Ye Chui continued to explore the memory files in Jian Fan's consciousness.

At the school gate, Jian Fan was severely beaten by the daughter's father, and was sent directly to the hospital for three months before he recovered.

As soon as he was discharged from the hospital, he immediately rushed to the school and continued to shamelessly beg An Le'er for forgiveness, using all kinds of methods for three consecutive days.

At that time, there was a picture on the Internet, which showed a man kneeling in front of a teaching building in broad daylight, holding a sign in his hand that said "I was wrong". A role model for a bitch...

The man above is actually Jian Fan.

He was apologizing to An Le'er - Jian Fan's reputation as a school grass had been completely ruined at this point, but Jian Fan didn't care at all, as long as he could hug An Le'er's golden thigh, he would already lose all face.

But the more he behaves like this, the less An Leer wants to talk to him, and the more disappointed he is with men. It turns out that men can be so shameless when they are shameless... Even the few male classmates who had a good relationship with An Leer, An Le'er also gradually became deserted with them.

It went on like this for two weeks, An Le'er was really scared by Jian Fan, so she called her father, An Huashan, to beat Jian Fan up again.

In this way, Jian Fan finally stopped pestering An Le'er completely.

At that time, the school had a quota for international students to exchange with a famous foreign university. Although Jian Fanren was a bit cheap, his grades were usually good, so he got the quota after fighting for it, and used it to go abroad.

In the blink of an eye, five years later, An Le'er has graduated from university, and then met Ye Chui...

Ye Chui intends to withdraw Jian Fan's consciousness, but he is not interested in Jian Fan's experience in the United States at all.

But at this moment, Ye Chui was slightly taken aback, thinking of something.

"This Jian Fan came back at this time, really just want to take advantage of Lele again, hug Lele's thigh? It can't be such a coincidence, maybe this Jian Fan was instructed by others..."

Thinking of this, Ye Chui continued to investigate again.

Jian Fan studied in the United States for two years, and of course there was nothing to talk about in these two years. After graduating two years later, Jian Fan entered a large company with high spirits, and had a good start, but... Afterwards, his development was not smooth, and he continued to In the past three years, not only has his position not been promoted, but it has declined somewhat. His ability to work has been questioned, and his superiors have not treated him favorably, and they often beat and scold him.

Jian Fan was still a little bloody at first, but after a while, he only knew how to match it with a smiling face, obeyed his boss, and carried forward his cheap style.

And so it was two weeks ago.

One day, Jian Fan was eating listlessly in a small restaurant when a person suddenly sat in front of him.

Ye Chui looked at the memory file at this time, as if watching a video, what he saw was what Jian Fan saw with his eyes.

However, what surprised Ye Chui was that in the picture he saw at this time, the appearance of the person sitting in front of Jian Fan was blurred.

Ye Chui's investigation of these memory files is all stored in his consciousness. Even after many years, the person concerned may have forgotten them, but the memory files should still be extremely clear. Not forgotten but hidden deep in memory.

However, the appearance of the person sitting in front of Jian Fan is blurred, which only shows that this person has deliberately erased his own appearance in Jian Fan's consciousness by some means.

"It's interesting... who is this person?" Ye Chui suddenly became interested, and it seemed that there was something tricky about it.

"What are you doing?" Jian Fan immediately said with some vigilance.

"I heard that you used to have a good relationship with a woman named An Le'er when you were in Huaxia University?" The other party said in a cold voice, and he was casually playing with a few poker cards in his hand while speaking.

"An Le'er..." Mentioning this name, Jian Fan was full of distress, he nodded and admitted, "That's right, did you know?"

"There is nothing in this world that I don't know." The mysterious man said with a sneer, "You seem to have lived a miserable life these past few years. If you could have discovered An Le'er's identity earlier, you probably wouldn't have to suffer so much now. .”

This touched Jian Fan's most distressed part, but it also made him angry: "Who the hell are you? Why do you know this!?"

"What about me... You can call me the King of Gambling." The mysterious man, the King of Gambling, said with a smile, "Why do I know that I don't use medicine? You just need to know that I am a person who can bring you wealth. "

"Bring wealth?"

"Five million US dollars, as long as you help me complete one thing, the money can be completely owned by you." Gambit said with a smile, "I can even pay you the money first... I know that your salary this month The rent doesn't seem to be settled yet, does it?"

"Are you really willing to give me 500 million?"

Jian Fan immediately knelt down again. The managers in the United States over the past few years have basically made him develop the character that he would do murder and set fire as long as he has money.

He continued to ask: "What do you want me to do, let me kill An Le'er? I will do it!"

"Fuck your sister." Gambit snorted coldly, "I want you to go to the country and find a way to lurk by An Leer's side. She is the president of several companies now, and I need you to keep up with An Leer's company news. !"

"Let me lurk next to An Le'er? Be an undercover agent?" Jian Fan couldn't help but be taken aback when he heard the request from Gambit, it turned out to be such a request!

He couldn't help but start to hesitate. An Le'er hated him so much when he left the country. Can An Le'er forgive him now that he's back?

"How?" The King of Cards asked in a cold voice, "Can you do it? Can you get An Leer's forgiveness?"

"Okay!" When Jian Fan thought about the 500 million, he stopped thinking about anything. This time, even if he used all the cheap tricks he had learned in the past few years, he would take An Le'er down!

In fact, at this time, Gambit said to let him lurk beside An Leer, and his heart became active, so why not go back to China first and find a way to hook up An Leer, the rich second-generation Bai Fumei.

He felt that the reason why An Le'er couldn't forgive him at school was because An Le'er believed in the innocence and beauty of love and was too naive, but now that she has matured a lot, his handsome Prince Charming appeared in front of her again , she used a little bit of trickery and still didn't take the bait?

These thoughts flashed through his heart, and Jian Fan suddenly felt that the world began to become better.

Gambit just snorted lightly here, told Jian Fan a mobile phone number, and then asked him to notify him of all the information he queried through this mobile phone.

"Since you have agreed to me, then I am not afraid of cheating in the middle of you. 500 million has already been credited into your account. You should leave for Huaxia as soon as possible." After saying this, Gambit left the restaurant.

Jian Fan shivered violently, looking around, feeling as if he was in a dream just now, he hurriedly finished his meal, rushed outside to find an ATM machine, checked his account balance, and finally found out that the card was done. 500 million.

At that time, Jian Fan was completely excited. He went to the company to resign directly the next day, and then began to prepare a visa to return to China...

"Gambling King!" Ye Chui said the name, frowning, "I heard from Shiyu that Hellfire has seven senior cadres, and one of them is called Gambit. And Gambit is in charge of Hellfire. The promotion of various technological products in the world. This card king who asked Jian Fan to find An Leer as an undercover agent should be one of the senior officials of Hellfire, right?"

The seven senior cadres of Hellfire are Judgment, Xuanyin, Kaya, Apocalypse, Havoc, Gambling, and Youdu.

Among them, Apocalypse has been completely killed by Ozawa, Desperate Realm has been kneaded into a ball and completely sealed, and now it is placed in the villa as a decoration...

Now Ye Chui has completely broken with Hellfire and competed for the will power of all beings.

This card king is in charge of technology products, so he naturally wants to suppress Ye Chui's company. He may have some ability to know the past of An Leer and Jian Fan, so he wants to use Jian Fan to come undercover by An Leer's side. Play business infernal affairs?

And what Jian Fan wants to do is also very dirty, that is, to make An Le'er faint with drugs first, and then forcefully have something with her, and take some pictures of her, so as to write about An Le'er.

Ye Chui snorted coldly, fortunately the young master discovered it early...

"This guy is really hateful. I really want to kill him directly. However, since I know that this person is a spy, I will invite him into the company. Then I will deliberately give him some false information to make Gambit King work for nothing. Wouldn't this be a strong enemy's first opportunity?" Ye Chui pondered in his heart, "Besides, if Lele's misogyny wants to be solved, it depends on this man, and we have to start from him to let Lele regain Give hope to men!"

After thinking this way, Ye Chui felt a little unhappy again.

"But putting such a thing next to An Le'er, I don't feel at ease, young master... I have it!" Ye Chui's eyes lit up, and he put his hand on Jian Fan's forehead again. The sky hammer system was activated and invaded again. Jian Fan's consciousness, and then he quickly programmed a piece of software in his mind and installed it in Jian Fan's mind.

From Ye Shiyu, Ye Chui got a set of programming language called Tianhammer language, using this language Ye Chui can quickly and accurately program various software.

Just like the software he programmed at this time, this software is specially programmed for An Leer's safety.

"That's it!" Soon, the software was installed in Jian Fan's consciousness.

This software can be regarded as a kind of subconscious hypnosis. Whenever Jian Fan has some bad thoughts about An Le'er, he will immediately subconsciously slap himself in the face.

In this way, Ye Chui will not be afraid that he will plot against An Le'er...

"Very good, so you won't be afraid that this product will take advantage of An Le'er." Ye Chui nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Jian Fan, "Okay, you can go."

Jian Fan nodded immediately, turned around and walked away in a somewhat mechanical manner.

Ye Chui then returned to Tian Tian's car, seeing An Le'er still lying on his side, Ye Chui said, "Tian Tian, ​​let's go back."

"Okay, Mr. Ye Chui." Tiantian replied quickly, and the car started, heading for Maple Leaf Town.

Steel Egg followed closely behind.

When the two cars drove to a deserted place, Ye Chui waved his hand, and the two cars disappeared at the same time, appearing on Dongtian Island.

Ye Chui asked the two cars to go back to the place specially prepared for them on the island, while he carried An Le'er back to the villa.

"Sister Lele!" Yu Xue, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV when she saw Ye Chui came back with An Leer in her arms, immediately jumped up, "Ye Chui, what did you do to Sister Lele? Why did she faint? "

While talking, he quickly ran to Ye Chui, carefully inspecting An Le'er's injuries.

Ye Chui simply told Jian Fan's story, and the little girl was filled with righteous indignation: "You dare to drug Sister Lele, you must go and kill him."

"You were beaten and killed by the boss." Ye Chui taught him, "It's not easy for someone to be an Infernal Affairs."

"You still speak for him!"

"I still expect him to cheat the other party, can you not speak for him?" Ye Chui said with a smile, "Don't worry, Lele didn't say a little bit of grievance. I will have any evil thoughts about Lele."

"Then what if he has it?" Yu Xue asked worriedly.

"He will slap himself directly, I have already set it in his subconscious mind." Ye Chui said proudly, and then he carried An Le'er and walked upstairs, "I'll put Lele back in the room first. "

Seeing this, Yu Xue snatched her over and snatched An Le'er away: "You don't want to take advantage of this opportunity, I'll just help Sister Lele back to her room!"

So Yu Xue went back to the room with An Le'er in her arms, Ye Chui's face was a little helpless, what a great opportunity...

He sat back on the sofa, saw the snacks that Yu Xue put aside, and ate them casually, and saw that a romantic drama was playing on the TV, so he said to the TV: "Lightning, change the TV show."

"Okay," the TV answered by itself, and began to switch channels.

——This TV set is a magic weapon specially made by Ye Chui for Yu Xue. The name and surname are vague. Yu Xue basically changed some names for him in two or three days, and then changed his name.

Now its name is Lightning, and its surname is male, but because Lightning has completely blurred his surname, even though he has a male surname, his voice is thin and soft, giving people a kind of sissy feeling ...

It was all caused by Yu Xue.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening, and Ye Chui was just temporarily bored, so he wanted to watch a random TV show, but after watching it, Ye Chui couldn't help frowning: "Lightning, what is this show? "

At this time, a variety show was playing on TV, and the atmosphere was very lively, as if it was a concert, with various stars taking turns to sing, and the audience cheered continuously.

"Mr. Ye Chui, this is a new show that just appeared two weeks ago. It's called I am a super singer."

Lightning immediately introduced it.

"Since the appearance of this program, the ratings have continued to dominate the No. 1, very hot = hot." (To be continued.)

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