottom of the water.

Mysterious patterns also appeared around the battleship.

The pattern is the water line pattern engraved by Ye Chui. With this water line map, the warship can move freely underwater, and even the resistance of the water can be completely ignored, as if the battleship has completely turned into a stream of water, and the course The speed is definitely the first of all submarines in the world, and at the same time, it will not encounter any danger.

"Go to the Territory of Chaos!" Ye Chui ordered again.

The Tianhammer immediately swam forward like an arrow leaving the string.

Where the battleship passed, there was no trace at all, and there were not even some ripples in the water.

This is where the power of the water array map lies. At this moment, even with the world's most advanced underwater detection radar, it is impossible to detect the location of the Tianhammer.

"Boss, we are coming to the sea monster area!" Aquaman continued to remind after a while.

"I'll play first, I'll play first!" Wang Shiyu jumped up and down to control the console.

Fuck, this is treating this as a game?

"Hey, I will help you time the time. Each person has 1 minute. I will score points according to the attack power of the sea monster after killing a sea monster. Whoever has the highest score wins." Sea King continued.

"Fuck, we're here to deal with business, can we be more serious?" Ye Chui couldn't help shouting when he saw a few girls eager to try.

Several girls showed unhappy expressions at the same time.

Taking advantage of this time, Ye vertically approached the control lever: "I'll come first!"

All the girls showed expressions of contempt at the same time.Enter the sea monster area.

It takes at least three hours to enter the island.

After all, the speed of sneaking on the bottom of the sea is much slower than avoiding on the sea surface. In addition, there are many obstacles here because of the rampant sea monsters.

Ye Chui stood in front of the console, holding the joystick in his hand, and the figures of sea monsters appeared on the screen in front of him.

"Boss, the timer has started!"

Neptune shouted, and a 1-minute countdown appeared on the screen.

Ye Chui immediately manipulated the control stick and began to attack the sea monster in front of him.These sea monsters are extremely ferocious, they were originally bred to fight, and each one has at least the level of killing ability of a great white shark, and they have different shapes.

There are mainly three types of weapons that Neptune is equipped with. One is the water knife, which uses the attack array formed by the condensation of Ye Chui's water power, and can carry out continuous water knife attacks.

Waterjet can be divided into five grades according to strength.

The second type of weapon is two pairs of huge mechanical arms stretched out in front of the battleship. It has powerful power and can directly tear the sea monster that rushed near the battleship into pieces.

As for the third weapon, it is the missile. This kind of missile is also condensed by the power of water, compressing the water flow to the limit, and then loosen the pressure suddenly.

The attack power of the missile is the strongest, but at the same time, the condensation time of each missile is relatively long, and it takes ten seconds for one shot.

As the battleship moved forward, Ye Chui swung the joystick and kept attacking.

On the front screen, there are still scores constantly appearing, and these scores are naturally calculated by Sea King based on the level of the dead sea beast.

In fact, destroying sea beasts, the picture is naturally cruel and bloody, but Neptune directly changed these projection pictures to a certain extent, so that when the picture appeared, it became a bit cartoonish, even for a child like Wang Shiyu. It was easy to accept.

The sea area lurking infinite danger was rushed over by Ye Chui like playing.

At this time, on a ship in the sea area, the relevant responsible persons of several countries are gathering together. They have gathered in this sea area for some time.

The Territory of Chaos is a dark and chaotic place where various dark forces occupy.

This place belongs to the secrets of various countries, but you can also learn a lot of information from here, and you have certain control over the dark side of the world.

In addition, this place is located on the high seas, so each country is letting it go, and only slightly intervening, using the Territory of Chaos as a powerful tool to control the dark forces.

But recently, the Territory of Chaos suddenly cut off contact with the outside world. There was a looming big movement in this place, and all countries had to feel anxious and sent a lot of forces to encircle and suppress it.

However, the power of all countries is blocked by the sea monster area outside the Territory of Chaos.

In recent days, the leaders of various countries led their fleets to circle around constantly, hoping to find an entrance that could be entered, but found nothing. The fleets of some countries wanted to rush directly into it, but were eventually destroyed by sea monsters.

This sea area has become the most terrifying place on earth.

Passing ships have also changed their routes through agencies of various countries.

For three days in a row, fleets from various countries gathered one after another, but they found nothing in the end, and most of the teams gathered did not belong to the national establishment, but belonged to the hidden forces of each country, such as the Dragon Scale Group in China and the Sword God Society in Japan , the U.S. Ultimate Team, and so on, there have been several frictions between them, large and small, because of the previous grievances.

Finally, in desperation, the representatives of several parties finally decided to start a temporary cooperation and enter the realm of chaos. (To be continued.)

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