The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

469 Girl, are you the reincarnation of the Virgin Mary?

"xxx37 disbanded?"

Seeing this news, both Ye Chui and Yu Xue were taken aback. .

Although xxx37 did not beat Ye Chui's two groups in I am a Super Singer, but this group's No. It is already considered a female group with considerable development potential in China, and it is quite promising. Jiao Yang actually disbanded this group completely?

Brain show funny?

When You Rongrong saw the news, the expression on her face was very surprised. She used to be a member of this group, but was kicked out by the boss for no reason. She was replaced by an ordinary person. She would definitely be happy to see this group disbanded. , but You Rongrong is not that kind of girl. After staying for a while, she immediately trotted out of the hall, apparently to make a phone call.

Yu Xue was a little surprised: "What's wrong with Rong Rong?"

"I think he should be worried about Yunlan, so he wants to call Yunlan to inquire about the situation?" Mu Xiaojie guessed, and her brows frowned as she spoke. Rongrong didn't understand what she was thinking, "I feel lucky for Yunlan to have such a good friend."

Ye Chui also thinks so. He thought of a question. It seems that Jiao Yang has completely given up on xxx37. Although this group of girls is quite famous, there are a total of 37 members in the group. Individuals are not as impactful as a group. Power, that is to say, each of them is not well-known.

With Yunlan's surname, she might beg You Rongrong to let her join the Sky Hammer...

Ye Chui has a headache, I really hope that You Rongrong is not such a kind-hearted person.

"Woooo, I'm so sad, I didn't expect the group to break up." Yun Lan on the other side of the phone burst into tears, her voice distressed, "Rongrong, what do you think I should do?"

Hearing Yunlan cry, You Rongrong was about to cry too, "Lanlan, don't worry, I... I might help you, would you like to come to Tianhammer Film and Television?"

"To Tianchui Film and Television? Ye Chui...Will Ye Chui agree?" Yun Lan asked worriedly.

You Rongrong is also a little uncertain about this question. Although she is naive but not stupid, she knows some secrets of Hellfire. She is not sure whether Ye Chui is willing to take Yunlan in or not.

After hesitating for a moment, You Rongrong said to Yunlan, "Wait for me first, I'll ask her..."

Having said that, You Rongrong continued to say, as if afraid that Yunlan would be worried, "Lanlan, don't worry, I will definitely ask Brother Ye Chui."

"Rongrong, thank you very much." Yun Lan said with a moving tone.

"It's nothing, we are good friends!" You Rongrong said with a smile, and hung up the phone.

Yun Lan on the other side of the phone is packing up things in the room at this time - the room she lives in is provided by the Sunshine Film and Television Company, now that xxx37 is disbanded, a large group of girls have terminated their contract with the Sunlight Film and Television Company, and this house naturally cannot live any longer.

The big wave of girls in xxx37 is equivalent to no fixed place. When they got the news of the disbandment, the other girls almost all cried on the spot, and Yun Lan had already got some relevant information before, so keep calm a lot of.

Calling You Rongrong is naturally a fake cry. She still has some acting skills, but she is also a little worried at this moment: "I don't know that You Rongrong, a big-hearted and brainless woman, is in Ye Chui's heart. No, can Ye Chui agree to her intercession?"

Yun Lan also has another worry: "In the past, I obviously underestimated this cow. I don't know if it is true or not when she said that I am a good friend. It is not certain whether she will intercede for me..."

——This is definitely a standard measure of a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart.

Inside Dongtian Island.

You Rongrong came to the hall with a painful face, and looked at Ye Chui with embarrassment: "Brother Ye Chui..."

"Okay." Ye Chui was the first to speak. He didn't want to see You Rongrong in trouble, so he said with a smile, "You want to ask Yunlan for mercy. If that's the case, then I'll take her in."

"Huh?" You Rongrong was slightly taken aback, but soon she continued to talk to Ye Chui cautiously, "Brother Ye Chui, can you... can you take the others into Tianhammer Film and Television Company as well?" ah?"

"En?" Ye Chui was taken aback, "What other people?"

"It's all the other girls in xxx37." You Rongrong explained, "They are all gone now, so pitiful."


Ye Chui, Mu Xiaojie, Yu Xue, etc. were all speechless for a moment. I didn't expect You Rongrong to care about other people in xxx37.

Ye Chui is very clear that in the combination of xxx37, the only friend You Rongrong can call is Yun Lan, but Yun Lan is still that kind of person, and the others don't have much communication with You Rongrong.

After You Rongrong was kicked out of xxx37, Ye Chui never saw anyone else contacting You Rongrong—however, at this moment, You Rongrong actually planned to plead with Ye Chui for others.

It has to be said that Ye Chui felt a little powerless towards You Rongrong's innocence and kindness.

Girl, are you the reincarnation of the Virgin Mary?

"Brother Ye Chui, okay?" Seeing Ye Chui's stunned expression, You Rongrong thought he was upset, so he quickly grabbed Ye Chui's arm and begged, "You let them all join in, the worst thing is that later My download share on Tianhammer Video is cut in half."

"..." Ye Chui couldn't help but roll his eyes. If I remember correctly, this is the first time You Rongrong has acted like a baby with him. He is not very skilled, but it feels quite useful. I don't know if it was intentional or not. The girl hugged Ye When the arms were hanging down, the plump chest was directly attached to it... It was very comfortable to say.

Ye Chui sighed, and really had nothing to do with this innocent girl: "You don't need to halve the share, you can tell them, if you want, you can sign directly to Tianhammer Film and Television, and I will help them arrange board and lodging. Let Lele prepare for things."

"Really?" Joy bloomed on You Rongrong's face, and he leaned close to Ye Chui's face and kissed him with a bang.Then bouncing back to his room and continuing to make phone calls.

Ye Chui wiped his face, and found that Yu Xuemu Xiaojie and the other girls were a little stunned. Ye Shiyu children's shoes accurately speculated: "You Rongrong didn't realize that she kissed Ye Chui just now, right?"

"It should be like this." Ye Chui nodded with some sweat, the girl seemed really happy...


"What? Sign the whole xxx37 to Tianhammer Film and Television?" Yun Lan immediately showed a shocked expression when she heard the news from You Rongrong, she couldn't believe what she heard, "Rongrong, how could this happen, Ye Chui... Ye Why would he want to sign all of us to the company?"

"Brother Ye Chui is a very nice person. I know that you have terminated the contract with the company, so I specially helped you." You Rongrong said with a smile.

Although the truth is not like this, she doesn't mind talking to Ye Chui.

Yun Lan felt a little dissatisfied in her heart, obviously she had been secretly working hard, why should other people in xxx37 share the same victory as her?

But she couldn't show this feeling, and said with a forced smile: "Rongrong thanked Ye Chui for me, I will inform other people, they will be very happy to know the news."

"Well, they must be worried now, you should go and inform them." You Rongrong also said hastily.

After hanging up the phone, Yun Lan was still frowning and thinking about what Ye Chui's purpose was.

"Could it be that Ye Chui wants to build a huge harem because he has taken a fancy to so many of our girls? It's really perverted, but..." Yun Lan nodded self-righteously, "The more he Good = sex, the easier it is for me to hook him up..."


Tianhammer Films signed xxx37 into the company, and it has been going on for the next few days.

An Le'er was quite dissatisfied with Ye Chui's decision, but after knowing that it was You Rongrong's intention, she still expressed her support.

Anyway, the company's finances are fine now, and more than [-] girls have been signed in, which is also a good cover for the virtual entertainment industry.

On Ye Chui's side, he and Ye Shiyu Ozawa walk around the moon every day. Although the moon is much smaller than the earth, it is more or less a planet. It is not easy to calculate the entire planet. The time is very long.

This is also due to the x version of Ye Shiyu's Iron Man suit. If Ye Chui were to do it, it would only take longer.

And on this day, after Ye Chui and Ye Shiyu Ozawa returned to Dongtian Island from the portal of the moon, a spaceship suddenly landed on the moon—it was a landing craft from the United States.

Although the United States has already stopped its plan to land on the moon, the technology in this area has been researched all the time.

A week ago, when humans were discovered on the moon, the United States held a secret meeting and planned a moon landing as quickly as possible, trying to figure out the secrets on the moon first.

The landing place is next to the portal that Ye Chui built.

The small landing spacecraft fell into the lunar surface, and a man in a heavy spacesuit jumped off the spacecraft—if Ye Chui was here and saw this man's face, he would definitely recognize it directly. This man is none other than Iron Fist Luke , from a member of Ultimate Team.

Ye Chui was able to get acquainted with him at the Territory of Chaos.

"Luke, report what you saw!" At this time, Luke's communicator came from the White House.

At this moment, countless people are gathering in the secret war room of the White House, watching the video recording from Luke's space suit.

Luke breathed heavily, looking around.

"Report, didn't see anything okay... wait, what is that? There seems to be a strange machine in my direction at three o'clock, and there is a door... oh my god, there is a door on the ground There are so many footprints, and tire marks...what the hell is going on?"

Luke kept exclaiming.

The people in the secret war room actually saw what Luxor described through the video, and they could even see what Luxor didn't see.

The black one-eyed dragon Nick Fury was in charge of the call. He suddenly noticed something, his face changed slightly, and he hurriedly said to Luke: "Luke, pay attention to your back, there seems to be a shadow flashing past you just now!"


Luke was slightly startled, then slowly turned his head away.

Through the video recording, everyone saw the shadow.

Then everyone was dumbfounded—it was a little girl, super cute, wearing a small black dress, her body was suspended in the air, and she was holding a cotton candy in her hand, sticking out her little tongue and licking it sweetly.

Her big eyes looked at Luke in the spacesuit even more curiously.

"Uncle, what are you doing on the moon?" Wang Shiyu asked Luke curiously.

——Ye Chui warned Wang Shiyu not to sneak up on the moon before, but is Wang Shiyu so easily bluffed?

The more Ye Chui refused to let her come, she just wanted to come.

In the past few days, every time Ye Chui and Ye Shiyu Ozawa left the moon, Wang Shiyu's children would sneak in and wander around.

Just as Ye Chui guessed, the already inhuman child Ye Shiyu can move freely on the earth.

As for Wang Shiyu, she had met Luke before, so she still knew this uncle. When she found him, she came over to say hello with a smile on her face.


Luke was completely freaked out.

Everyone in the White House was completely scared to pee.

Fuck me, what's going on here? (To be continued.)

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