"What is this program about?" Ye Chui asked curiously.

"This show is an enhanced version of the variety show I'm a Singer. The show gathers the most popular first-line singers today, and then let them compete in the ring and compare their rankings." Lightning immediately introduced, "The scale is bigger than I am a singer. It is bigger, more interesting, and of a higher level. Because all the super singers participating in the show are so popular, they can also attract a large number of viewers. Now the ratings of this show have exceeded [-]%. The program can achieve this kind of ratings, which is unprecedented in China."

Ye Chui nodded, frowning as he watched the program being broadcast on TV——I am a super singer?Ye Chui is very familiar with the surnames in the entertainment industry by now. Those super singers generally don't appear on this kind of competition variety show, and as super masters, they also have to look at each other's face. Competitions are often a fatal blow, but now these singers are completely assembled.

This can only explain one reason, that is, this is also a means of attack in Hellfire!

"Hey, isn't this the I'm a Super Singer program?" Yu Xue had already sent An Leer back to her room, and changed her into her pajamas. When she came down again and saw the program on TV, Yu Xue immediately shouted.

Ye Chui turned to look at Yu Xue strangely, "Do you know this show?"

"I know." Yu Xue jumped and jumped directly onto the sofa from three meters away. Her movements were clear and flexible without any sense of disobedience. She leaned against Ye Chui and continued, "Watching this show It was used to target us, and they even sent us an invitation, which I declined."

"They sent us an invitation? When did it happen?" Ye Chui was taken aback, he didn't know anything about it.

Ye Chui completely handed over the matter of the virtual entertainment circle to Ozawa - the virtual Ozawa.With the help of three enterprise-level computers, Ozawa comprehended the power of soul light in the spiritual world, and she used the power of soul light to condense a body for herself. This is equivalent to dividing herself into reality Ozawa. The virtual Ozawa is like the two existence forms of Ozawa, and their ideas are interlinked.In the virtual entertainment circle, Ye Chui has completely handed over the management to the virtual Ozawa, but Yu Xue is very interested in this aspect, so she also has a lot of say in related matters.

Yu Xue explained: "Two weeks ago they left a message on the Tianhammer video, saying that they wanted to invite us to participate in this I am a super singer show. At that time, I thought that this kind of show must have various unspoken rules behind the scenes, so I turned them down straight away. "

Ye Chui frowned slightly: "But now they have invited all kinds of big-name stars. The team is so big, if we don't show up, wouldn't it appear that our stars are not big enough?"

Ye Chui is now running a virtual entertainment circle in order to compete for the will power of all beings.

All sentient beings want power, all they want is fame.

Although Yu Xue's refusal to participate in this program was out of good intentions, but now this program has called all the big-name stars in China, but the big stars from Tianchui Film and Television are missing. This is not to tell others that they are singers from Tianhammer Film and Television Not in the top tier?

Yu Xue also understood what Ye Chui meant immediately, she hugged Ye Chui's arm with both hands, and said cutely: "Ye Chui, did I do something wrong?"

"You're right, but I didn't expect this show to be so popular..." Ye Chui shook his head, and then asked curiously, "Lightning, how is the voting situation for this show?"

"The audience voting is absolutely fair and just, just like I am a singer." Lightning immediately explained, "And in order to show the fairness, I am a super singer. There are a total of 1000 people in the audience. When the show ends, everyone chooses who they like. Singers, when they leave the venue, line up to leave, vote for their favorite stars before they can leave, the votes cast are also public, and the program group broadcasts the number of votes, so that the possibility of swiping votes can be completely eliminated."

"So that's the case." Ye Chui nodded, "Okay, then let's go and let You Rongrong be on the show!"

"Hey, why can't Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu be on this show together?" Yu Xue said curiously, "This show has two sections, one is the singer section, and the other is the combination section."

"That's it, that's just right, let Wang Wenxue and Wang Shiyu go too." Ye Chui immediately decided.

Now there are more than a dozen singers released on the Tianhammer video, and these singers are all top-notch. Of course, they come from the virtual entertainment industry and are virtual characters.But only You Rongrong, Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu are real.Moreover, on the song list of Tianhammer Video, the songs of You Rongrong and Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu's Allure of Rain and Snow are also ranked in the top few.

Let them participate in this "I'm a Super Singer" program, naturally there is no problem.

Now that she decided to participate in this program, Yu Xue immediately became excited: "Let Rong Rong and Wen Xue Shiyu appear on the stage, it will definitely kill everyone!"

Because Yu Xue thought this show was to crowd out them, she hated it and never watched it. Now that she decided to participate, she immediately pulled Ye Chui to watch all the previous episodes.

This show is indeed very hot and exciting. It goes without saying that there is no need to talk about the strength of the first-line stars.

Occasionally, some second-tier stars appear on this show beyond their means, and the gap in strength is immediately apparent, and the final votes are very different.

In other words, if you don't have enough strength, you will definitely die miserably on this show!

The elimination situation of the program is similar to that of I am a singer, one contestant is eliminated in each episode, but this episode of I am a super singer has no limit on the number of episodes, if possible, it should continue in the form of fighting in the ring.

It can be seen that Hellfire wants to use this program to completely attack Ye Chui's Tianhammer Film and Television.

Ye Chui came to participate in the competition, and they were confident that they would beat the singer provided by Ye Chui to the ground.

And if Ye Chui doesn't come to the competition, it means that Ye Chui's Sky Hammer Film and Television is not qualified, no matter whether he comes or not, he can hit Ye Chui...

An Le'er also came out of the room rubbing her head. She only felt blurred about what happened last night. She didn't know how she got back to the villa. When she walked out of the room, she saw Ye Chui and Yu Xue sitting on the sofa cuddling each other. Watching TV - two days and one night without sleep, anyway, for Ye Chui and Yu Xue, sleeping is no longer necessary.

Seeing the two cuddling together, An Le'er first showed a hint of envy in her eyes. Because of her misogyny, it was difficult for her to be so close to a man.

She rubbed her aching head and walked over: "Did I drink yesterday? Why don't I know how I came back?"

"You did drink some wine yesterday. I brought you back." Ye Chui said with a smile. Ye Chui decided not to tell An Le'er about Jian Fan's drugging An Le'er. Her misogyny has recovered, but if she knew that Jian Fan was still like this, she would definitely be even more disappointed with the man—Jian Fan was a psychological obstacle to An Leer, and An Leer had to work hard to overcome this obstacle, but given Some of her negative blows are definitely not the best way.

An Le'er sat down beside her, and You Rongrong brought over a cup of coffee in a sensible manner.

When An Le'er picked it up and was about to take a sip, Ye Chui continued: "By the way, you seemed to say yesterday that you want to install someone in the company. It's your classmate, Jian Fan or something."

"Ah!?" An Le'er was startled, and looked at Ye Chui nervously, "I...have I said this? I don't remember why...Ye Chui, that Jian Fan, he is... …he is……"

"Hehe, the management of the company is entrusted to you. These are all your affairs. I won't ask too much. I trust you." Ye Chui said to An Le'er with a smile.

An Le'er didn't continue, it would definitely be embarrassing if it was revealed that Jian Fan was her first love at this time.

An Le'er secretly made up her mind: "Once my misogyny is resolved, I will immediately fire Jian Fan from the company!"

Wang Wenxue and You Rongrong had already prepared a simple breakfast, and a group of people gathered around the dining table and soon began to feast on it. During this time, Ye Chui asked Wang Wenxue, Ye Shiyu and You Rongrong to participate in the I am a super singer.

I'm a Super Singer is a hot show recently, everyone has heard of it, although You Rongrong felt a little nervous, but finally agreed.

But at this time, Wang Shiyu was not happy.

"Bai Xi and I also want to participate!" Wang Shiyu jumped directly onto the dining table, "Our Yu Xi group also wants to participate in this I am a super singer!"

"You?" Ye Chui was taken aback. In fact, Wang Shiyu and Bai Xi are both cute and transparent little girls. The combination of the two of them is also very popular, and they have always been ranked in the forefront of Tianhammer videos. It's just...Ye Chui directly ruled out the two of them from the bottom of his heart, what kind of fun do children have to join in the fun.

However, if you think about it this way, is there any age requirement for this competition? Wang Shiyu and Bai Xi are indeed very famous stars now. Their songs have been downloaded more than 500 million times, and they are already in the top ranks. Combination, they are fully qualified to participate in this competition.

"Well then, you two can also participate." Thinking of this, Ye Chui nodded.

Since the children Wang Shiyu are so interested, let them go. Although I am a super singer program group may not hire them, just treat them as playing... (To be continued.)

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