The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

413 Picked up the little girl's little mushroom

Juejing saw Wang Shiyu take out the white thing and put it in his mouth, he thought it was a sugar ball or something, but who would have thought it was a sleeping pill!

Whose child would carry sleeping pills with him? Although the desperate situation has always been known for its calmness, but at this moment he still feels as if tens of thousands of mud horses are galloping past in his heart. .

I can't wait to yell out loud to express the grief and indignation in my heart.


"You must be lying to me!" Juejing immediately said coldly.

"Uncle, how can a child like him fool an adult like Uncle?" Wang Shiyu said innocently. In was indeed a sugar ball, but little Lolita's acting skills were absolutely top-notch.

"..." Juejing couldn't refute it. It really seemed like that. At this moment, he suddenly missed that guy Tianqi.

Apocalypse's ability mainly lies in the control of the body, so the task of extracting Yuanli from Hellfire is all in charge of Apocalypse.

If Tianqi was here, he could instantly find out whether there were sleeping pills in Little Lolita's body, and even if there were, he could extract those things in an instant.

Of course, like so much, Judgment will never seek help from Apocalypse.

Asking Tianqi to help him use the power of sentient beings to condense into a body already owes him a favor, and Judgment doesn't want to owe him any more.

Before Judgment went to Tianqi for help, Tianqi started to attack Judgment without saying a word. In fact, he was helping Judgment. Through beatings, Judgment's consciousness reacted, and by using the will power of all beings, he could condense a body suitable for fighting. control this body.

He came here with the intention of doing a big fight, and naturally fighting with others was inevitable.

"It's paralyzing, it's been nearly 300 years since I debuted, and this is the first time I've been tricked by a little girl like this!" Juejing said coldly, and then brought up little Lolita, "Even if you took sleeping pills No, even if you fall asleep, I will wake you up directly!"

Having said that, Juejing hugged little Lolita in his arms, and then rushed towards the laboratory of the gods like flying.

The laboratory of the gods is the most magnificent building on the Territory of Chaos.

In the realm of chaos, all kinds of dark forces occupy the incomparable chaos, but this laboratory is full of urban atmosphere. It is a ten-story high-rise building. The feeling of the city.

Juejing brought little Lolita directly under the tall building, and soon, a group of terrorists wandering outside found Ye Chui's figure.

These terrorists are all dark forces that were originally entrenched in the clan of the gods, and later surrendered to the clan of the gods.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the desperate situation, these people immediately yelled and aimed their guns at the desperate situation.

"Bang bang bang!"

The gunshots were indecisive, and the bullets whized past Jiji, but couldn't hit Jiji in the slightest.

With the ability to see through fate, Judgment can accurately predict the trajectory of the bullet, and then dodge it with ease.

The other hand of Desperation suddenly stretched out, swiped in front of his eyes, swish, swish, invisible silk threads appeared, and the bodies of a group of terrorists were instantly cut into pieces of flesh.

Wang Shiyu, who was trapped in the desperate situation, quickly covered her eyes with her hands when she saw this cruel scene, looking terrified.

Juejing sneered, and quickly flew over to the door of the laboratory, kicked the door open, and the person had already walked in.

This laboratory not only looks magnificent from the outside, but also has a universe inside.

This laboratory was formed after a celestial magic weapon was broken. It is similar to Xuezang Mountain, but it is more complete than Xuezang Mountain. The people of the gods can also control it to a certain extent, so that the broken space of this magic weapon forms a barrier.

Not long ago, when Mu Xiaojie was able to enter the laboratory, it was almost a narrow escape. Fortunately, he met Fang Jing's parents later, and by virtue of the bond with Fang Jing, he came out of here alive.

At this time, Judgment brought Wang Shiyu into the laboratory. It was very strange. It couldn't be seen from the outside at this time, but after entering, it was another world, which was a vast grassland.

Obviously this is the cave world.

Juejing wasn't surprised by this either. He stepped in and took a look at Wang Shiyu. In his sight, Wang Shiyu was connected by countless silk threads. This is the thread of destiny, and one of them is dark red. , extending far into the depths of this grassland.

Juejing took a closer look, and found that a section of the silk thread had merged into a small mound in the middle of the grassland.

"I heard that the magic weapon of the gods is called the tower of the gods. There are three worlds in total. This should be the grassland world, followed by the ice and snow world, and the yellow sand world. The place where the reincarnation key is stored should be in the deepest place. In the yellow sand world, and that small mound is the passage leading to the next ice and snow world!"

Thinking of this in his heart, Juejing immediately rushed towards the mound with Wang Shiyu.


With the wind blowing, figures suddenly appeared on the grass, and then quickly rushed towards the desperate situation.

Naturally, entering here is not just a matter of directly finding the passage to the next world, there are still many murderous opportunities.

These green figures are the guards of the grassland world, named grass puppet puppet, composed of clumps of weeds, attacking.

Juejing's eyes were full of vigor, and he skillfully dodged and counterattacked at the same time, and the green figures drifted away with the wind one by one, and were broken by him.

The puppet straw people in this grassland world were constantly being killed and then reunited.

But the desperate situation is constantly rushing towards the entrance of the ice and snow world, and the puppet figure can't stop his footsteps at all.

Wang Shiyu was held in his arms and did not suffer any harm.

"En? What's going on here?" Suddenly, Judgment discovered a very interesting thing. Although the puppet straw man was constantly attacking Judgment, he would never attack Wang Shiyu.

"Could it be because..." Juejing quickly figured out what was going on, "This little girl is the reincarnation of the gods, she is derived from the flesh and blood of the ancient gods, and the tower of the gods heard that It was forged by ancient gods, it seems that because this little girl has a little breath of ancient gods on her body, these puppet straw people dare not attack her!"

Discovering this is very good for Judgment, at least he doesn't have to worry about protecting Wang Shiyu anymore.

Of course, he wouldn't directly use Wang Shiyu as a shield.

After 10 minutes, rushing all the way, Judgment has come to the entrance of the ice and snow world. This entrance can be changed at any time, but it is not a problem for Judgment. If it changes, as long as Wang Shiyu is in his hand, he can find the entrance again.

"Give me inside and wait for me!" Judgment threw Wang Shiyu to the entrance, since the puppet grass man would not attack Wang Shiyu, so he didn't have to be afraid that she would be killed by the puppet grass man after throwing Wang Shiyu there.

Juejing stretched out his hand and waved, and dozens of puppet grass figures that rushed up were slaughtered and disassembled at the same time. Juejing laughed loudly, and then quickly rushed to the entrance of the ice and snow world.

Seeing Wang Shiyu staying in the empty space, she also rushed over.


There was a roar, and then an angry fist, green, hit him directly.

The hopeless situation was completely caught off guard and was directly thrown into the air. When I looked carefully, I found a huge monster standing in front of me.


The desperate situation was stunned.

Not only the Hulk, but also Thor, Iron Man, Spiderman, Batman, Superman, etc., heroes in film and television works continue to appear.

Wang Shiyu is holding a stack of cards in his hand, and is constantly throwing them out. In addition to the Avengers package, there are also the One Piece Supreme Combat Package, the Ancient Heroes package, etc... Because Ye Chui was worried about Wang Shiyu, he gave it to her directly. Hundreds of cards.

Wang Shiyu is very smart. She knows that this kind of card can only be used once in this situation. If it is not successful once, it will not work the next time it encounters a desperate situation, so she just threw away all the cards in one go. out.

Most importantly, because these virtual characters were summoned by Wang Shiyu, the puppet straw figures in the grassland world would not attack them.

"Attack this big villain for me!" In the end, the little girl Wang Shiyu pointed at the desperate situation.

Countless virtual characters rushed towards the impasse at the same time, and at the same time, countless puppet straw figures condensed and began to attack the impasse.

Jue Jing's face instantly turned the color of stool.

This is simply cheating! ! !

And the little Lolita had already taken advantage of this moment to sneak into the cave and disappeared.

After all, she is a child. Although she is very smart, she is still ignorant of many dangers. She did not expect what kind of danger she would bring when entering another world of ice and snow like this.

Little Wang Shiyu soon tasted the bitterness.

"It's so cold here..."

The little girl fell directly on a pile of ice and snow, looking at the white world in front of her, she was completely dumbfounded.

"It's obviously summer outside, why is it snowing here... Ah Choo!"

Wang Shiyu immediately wanted to turn around and go back through the passageway just now, but she found that the passageway she came in had disappeared—in this magic weapon, the exit for entry is not necessarily the exit for exit.

Wang Shi showed a miserable expression, this time she really wanted to cry.

"Wuuuuuuu...Brother Hammer...Sister..."

Little Lolita struggled to take steps to get out of here, but after only three steps, she couldn't move any more, and directly froze on the ground.


The cold wind kept blowing.

Two white shadows suddenly appeared not far away.

"Brother Mushroom, I picked up a pine nut as a gift."

"Sister Xuecai, you are amazing."

"Brother Mushroom, I picked up another fruit."

"Sister Xuecai, you are amazing."

"Brother Mushroom, you haven't picked up anything for a long time. Mom and Dad will definitely be angry."

"Sister Xuecai, blame me for being too stupid."

"Brother Mushroom, you just need to look carefully, you can find anything."

"Sister Xuecai, let me try...Sister Xuecai, I found a little girl!" (To be continued.)

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