Three days later, Mo Li and Han Jiangxue finally arrived at Guangqing with the fastest speed. They even moved half a day early and moved into a small town house closest to Anqing City before dark.

The current situation in Guangqing is very complicated. Anqing City is occupied by local rebels, and not far from Anqing City is the face-to-face confrontation of the Qing and Suppression Army. Although there has never been a direct conflict, the atmosphere is inexplicably tense. , as if they could fight at any time.

As for Guangqing City, apart from the Qing and Suppression Army that is right in front of you, there are two other rebellious armies from other places a hundred miles away on the east and west sides. Good thing, everyone is afraid of being the first to be taken advantage of by others.

General Song, on the other hand, took dozens of personal guards to stay not far from the station of the Qing and Suppressing Army. He would send people to inspect the movement of the Qing and Suppressing Army every day, and would go to the barracks to meet with the current Qing and Suppressing Army every day or two. Several generals who are actually in power coordinate the handover.

General Song also knew that this kind of thing should not be rushed. After all, for more than a year, the imperial court owed too much to this army, and it was extremely unfair to General Sun and others.

So in the past half month, he didn't take too drastic actions right away, nor forced General Sun and others to hand over the temporary military power in their hands immediately, and even his nephew who was not up to date is still locked up in the barracks I didn't bother to manage it, so it's better to let the unsatisfactory thing be polished first.

However, General Song also realized that the time for him to give General Sun and others was running out, because he had already obtained the latest information that Mo Li and his party were about to approach Broken Stone Valley, not far from Guangqing.

He knew in his heart the influence of Mo Li on the current suppression army. If the guards who had been waiting in Duanshigu could not take him down, if Mo Li rushed to Guangqing by force, it might make the current suppression army change.

So, within three days at the latest.He had to hold the military power of the suppression army in his hands, control the entire army, and not give Mo Li any opportunity to take advantage of it.

It's getting late today, and General Song is thinking about entering the barracks tomorrow morning to have final negotiations with General Sun and others.If General Sun and others still refuse to cooperate, then he can only adopt some strong tactics.

Just as he was thinking, someone reported outside the house, saying that it was General Sun and others asking to see him.

Hearing that it was General Sun and others who came here on their own initiative, General Song was very surprised. After all, it was half a month since someone from the suppression army came to him on his own initiative, so he quickly ordered people to come in.

Soon, General Sun brought someone in, saying that he had something important to discuss with him, so he asked General Song to temporarily avoid everyone else in the room.

General Song saw the four people following General Sun at a glance.Two of them were dressed in black cloaks, even their heads were covered, so no specific faces could be seen.

But even so, he still chose to let the two entourages in the house retreat as General Sun said, and he didn't take too much precaution because of this.

"Okay. Now there is no one else here, can you two show your true face?" After the door closed, General Song was the first to speak to the two people in black cloaks behind General Sun.

Being brought by General Sun in person, they would naturally not be ordinary people, but judging from the figures of the two, they should be a man and a woman. For a while, he couldn't figure out who they were.So simply don't bother to guess more, just point it out.

Hearing General Song's words, the two calmly raised their hands and took off their cloaks and hats, revealing their true faces. They were none other than Mo Li and Han Jiangxue who had arrived in Guangqing early this afternoon.

"It's you!" General Song was taken aback.Obviously, he did not expect that Mo Li and Han Jiangxue, who were supposed to be blocked in Broken Stone Valley at this time, would appear in front of him so suddenly.

For a moment, it would be strange if he wasn't extremely shocked, and no matter what method Mo Li used to trick everyone into sneaking past the Duanyun Valley to reach Guangqing ahead of schedule, it would be even more surprising that he would even come directly to him at this time. It was an indescribable surprise to him.

"It's been a long time, General Song. The sudden visit today is just because we have important business to discuss. Please forgive me, General." Mo Li nodded slightly, and said hello to General Song.

Although General Song was shocked, he quickly came back to his senses and said immediately: "King Mo and Princess Mo seem to have come to the wrong place. Now that the palace of King Mo no longer exists, the emperor has already ordered you to be arrested. But you all ran to this general by yourself, wouldn't it be like throwing yourself into a trap?"

"It's a hunt, not an arrest. Please take care of the general. Since we can come, we can leave naturally, and won't cause any trouble to the general." Han Jiangxue took a step forward and nodded at General Song, which was regarded as a formal greeting.

Although there is no need to mention it specifically, but this person is the biological father of her senior brother Song Qin, and of course he can be regarded as her elder, so of course the respect and etiquette that he should have should not be less.

Hearing Han Jiangxue's words, General Song's complexion changed again. He knew that the two men had already prepared to come, so he paused for a moment before saying: "In this case, if you have anything to say, please speak directly. The two positions are different, and the camps are also different, if there is any offense, please forgive me."

"The reason why I came here is to ask General Song to leave Guangqing for a few days first." Seeing this, Mo Li didn't hesitate, and straightened up his words: "This king will take the Qing suppression army to Nankun, in order to The general is now in an embarrassing position, it is best to avoid it first, so as not to be implicated."

General Song's face turned dark when he heard Mo Li's words. Without even thinking about it, he blurted out a firm and firm voice: "Mo Li, don't go too far! The Qing army is the court's army, not your Mo family's private army. Bing, don't say that the Mo Palace has been removed by the emperor now. Your Mo family has become the enemy of the entire Dongming. Even if you go back to years ago, even if you are still the commander of the Qing Dynasty, you don't have the qualifications to take so many soldiers and horses as your own. , take it to Nankun!"

"General Song doesn't need to be so excited. This king also has good intentions. If the general is not willing to accept it, this king will never force it." Mo Li was very calm and was not surprised by General Song Zai's reaction: "As for this king Whether or not they have the qualifications to take the Qing army away, this is the point where the entire Qing army has the most say. As long as they are willing, I don't think there will be any problems."

General Song immediately sternly asked General Sun, who was silent all the time, "Sun Yi, do you want to betray the emperor and the court? Do you want to lead troops to rebel and join the bandit army?"

General Sun was very calm, looked at General Song and said: "Sun only knows that it is far better for the Qing army to follow King Mo than to follow the current imperial court. At least we can really make a difference, and truly help the poor people who need us." benefit!"

"Okay, let me tell you why neither of you is willing to hand over the military power. I thought it was just because you disobeyed the general and were dissatisfied with the court's arrangements, but I didn't expect that you had taken refuge in Moli early in the morning. Then you became a traitor!" General Song was really angry, he pointed at General Sun's nose and cursed: "You disloyal people, why do you have the face to keep talking about benefiting the people? It's clearly only your own. It's all about selfishness!"

"Why does General Song have to be like this? If you talk about selfishness, why didn't the emperor use the future of the entire Dongming and the sufferings of all the people to pay for his selfishness?" General Sun retorted: "What is the court like now? We all know what it looks like, why do you deliberately not see the real general trend and people's hearts for the so-called loyalty in your heart? I just found the path that I think is the most correct, and I don't want to continue to be there. It’s nothing more than obsession with the wrong path, and it’s fine if the general can’t accept it, but he can’t deny the cognition and pursuit of others!”

"You..." After a few words, General Song was blocked and didn't know how to refute. He is indeed a loyal person and will not change his position no matter what, but this does not mean that he really cannot see the real situation now. situation.

And there are some things that really can't really tell the difference between right and wrong. When talking about it, they really just have different positions.

If it wasn't because of his stance and putting aside these hostile reasons, from the bottom of his heart, he admired and admired Mo Li and King Mo's mansion, so when he saw Mo Li and others suddenly appear in front of him, although he was shocked Extremely, I also rejected their coming, and it was even more impossible to listen to what they said, but they didn't immediately alarm the people outside. If they didn't immediately get the news that Mo Li and Han Jiangxue were no longer in Broken Stone Valley but had arrived in Guangqing. Disclosed for a while.

"Forget it, I won't argue with you about this!" He let out a long breath, and said very firmly: "No matter what reason you have, no matter what method you want to use, in short, I will be able to tell you clearly, I will never let you take away a single soldier from the Qing Dynasty!"

"King Mo, let's go. I respect you as a hero, and I don't want to arrest you under such circumstances. For the sake of the love of King Mo's residence and the Han family, I can let you go today, but I don't want to let you go." I will not take the initiative to publicize your whereabouts, but it is absolutely impossible to allow you to take away any member of the suppression army, and it is even more impossible for you to affect the entire situation in Guangqing! As long as this general is here, you will never even think about fighting The idea of ​​​​clearing the army!"

General Song said forcefully: "At the same time, I have to solemnly warn you that if we meet again in the future, I will definitely not show any sympathy. I will definitely arrest you and hand them over to the court!"

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