The return of the first daughter

Chapter 465 Let me come!

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From night to dawn, for four full hours, it was rare for Mo Li to have such a solid sleep recently.After waking up, the whole person feels refreshed, and the tiredness of running around for days is no longer there.

Han Jiangxue is very satisfied with Mo Li's mental state at the moment. These days, Mo Li has to take care of the war, the disaster situation in Lu County, and other major issues in Nankun. One can imagine how busy he is.

In fact, Mo Li is not the kind of person who likes to take all the power and decision-making in his own hands. Now, with the Mo Palace as the center, assisting him in governing civil and military affairs, although there is no real court established, all There are quite a few civil servants and military generals that are necessary, and what is missing is only a rectification of the Moshi regime.

It's just that they are now in the most important matching period, and there are indeed a lot of accidents superimposed together, so no matter how powerful Mo Li is, it is inevitable that he will be too busy.

But the most difficult time has passed, and after everything is on the right track, Mo Li can certainly relax a bit.The center of gravity of his world is a wife who is incomparable to everything. Even for Jiang Xue, it is impossible for him to tire himself out so early, regardless of the consequences and costs.

Today is a rare day off, Mo Li didn't go anywhere, just stayed in the mansion to accompany Han Jiangxue to play with flowers and plants, listen to her playing the piano, talk to her, the two of them are tired of being together, in fact, they feel extremely happy and beautiful without doing anything .

It's hard to sneak away for half a day, but it's no longer possible to be so leisurely since the afternoon.

Several important memorials were sent in one after another, and many letters insisted that the facts could not be understood, and they were also sent to the palace from time to time.

Mo Li had no choice but to end his leisure time and go into the study. Fortunately, these matters can be handled in the mansion. Jiang Xue was also very considerate to help Yan Mo and accompany him to deal with these matters, which made his mood and efficiency not good. be affected by any.

After being busy for more than an hour, there are still the last few memorials that have not been approved, so Mo Li will inevitably have a sad face at this meeting.There was only Jiang Xue beside her, so she didn't have to deliberately hide her expression.

"What's the matter?" Seeing this, Han Jiangxue asked, looking at the two items in Mo Li's hand.I don't know what happened to make her extremely powerful husband feel a little worried.

"It's nothing, it's just that money has to be used everywhere recently, and the expenses are huge, and Nankun won't have any taxes in the past three years, even I, the richest man in the world, feel that I don't have enough money now."

Mo Li smiled wryly and handed the two things in his hand to Han Jiangdao: "Master Qi and Lord Liu proposed several extremely important strategies for benefiting the people. All the plans are very detailed and highly feasible. The sooner they are implemented, the better they will be." Good. However, a large sum of money is required, and it is not easy to raise funds."

Han Jiangxue quickly took those things and looked at them.Immediately nodded and said: "Yes, these reforms are really good, and the sooner they should be implemented, the better. As for the source of funds, it is indeed not easy to use the existing treasury funds, after all, the amount required is too large .And it can’t be done once or twice, such a long-term investment, if the budget is used, it will easily affect the war and other basic issues.”

Mo Li understood this, so he couldn't help but get a headache.

Although Prince Mo's Mansion holds the largest source of wealth in the world, Nankun is now equivalent to a large country. In the past three years, there has been no source of taxation at all.It is too difficult to support and operate such a huge country with the financial resources of the entire Prince Mo Mansion alone.

If it weren't for the accumulation of so many years in Prince Mo's House, it might not be able to last for a year at all, and if it is replaced by any one, it will only end in an unsustainable ending.

"Such a large place, with so many people. Such a vast place needs money. If there is no other supplements, it will be impossible to fill up this bottomless pit with the financial resources generated by the Mo Palace's own industry."

Han Jiangxue didn't think much about it, and continued quickly: "In my opinion, we have to find other ways to make money to survive the tax-free days in the past few years. There will only be more places to spend money in the future. If many things are delayed due to lack of funds, the final loss will only be greater."

"You're right. It seems that I'll have to take some time off and go outside for more time." Mo Li shook his head slightly.

It's just that when he thinks that he, the richest prince in the world, has to worry about money, he can't help but feel a little amused.

Hearing Mo Li's words, Han Jiangxue couldn't help saying: "You have a lot of things to do, so how can you spare yourself? Besides, this kind of thing can't be done in a day or two, and you can't delay other things for money. It’s a major event, so it’s a bit of neglecting the other, putting the cart before the horse.”

"Well, I'll figure out how to deal with the money. It just so happens that I don't have much to do recently, so it would be nice if I could help you share some of it." Han Jiangxue was rather confident, and seemed to have an idea: "Besides, For things like raising money, it's better for a woman to come forward, and you, a big man, better not come forward for such things."

Mo Li couldn't help laughing: "Hearing from your tone, it seems that you have an idea, let me tell you what you want to do first?"

He didn't respond immediately, nor did he deny it. It wasn't that Mo Li didn't believe in Jiang Xue, but raising money was the most thankless task, so he would rather lower his status than make Jiang Xue suffer any grievances.

Han Jiangxue blinked Lingxiu's big eyes, but she didn't make a show of it, and said directly: "Actually, I think that the wool comes from the sheep, so naturally you have to go to the rich owner to raise money. Nankun is also good. , or other places in Dongming, no matter how turbulent the world is, there will never be a shortage of real rich masters. I was thinking about this when the Lu County earthquake happened earlier. It's put to use."

Although he didn't specify it, Mo Li knew that his wife really had an idea and was already prepared. Seeing that the girl didn't intend to reveal too much in advance, he didn't rush to ask, but said again with a smile: "It seems that my reputation as the richest man in the world is really in vain. Even my wife is always worried about me not having enough money to spend!"

"That's not true. If it was just the flowers of Prince Mo's Mansion, I wouldn't have to worry about money for hundreds of lifetimes. It's just that the current situation is special. You can support the entire people of Nankun with the income of King Mo's Mansion for so long. It's already a miracle. I thought that Nankun would only grow bigger and bigger in the future, so of course more and more money will be used, and it will be used in various places. How can I think too much? Of course I have prepared It’s okay, it’s the safest way to broaden your financial resources!”

Han Jiangxue showed a complacent expression on purpose: "Just wait, no more than a month at most, I will definitely be able to solve this problem!"

When Mo Li saw this, of course he didn't discourage his wife's enthusiasm. Based on his understanding of Jiang Xue, if he didn't have great confidence, this girl wouldn't take the initiative to engage in such a thing.

So of course he didn't reject his wife's kindness, and let her try first, or if she could really solve this big problem well, then it would be to help him bear a big burden, of course it would be great.If it doesn't work by then, it's okay, he will think of other ways in Jieshi himself.

Ever since she took the initiative to take on this difficult matter, Han Jiangxue also started to get busy, going out of the house almost every day, going to different places, sending out many autographed letters, and carrying out her plan in an orderly manner.

Of course, compared with Mo Li, her busyness is still very leisurely, but it makes her life more fulfilling, and being able to help her husband is what makes her most energetic and happy.

Most of the friends passed by, and Han Jiangxue gradually stopped coming in and out so frequently, but the letters were more frequent.Occasionally, she looks a little dignified, and occasionally she looks very excited, but generally it seems that it should be going smoothly, but the final result is really as she said, and it will take at least a month or so to fully see the result. After all This matter involves quite a lot, and the people involved are not ordinary people.

During this period of time, Dongling, Beifeng, and even Kunnu were temporarily used as errand runners by Han Jiangxue, because their speed was so fast compared to others, many of them had to be delivered in person, and presented to important people in person. People's letters have to be sent by them themselves, which can save a lot of time.

It was almost the end of the month, but Mo Li never asked any questions from the beginning to the end. Han Jiangxue didn't say anything, and he didn't ask about this aspect. Of course, there was no question of trust. What's more, he never wanted Jiang Snow felt the pressure.

It wasn't until the last day of the deadline that Han Jiangxue himself said, when Mo Li returned home, that Han Jiangxue happily greeted him, handed him a thick document in his hand, and said proudly: "It's done, Think carefully about how to reward me this time!"

"Just tell me what reward you want, there is only what you can't think of, there is nothing I can't do!" Hearing Han Jiangxue's words, Mo Li quickly took the things Han Jiangxue handed over, and didn't rush to look at it, but went first. Hugging Han Jiangxue into her arms, she said with emotion: "Thank you for your hard work. You have been running up and down in the past month, and you have worked hard. In the future, I will never let you work so hard again!"

For the first time, Mo Li didn't pay attention to the final result. Instead, he hugged Han Jiangxue tightly, feeling distressed and guilty from the bottom of his heart. If he could work harder and be stronger, then there would be no need to let It's only right for a loved one to work so hard for him.

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