Just now, Fujitora Yixiao was beaten directly by Gandi, and now Gandi is beaten by a little girl. This kind of food chain-like relationship completely stunned Fujitora Yixiao.

And Yu Xue's attack completely shocked everyone else.

Especially people like Luke and Manny.

Although they had already determined that Ye Chui was a person full of miracles, they were still shocked again.

When they met Yu Xue just now, Yu Xue released the Heavenly Demon Punishing Heart Fist and fainted. They didn't know what Yu Xue had done, but they felt that Yu Xue should be just a soft little girl, but now...not at all That's it.

Yu Xue also seemed to be a very tough girl.

At least there is no problem in killing the dry dike in seconds.

And the dry dike can basically kill them instantly...

Fujitora Yixiao's injury had stabilized, and Jacqueline hurried to Gandi's side again, trying to treat his injury, but in the end she frowned. This kind of injury...she couldn't save it.

She couldn't help turning her head towards Ye Chui, showing an angry expression.

Ye Chui sighed, then handed Yu Xue, who was seriously frightened, to Fang Jing's side, while he walked to Gan Di's side.

"He's about to die!" Jacqueline said to Ye Chui with some reproach.

Ye Chui didn't say much, he took the dry embankment off the wall, and then hugged him and put a bed aside.

Gandi has turned into an ordinary human figure, like an old man who feels like firewood, dying.

Ye Chui put him down, and then bursts of blue water vapor filled his hands, and then frantically poured into Gan Di's body.

Ye Chui is using the power of water to heal his injuries. The human body is a magic weapon, but now the magic weapon is just broken. It is very easy for Ye Chui to use the power of water to repair it.

Then, under the stunned gaze of Jacqueline and the others, the wound on Gandi's body was healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Her face, which had lost a trace of blood, gradually turned rosy.

"Brother Manny, he... who are they? This kind of healing ability is simply too powerful!" The last member of the Ultimate Team in the cave asked in surprise.

"Barney, this is the magical Ye from China. He possesses mysterious powers of self-cultivation. God, what else can he not do?" Glancing at Yu Xue, who was still showing an aggrieved expression, his eyes were full of awe, "Cultivation is indeed the most powerful force!"

It only took 5 minutes for Ye Chui to save Gan Di who was on the verge of death from the verge of death and make him fully recover.

At the same time, Ye Chui honestly conducted some research from Gan Di's body, and figured out the mystery of his body's gigantic size, which was indeed a wonderful application of water power.

After getting up, Gan Di figured out what was going on. He looked at Yu Xue with indescribable respect, and even more respect for Ye Chui. He understood the gap between himself and Ye Chui. The old peacemaker wanted to stop Ye Chui from smiling with Fujitora...

Thinking about it now is really unnecessary.

"Mr. Ye, if you need my help in the future, just let me know." Gan Di said solemnly with his hands clasped together.

He has a hot temper, but he still knows how to endure and measure himself in the face of completely powerful forces.

"It was my woman who hurt you abruptly. This is what I should do." Ye Chui also said with a smile in English. His English was poor, but Gan Di could still understand Ye Chui's words, and smiled at Ye Chui. nodded.

Then he sat cross-legged on the ground, but recuperated his body.

"Sir, how did you get the Holy Light Healing Technique?" Jacqueline asked a little excitedly. The application of the power of water in their Holy Knights is called the Holy Light Healing Technique. This is a sacred art that very few people have. **The person with the most powerful Holy Light Healing Technique is obviously not worth mentioning compared to Ye Chui.

Ye Chui smiled slightly, and said in French: "This is cultivation."

Ye Chui didn't understand French, he just asked the translation software to translate what he wanted to say, and then read it himself.

It's a pity that French is more difficult to handle than English, so Ye Chui can only speak the simplest words. Among them, there is no way to translate them, so he can only speak the original words.

Jacqueline was surprised, and repeated the word "cultivation" in her mouth, her face was full of awe.

"Ye Chui, I didn't mean it..." When Ye Chui walked back to Yu Xue's side, Yu Xue said to Ye Chui pitifully.

"It doesn't matter, it seems that he doesn't care too much." Ye Chui said with a glance at Gan Di.

"Xiaoxue, you should go and apologize to him." Fang Jing said a little bit unbearably, Gan Di was obviously on their side just now, and even punched Teng Hu with a smile, but Yu Xue almost beat him to death. Very impolite!

Yu Xue glanced at Gan Di, and immediately said: "No, he is just a whore."

Ye Chui rolled his eyes: "It's obvious that he looks like an eminent monk... But forget it, he probably doesn't care too much, it's actually quite good."

Ye Chui said it was good, the main reason was that Yu Xue accidentally punched Gan Di, which was enough to make the people from the Sword God Society respect them. Looking at this side, Yu Xue's display of power made them realize the gap between themselves and Ye Chui.

"It's good..." Ye Chui turned his head and smiled at Ye Shiyu.

Although it is somewhat different from the previous timeline, it still serves as a deterrent.

In the original timeline, it was Ye Chui who couldn't help but beat Fujitora Yixiao violently. This time, for some reason, it was Gandi who beat Fujitora Yixiao, and Yu Xue beat Gandi again. The deterrent effect is even greater.In this way, things will develop more smoothly.

"Let's just wait. Soon, someone who can lead us into the laboratory of the gods will appear." Ye Chui then tried his best to communicate with Mu Xiaojie, Fang Jing and Ye Shiyu, whispering in their ears.


Ye Shiyu at this time.

"You are a big villain, you bully even children, big villain, bully people, woo woo woo..."

The sound of little loli crying sputtered continuously.

"Shut up, or I'll knock you out!" Juejing couldn't help shouting.

At this moment of desperation, his main body has been exposed. His main body is obviously condensed by using the will power of all living beings. It is completely the style of an elite in the spiritual world.However, his face was a little pale, as if he had been seriously injured.

He was indeed seriously injured by Yu Xue's Heavenly Demon Punishing Heart Fist.

At that time, I didn't expect Yu Xue to do it as soon as she said she would do it, which directly hurt his mental energy.

"Damn it, how could they grasp the timing so well?" This is also a very puzzling situation, but fortunately, the little friend Wang Shiyu who can help him find the reincarnation key has been taken away by him.

Moreover, he thought he was the leader of the seven senior cadres of Hellfire. Even if he was injured, he could still use the little Lolita to enter the laboratory of the gods and find hundreds of turning bodies.

The only thing that bothers him is... Although this little thing Wang Shiyu showed enough fear at the beginning, it gradually became more and more noisy, which gave him a headache, but he couldn't directly talk to Wang Shiyu stunned.

Because after being in a coma, the thread of fate on his body will temporarily disappear, which is not what Juejing wants to see.

"Shut up! If you call us again, we will be discovered!" Juejing sneered coldly. For a weak human child, he could solve it in minutes, but for Wang Shiyu, he had to be cautious because of the value of the other party. When speaking, you must also try your best not to let your domineering air leak out, so as not to stun Wang Shiyu.

Hearing the desperate situation, Wang Shiyu closed her mouth obediently. She cried for a long time just now, but her eyes were shining but she didn't shed any tears.

Little Loli raised her head and asked Juejing: "Uncle, who will find us?"

"Hmph, they are a group of very powerful people." Juejing looked around and said coldly.

"Oh..." Wang Shiyu nodded, then took a deep breath, and then began to cry louder and louder than before.

Juejing's expression changed, and he hurriedly bent down and covered Wang Shiyu's mouth: "Shut up quickly, you will attract them like this!"

"I don't care, you bully the kid, there is no one worse than you, if you have the ability, you knock me out." Wang Shiyu said with big eyes.

Juejing raised his head and looked as if he was about to hit Wang Shiyu immediately, but his arm stopped in mid-air again, and he couldn't do it. If Wang Shiyu really fainted or something happened, his plan would be in vain.

However, Wang Shiyu looked at the arm hanging from the desperate situation, and said thoughtfully: "Uncle, can you not knock me out? If you knock me out, it will be of no use to you?"

"..." Juejing didn't know how to answer for a while, but a little girl guessed what he was thinking, which made him feel extremely ashamed, and he didn't even bother to refute. He snorted and said, "That's right. , I can use the thread of fate on your body to find something, if your consciousness is not clear, then the thread on your body will disappear."

He said this entirely because he believed in his powerful strength, and felt that even if a kid knew what was going on, he would definitely not have any way to prevent it.

However, what Juejing didn't expect was that after hearing Juejing's words, the little girl Wang Shiyu nodded her head, took a deep breath, then took out from her small pocket, and finally took out a piece of quilt plastic. When the paper-wrapped item came, the little Lolita opened the package quickly with her small hands, threw the contents into her mouth in one bite, and swallowed it without even chewing.

Juejing frowned: "What did you eat?"

"Sleeping pills. I found them in my sister's room. They are very effective. They make people fall into a deep sleep, and they won't wake up even if it rains." Little Lolita described Desperately.

Desperate Situation: "..." (To be continued.)

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