On the deck of the ship, representatives of various forces gathered, including Chen Zhengdao, one of the three leaders of the Huaxia Qianlong Group, and he is also the commander-in-chief of the Dragon Scale Group. .

This is an old man with gray hair, but his body is very tough, just like his name, he is full of righteousness.

At this time, although it was decided to cooperate temporarily due to the overall situation, Chen Zhengdao's eyes were fixed on the little Japanese sitting next to him, Saburo Muramasa.

This Murasaburo is the representative of the Sword God Association.

Sword God will be divided into two forces: ninja and samurai, and the ninja is divided into three types: dark ninja, blood ninja, and demon ninja.

Among them, the Yaoren is in charge of the commander, and possesses mysterious and unpredictable powers. This village Masaburo is one of the Yaoren, and his whole body seems to have an evil aura.

Facing Chen Zhengdao's cold stare, he showed a cruel smile on his face, and said in Japanese: "Hey, Chen Zhengdao, we have had several conflicts in the past two days, why, do you still want to talk to me again here?" Come once?"

"No one is allowed to fight here, we have more serious enemies to face!" A black man shouted in English. This black man is a one-eyed man named Nick Fury, who is the leader of the U.S. Ultimate Team.

"That's right." Chen Zhengdao nodded, and looked at Muramasaburo coldly, "I won't do anything here, but when things come to an end here, I will make you pay back this blood debt!"

"Hey, a dozen of our blood ninjas died together with hundreds of you, so you are ashamed to tell this matter again." Muramasaburo sneered.

"Your so-called blood ninja is just a killing machine. If one such inhuman existence is to be cultivated, at least ten people will die, right?" Chen Zhengdao retorted coldly, "Besides, I heard that this time, you will still lose money. A named blood ninja?"

"Hmph, our blood ninjas have already given up their identity as human beings for the prosperity of the country, and we have no fear even if we die!" Muramasaburo shouted sharply.

"Enough!" A big fat man couldn't help but shouted, "Should we continue to discuss?"

This fat man is an Englishman named Robert, and the secret force he belongs to is called the Holy Knights.

"We have to face a common enemy now, put aside the previous grievances for now, and think about how to deal with these sea monsters!" Nick Fury continued, "We have made heroic attempts on all sides these days, but around These sea monsters in the Territory of Chaos are very difficult to give birth to. Our ultimate team has lost three capable users and one ship, but they are unable to go deep into this sea area, let alone log in to the Territory of Chaos. Is there any way for everyone? Dispel the sea monsters?"

Nick Fury's problem silenced everyone. This problem is really too difficult to solve. These forces have mastered the most advanced technological power in the entire world, but they still have nothing to do with this group of sea monsters.

"We have received information that the gods seem to be able to enter and exit this sea area at will. They must have some way to control these sea monsters." A beautiful woman with dark skin said, this woman is called Kalisi, and belongs to Indonesia. The representative of the Ye Motian force, she looked at the others and continued, "I suggest that everyone share information about the gods, maybe you can find information about entering the Territory of Chaos."

"Okay, I agree." Chen Zhengdao nodded in agreement.

"I agree too." Nick Fury glanced at Chen Zhengdao, nodded with a smile, and everyone else followed suit, and the last one who agreed was Saburo Muramasa.

At this time, several forces are using their own language to talk, but as the world's best, almost everyone is proficient in several languages. Although the language is different, they all understand each other's meaning.

"According to our investigation, the gods have powerful biochemical technology, and their research on biochemical technology has exceeded the world level for at least 50 years." Chen Zhengdao first said, "Using biochemical technology, they have accumulated huge wealth. , if our investigation is correct, Nick, the ability users in your ultimate team were produced by purchasing their gene catalysts."

"I admit, that's right." Nick Fury admitted happily, "The superpowers of the Ultimate Team all originated from the gene catalysts of the gods, but I think everyone here should be more or less Few have traded biochemical products from the hands of the gods?"

"I also admit that our Yemotian members have strengthened their physical strength through the power potion of the gods." Kabit first agreed.

Robert of the Holy Knights also nodded: "The holy light of our holy knights is also obtained through the catalyst of the gods."

Several other forces also came together to admit that their power was inextricably linked to the race of the gods.

Nick Fury frowned, and he looked at the last two, Chen Zhengdao and Muramasaburo: "What about you?"

"The Qianlong group has never made any kind of transaction with the gods. In my opinion, genetic modification is a way to shorten a person's lifespan and gain strength. We do not agree with it." Chen Zhengdao said solemnly, "We The strength is obtained entirely through self-cultivation."

"The Sword God Society has never conducted any gene transactions with the gods." Muramasa Saburo followed up, "The ninjas and samurai of the Sword God Society all obtain their power from the ideas we pursue."

Hearing Muramasaburo's words, other people present looked sideways.

The training method of the Qianlong group is a very formal training. The Qianlong group can be famous all over the world, and it relies entirely on the real Chinese martial arts.

But the sword god will...

But it makes people feel a little shuddering.

It is a kind of violence that completely obliterates human nature. In the eyes of many people, the so-called idea can only be described by one word, that is **.

Treat yourself as a human being.

It is even more frightening than carrying out genetic modification, but the village chief Saburo still looks complacent.

After a moment of silence, Nick Fury continued to speak: "It seems that even if we enter the Territory of Chaos, maybe the gods are fully capable of restraining our various forces. After all, our power originated from them... Shet I always thought that the gods were just a small faction, but I didn't expect that they had grown to this point. The only combat power available at that time was probably the Qianlong group who had never done gene transactions with them. There is a sword god!"

"Now let's think about how to break through these sea monsters blocking the sea." Fatty Robert brought the topic back to the problem he was facing now. He couldn't pass through these sea monsters, and everything else was nothing but clouds.

It was at this time that a soldier belonging to the ultimate team hurried to Nick Fury's side, bowed his head and said something in Nick Fury's ear.

The expression on Nick Fury's face couldn't help but change.

"What's wrong?" Chen Zhengdao asked in a deep voice.

"Just now we detected an abnormality in the group of sea monsters ahead..." Nick Fury walked to the side of the ship, looking at the distant sea area, which was faintly stained red with blood, "It seems that some force broke into the sea. The monster group, countless sea monsters were directly slaughtered."

"What!?" The other people shouted in shock. These sea monsters are extremely powerful, and they may not be able to kill one of them even though they have worked so hard. How could they charge in with the power to slaughter all the way?

What a powerful force!


"It's my turn, it's my turn!" Inside the Sky Hammer, the little Lolita jumped and pushed Yuxue aside, then tiptoed and grabbed the joystick, "This time my score must exceed all of you!"

"Is it okay, you?" Yu Xue said proudly with her hips on her hips, "The one who is ranked first now is the 780 points of this beautiful girl. You only scored [-] points in the round just now, which is a lot worse."

"Hmph, I was just careless just now, and I will never lose to you again this time!" Little Lolita expressed with a fighting look on her face, she was very angry and wanted to avenge her shame, "Hey, Neptune, hurry up! Me!"

"Okay, a new round has begun." Neptune said with a smile.

Immediately, the countdown on the front screen started, and sea monsters kept rushing over. The child Wang Shiyu nervously grabbed the gun joystick, and kept tapping the buttons with one hand, launching water jets, missiles, or * *Manipulating the huge mechanical arm, directly tore the sea monster in half. All the way, sea monsters were killed continuously, and the score gradually increased.

Others gathered around or cheered or booed, and the atmosphere was extremely joyous.

——If the world-class bigwigs in the outer seas saw that the sea monster, which they were troubled by and even organized a group to discuss countermeasures, was solved like a game, they wondered if they would directly slam it head-on in shame. something dead?

Ye Chui watched Wang Shiyu proficiently manipulating all kinds of weapons, and couldn't help but sighed: "It seems that playing games has nothing to do with talent at all... Shit, it's okay to kill the young master." Don't admit that he only scored [-] points in the first game just now..."

Having fun here, a person suddenly walked into the captain's room.

Ye Chui was slightly taken aback: "Shi Yu, you are finally willing to come out of the room."

Ye Shiyu looked somewhat haggard, but there was a smile on her face, she smiled at Ye Chui: "I still remember that I got No.1 when I played this super enhanced version of the fishing master game, hehe , let me end Xiao Wang Shiyu's record now."

Hearing Ye Shiyu say these words in a joking tone, Ye Chui knew that she had let go of the fact that she could not go back to the future, and she was relieved.

When Ye Shiyu walked past Ye Chui, she suddenly blinked at Ye Chui again, and said in a soft voice: "Brother Hammer, since he will stay here forever in the future, you have to take care of him .”

"Er..." (To be continued.)

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