The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

470 My Child Is Not Sensible, I Didn’t Scare You

In the secret combat conference room of the White House in the United States, the huge screen is completely filled with Wang Shiyu's cute face. The picture of her sticking out her small tongue and licking cotton candy is absolutely adorable, but... this picture appeared on the moon above!

Moreover, her voice can be heard by Luke in a space suit?


Everyone no longer knew what kind of emotions should emerge in their hearts. .

All the bigwigs who ruled the world were dumbfounded, saying without exaggeration that the so-and-so Minister of Defense drool all over the floor.

As for the person involved, Luke had even more difficulty breathing at this time. Although he knew the child in front of him, and the child in front of him looked harmless to humans and animals, but... under such circumstances, it was impossible to accept this child calmly. The girl was wearing a long skirt floating in front of his eyes, which caused a sense of disobedience.

And Wang Shiyu asked Luke a question just now, but Luke didn't respond and she continued to ask: "Uncle, what are you doing on the moon? Can you play with me?"

"..." I really don't know how to answer.

Shi Yu speaks Chinese. Luke has been communicating in Chinese during this time, so he can barely understand the meaning of her question, but he really doesn't know how to answer it. Even if Luke answers something, it is estimated that Wang Shiyu couldn't hear it either.

How could sound travel on the moon?

"It's not fun..." Seeing that Luke didn't answer her, Wang Shiyu pouted. She decided to play with herself. She made a starting movement in the air, and then with a whoosh, she disappeared completely... …

Luke looked at Wang Shiyu who had turned into a small black spot and disappeared in the distance of the moon, and shook his head vigorously, but his breathing became more rapid.

"Luke, are you... okay?" Nick Fury's voice rang in Luke's ear, asking, "Did that little girl do anything to you?"

"No, she just seems to want to play with me..." Luke said hoarsely, and continued after a while, "This girl seems to be called Wang Shiyu? The girl who is with Ye... Oh my god, what can Ye bring? How many miracles, the person walking on the moon observed two days ago, could it be Ye?"

"Luke, wait a moment, I'll contact Ye right now!" Nick Fury said.


Ye Chui was eating when he received a call from Nick Fury.

In the past two days, I was busy surveying on the moon every day, and I was really tired. The noodles made by Wang Wenxue were delicious, and Ye Chui was very happy to eat them.

"You carried out a plan to land on the moon urgently, and then saw Wang Shiyu on the moon?" Hearing this news, Ye Chui almost spit out his face, he looked around, Yu Xue and other girls were sitting beside the sofa While playing the game, Bai Xi sat quietly by the side, but Wang Shiyu was nowhere to be seen. Ye Chui sensed that Wang Shiyu was not in Dongtian Island, so... This little thing sneaked onto the moon?

Ye Chui was at a loss for words, and told her not to run to the moon casually, but she just sneaked on the moon.

"My child is ignorant, didn't it scare you?"

Ye Chui said in English with a face of shame, "She is too naughty."

"It's so naughty..." Nick Fury felt a little sweat on his forehead. It's not a question of being naughty or not, the key is that she is having fun on the moon now...

"I'm going to find her right now." Ye Chui was somewhat worried that something would happen to Wang Shiyu on the moon, so he hung up the phone without talking to Nick Frido.

"Bai Xi." Ye Chui walked up to Bai Xi with a gloomy face, "Where's Shi Yu?"

"I...I...I don't know." Bai Xi immediately became nervous, looking at Ye Chui pitifully.

"Come on, you two often play together, I don't believe you don't know that she went to the moon."

"I...I tried to persuade her, but she didn't listen to me, and I tried, I felt very uncomfortable on the moon, but Shiyu seems to be fine..." Bai Xi continued to say pitifully.

This little cat demon pretends to be pitiful and is killing people. Ye Chui originally planned to talk about her, but now he can't bear to blame her.

"Forget it." Ye Chui shook his head, and in a flash, he had already rushed out of the villa to the door, and all of them collapsed in.

On the other side of the portal, Luke in a heavy spacesuit was studying the portal, when Ye Chui suddenly stepped out from the other side, which startled Luke immediately, and he put it down a little when he saw Ye Chui coming out. Have a little refreshment.

And in the secret combat conference room of the White House, everyone also saw Ye Chui's appearance - the moon seemed to be his backyard, and he stepped out of that portal directly...

The Minister of Finance trembled and had a heart attack. They spent a lot of money for this emergency moon landing plan, but it turned out that Ye Chui was able to step on the moon so easily. This is Chi Guoguo's fault. Do you fight?

"Fantastic Ye, you... how did you do it?" Luke asked in surprise.

Ye Chui frowned - he couldn't hear Luke's voice, but with the power of his heart, he could directly communicate with Luke, and vaguely understood what Luke wanted to say.

Ye Chui said to him in his heart: "Don't worry about other things, where is Shiyu?"

"She ran in that direction." Luke pointed to the direction where Wang Shiyu left.

"Well, okay, then you wait for me here for a while." Ye Chui said, and quickly ran in the direction of Wang Shiyu, and disappeared with a whoosh.

About 5 minutes later, Ye Chui vaguely saw Wang Shiyu's figure flying around, and Ye Chui's speed suddenly accelerated, rushing in that direction.

The little girl Wang Shiyu also saw Ye Chui's figure very quickly, she smiled and waved her arms at Ye Chui, and flew towards Ye Chui.

"Brother Hammer, the moon is so fun, but it's too boring for me to be alone. Bai Xi and the hairy monsters can't come here, can you come and play with me?" She rushed directly to Ye Chui - she was very smart, knowing that Ye Chui would be angry, she grabbed Ye Chui's body firmly like an octopus, and showed her cuteness to Ye Chui with a smile.

Ye Chui was still a little angry in his heart, but he couldn't get angry when he saw her like this.

"It's so strange, how can your voice be transmitted in a place like the moon where there is no air?" Ye Chui thought of this question, and said a little strangely.

"It's very simple, as long as I want my voice to be heard by others." Wang Shiyu said with a relaxed face.

Ye Chui rolled his eyes: "No matter how you think about it, it's not easy..."

Afterwards, Ye Chui brought Wang Shiyu back to the portal, and then he kindly pulled Luke into the portal together.

With a flash of their figures, the three of them appeared in Dongtian Island.

The upper part of this cave island is connected to space, so the communication device on Luke's space suit can still communicate with the secret combat conference room of the White House. Feeling like I'm dreaming...

"You can take off the protective suit now." Ye Chui said with a smile as he knocked on the protective cover of Luke's spacesuit.

Then Luke dubiously took off the protective cover, and he looked around in surprise: "Magic Ye, where am I now?"

"At my house." Ye Chui said with a smile.




Wang Shiyu seemed to be afraid that Ye Chui would blame her, so she still stuck to Ye Chui's body and refused to get off. Ye Chui smiled wryly, and after persuading her for a long time, he pulled her off his body, but he still warned her not to play on the moon secretly in the future Well, although Wang Shiyu has magical powers, it is still a little dangerous on the moon. For example, if she accidentally reasoned that the moon's gravity floated away, she would be finished...

Wang Shiyu nodded with a repentant face, but seeing the sparkle in her big eyes, she probably didn't take Ye Chui's words seriously.

"Brother Hammer, I went to play with Mushrooms and the others." Wang Shiyu said, the body flashed, and the person had already disappeared from the side.

"Fantastic Ye, she... how can she be so powerful, does she have any kind of ability?" Luke couldn't help asking.

It's not that I haven't seen powerful superpowers before, but I haven't seen Wang Shiyu's level of cheating.

Ye Chui didn't know how to explain this, so after thinking about it, he said, "You can regard her as a god. Although she is still a child mentally, her physical ability is already at the level of a god, the god of the nether world."

Luke was speechless, feeling that Ye Chui was joking, but his intuition told him that what Ye Chui said was true.

He couldn't help asking, "Is there really a god in this world?"

"Yes, but the way of existence may be different from what you think. To put it simply, their consciousness exists in a spiritual world, and there is no body in the real world. The gods on the Territory of Chaos , has been using high-tech to develop weapons that can withstand the will of God, and has achieved some success." Ye Chui explained casually at this time, "The last time in the Territory of Chaos, the gods were completely destroyed, they I have brought back the hundreds of bodies that I researched, and they are living in this place now, Wang Shiyu is one of them, but the will of God in her body has been destroyed, but the ability is left to Wang Shiyu .”

"There are hundreds of existences like Wang Shiyu?" Hearing Ye Chui's words, Luke was stunned.

And in the White House Secret Operations Conference Room, there was a complete commotion.

There are hundreds of them half-believing in what Ye Chui said, but they have seen Wang Shiyu's strength, and Ye Chui has really mastered the ability to directly enter the moon...

"Nick." Mr. President, after taking a deep breath, he said to Nick Fury, "In the future, no matter what, you must never take any actions against China, and even fully cooperate with some of their actions. Is it?" (To be continued.)

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