Han Jiangxue's worry was obviously superfluous, the figure that came from the dust didn't come directly to their hiding place, but rode forward without stopping, as if it wasn't what Mo Li said. The people who wait are average.

But not long after, a figure came from outside the smoke and dust without a sound, but within a few breaths, he avoided the possible stalking eyeliner and came to their hiding place alone, with very good skills. Yes, he doesn't look like a master of Jingwu, but he also doesn't look like the ordinary local residents that Mo Li said earlier.

In fact, Han Jiangxue could see clearly that there should be no follower in the distance, but the person who came had enough vigilance and good habits, and such behavior also showed that the person was safe for Mo Li and the others importance.

The person who came was a handsome young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, strong and dark, giving people a very down-to-earth feeling.Obviously this was the person Mo Li was waiting for, and he came just in time.

The handsome young man didn't show any extra gestures or politeness, he just raised his hand and said directly to Mo Li, "Lord Mo, my name is Erniu, and it was my grandfather who asked me to lead the way. It is rarely known, so there will be no problems. Walking along the path can directly bypass the guards in front of Duanshi Valley and go to Guangqing."

The hidden path was discovered by Er Niu’s grandfather by accident when he was young. Because it was too narrow and dangerous, it was almost deserted and no one walked through it. After a long time, even the entrance was almost blocked, and it was never visited. people found out.

Before Mo Li returned to the capital, he had secretly sent people to Broken Stone Valley to investigate. It was lucky that he happened to meet Er Niu's grandfather and learned that there was such an extremely hidden path this time.

Grandpa Erniu is getting old.The legs and feet were inconvenient, so Er Niu was asked to lead the way.The path was extremely difficult to walk, and it was not suitable for a large group of people, so this time only Mo Li, Han Jiangxue, Kun Nu and Lun Nu used this path to pass.

As for the rest of the troops, Mo Li had already ordered Dongling to station ten miles away from Duanshigu after a day. First, he had to observe the enemy's situation for two days and put on a posture that he was going to attack bravely. A bloody conflict on a large scale can probably be dragged on for three days.

Three days later.Dong Ling could directly lead the Mohist army to evacuate to the east, instead of going to Guangqing, but to avoid the pursuit of the court soldiers and horses, and join one of the rebel troops on the east side that had not been renamed temporarily, so as to protect himself from the crisis.

The path that no one has walked for many years is now even more desolate and difficult to walk. Er Niu is holding a knife in his hand and splitting the branches and leaves that are almost covering the path.Lead Mo Li and the others to walk carefully on this path.

Fortunately, there was no danger along the way. After about two hours, the few people finally came out of the trail and came to a small forest. At this time, they were already far away from Broken Stone Valley.

An unattended carriage was parked near the exit of the grove not far away. The horse was grazing with its head down, but it looked extremely peaceful and peaceful.After leaving the grove, it is the avenue leading directly to Guangqing.If you hurry up, you can arrive in three days.

"Er Niu. Thank you very much. We will thank your grandfather for us when we go back." Han Jiangxue looked at the strong Er Niu and thanked him with a smile. After leading the way, Er Niu can go home, and they will continue their journey soon. The next journey.

"You don't have to thank me, my grandfather said it. Both the prince and the princess have done a lot of good things for us poor people. During the famine last year, your Mo Palace saved too many people with just the porridge shed. Not to mention these years Since then, there have been other good things, so grandpa said that he can help you, he is very happy and proud!"

Erniu has nothing to say, say what you want, and don't care about the identity of the other party, just say what you think of: "So you don't have to thank us, this is what we should do, it's getting late, the prince and the princess are on the road Well, there are few people in this area, so if you run faster, you should be able to find a place to stay before dark, otherwise you can only sleep in the wild."

After finishing speaking, Er Niu waved his hands at Mo Li and Han Jiangxue, then turned around and went back to the trail, from where he continued to return to his village.For him, he had to hurry up, otherwise this trail would be even more difficult and dangerous when it got dark.

Mo Li and Han Jiangxue silently watched the young man who had helped them but turned away without asking for anything, feeling a little emotional in their hearts.The boy didn't even leave his full name, only Er Niu, who was called Er Niu by countless children in the world, but Er Niu, who was gradually disappearing in front of them, obviously made them feel the most real and simple. .

"Let's go, I hope that in the future, people like Er Niu's grandfather and grandson won't be let down again!" Mo Li patted Han Jiangxue on the shoulder, and calmly but firmly said such a sentence.

Then, he didn't stay any longer, and took Han Jiangxue's hand to the carriage ahead.

After getting in the car, Kun Nu drove, Lun Nu sat aside to observe the surroundings at any time, while Mo Li and Han Jiangxue could finally breathe a sigh of relief in the carriage, drink some water and talk.

The carriage is just a very ordinary carriage, and of course it cannot be compared with the carriage specially used for Prince Mo's Mansion in the past. However, for Han Jiangxue who has been walking for so long on the difficult path, this carriage does not need to stop walking, but it is Already extremely comfortable.

"It turns out that we are going to make a big splash!" After resting for a while and recovering some energy, Han Jiangxue quickly said to Mo Li: "Everyone thinks that we are still on the way to Broken Stone Valley, but we have never I think I have already passed and went straight to Guangqing, so the journey will be much smoother."

Mo Li let Han Jiangxue lean in his arms to make her as comfortable as possible, and at the same time said with a smile: "Speaking of which, this is considered luck. If there is no such secret path, I am afraid that I can only go head-to-head with the defenders of Broken Stone Valley." It's a match."

"Although our number is smaller than them, if we concentrate our elite troops to force our way out and cooperate with some other methods, we should be able to break through as well, but the casualties will be huge."

Han Jiangxue nodded. Mo Li didn't need to go into details at this time, but he already understood everything before: "Now we have not only passed Broken Stone Valley ahead of schedule, but also won a lot of time, and Dongling and the others don't have to really go back three days later." Conflicting with people below and diverting to the east can save them as much life as possible and preserve more strength. This step is another beautiful win for us!"

Mo Liyi just smiled, as a default.

"However, in my opinion, such an arrangement may have a more important role, right?" Han Jiangxue suddenly thought of something, and said again: "You let Dongling and the others hold the defenders for three days before diverting to the east. It is to let them buy three days for us. We should have arrived in Guangqing three days later, and at that time, it is almost impossible for outsiders to know our whereabouts. Do you want to meet General Song in person in advance?"

Seeing that Han Jiangxue mentioned this, Mo Li didn't remain silent when he came back. He nodded and said, "That's right, I need to talk to him alone, otherwise, I won't be able to take the entire suppression army away smoothly."

Han Jiangxue naturally understood what Mo Li meant by taking away the Qing and Suppressing Army. Now General Song was ordered by the emperor to wait in Guangqing to take over the entire Qing and Suppressing Army, but General Sun and others used various reasons Overtly and covertly obstructed, so General Song has not been stationed in the barracks for so long, and he has not obtained the actual control of the Qing army.

But this does not mean that General Song really has nothing to do with clearing up the army, but because of Mo Li's series of arrangements, General Song still only regards the rejection of General Sun and others as a kind of internal dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction, not other.

So once General Song knew that the Qing and Suppressing Army had followed Mo Li, it would be impossible for him to remain silent like now. Once he made any move, it would be a huge loss and consumption for the Qing and Suppressing Army. At the same time, it is not conducive to the army to follow and escort them back to Nankun.

In this way, the best solution is to let General Song retreat voluntarily, and don't interfere in this matter. Han Jiangxue doesn't know what cards Mo Li has to persuade General Song, but she firmly believes that as long as Mo Li wants to There must be no reason why it cannot be done.

"Then let's talk about it. From Guangqing to Nankun, if there is no escort from the Qing Dynasty along the way, the road will not be easy. After all, the troops from Nankun who will support us cannot go too far alone."

Han Jiangxue didn't ask Mo Li too much about what he planned to do, but said something else: "Li, General Song is my brother's father, and he is also a very capable general. If so, I hope to be able to persuade General Song to switch to the Mo family."

If General Song can switch to the Mo family, then of course the entire Song family, which is the family of generals, will also hope to win over. In this way, it will be more helpful for them in the future.

However, Han Jiangxue also knows that the Song family is not so easy to persuade. General Song is too rigid, and I am afraid that even if he knows that there are many people in the Li family, it will be difficult for them to take the step of changing their votes.

But no matter what, you have to try, and you can't let go of even the slightest chance.

"Don't worry, I have my own considerations on this matter. If I can get help from the Song family, it will be because of me, Mo Li. If it still doesn't work after hard work, then let nature take its course. I will respect General Song's own will. It will never be difficult.”

Mo Li was very calm, if he could win the Song family, it would be like adding wings to a tiger, but if he couldn't, it wouldn't have any decisive impact on the future situation. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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