The return of the first daughter

Chapter 466 Break and then stand

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Han Jiangxue's method is really not complicated!

Nankun's three-year tax exemption policy is only aimed at ordinary people, as well as some ordinary traders and small landlords.

As for other big landlords, wealthy businessmen, dignitaries, famous families, etc. who are really rich, they are not within the scope of full exemption, but have to divide their taxation standards into different levels based on their assets. The more they earn, the more they will naturally The more you pay.

However, on the whole, the tax rates for these special groups of people are relatively lower than those collected during the reign of the Eastern Ming Dynasty, and these people are actually most dependent on a stable environment to benefit from their operations, so this group of people It is also expressed support for the current tax payment status of Nankun, and there is no dissatisfaction.

But in fact, Han Jiangxue understands all too well that people in the high-ranking and wealthy groups often have various rights, means and methods to evade taxes, and because of the particularity of the crowd, it is difficult to achieve fair disposal and supervision, and even Even the government can only turn a blind eye and close their eyes, not daring to be too serious.

This status quo has almost become a social consensus, and it cannot be changed overnight.

Han Jiangxue made a statistic earlier. Nankun does not lack such big heads. If half of the tax money that these people evaded is recovered normally, it will be enough to become a fixed income, which can well alleviate the current situation of the Mo Palace. facing economic crisis.It won't make Prince Mo's Mansion's financial resources too single and overburdened.

Therefore, Han Jiangxue contacted the most powerful and representative group of people in Nankun, and directly stated to these people that Prince Mo's Mansion now wants to introduce several reform policies that are very beneficial to Nankun's stability and economic development. At that time, all people in Nankun will be the beneficiaries.

But because of the actual situation of taxation in the past three years, Prince Mo's Mansion does not have the extra ability to raise such a huge sum of money for the implementation of these new policies.

In response to this situation, Prince Mo's Mansion hopes to set up a special funding channel, which can be used to implement the new policy and benefit all the people of Nankun as a long-term act of benevolence.

And this special funding channel is going to be named Nankun Renshan Chamber of Commerce, but all the funds are raised in the form of voluntary donations, and there will be absolutely no coercion from any situation.Whether it is the representatives from various places in Nankun invited by Han Jiangxue to attend this time.Or other people can consciously choose whether to raise donations for the Benevolent Chamber of Commerce, and there are no mandatory regulations on how much to donate.

In the future, all the funds of the Benevolent Chamber of Commerce will be handed over to the representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and the responsible officials to jointly supervise to ensure that all funds are clear and used for practical purposes.

to be honest.This is a long-term fundraising proposal proposed by Mo Wangfu, which is currently in power in Nankun, to all the rich people in Nankun for the benefit of the people of Nankun, but Mo Wangfu will not let the fundraisers suffer in vain.

Therefore, Han Jiangxue clearly pointed out that anyone who raises donations in the future can offset or reduce the tax payable on the property under his name in proportion to the amount of silver donated. The more donations, the more tax reductions will naturally be made.

That is to say, in fact, it means that everyone does not need to pay any money to donate money, and at the same time, they can win the reputation of benevolence and be praised by the people.They will be famous all over the world, and at the same time, their good deeds in the future will be recorded by the Mo Palace as family contributions, and he will forever remember the history of Nankun.And some of the families with the highest contribution will have the opportunity to be named marquis and lords in the future, and share the joys and sorrows with Nankun, and share the wealth and honor!

When Han Jiangxue listed these benefits one by one in public.Almost everyone's gazes were wide open.

The people who can be invited are not simple people, their shrewdness can be seen, but in a moment, they have already calculated all the accounts of entry and exit, clearly and clearly.

According to what Princess Mo said, on the surface, it seems that they don't really need to pay any money out of their own pockets in the future, but can really make up for the donated money by reducing or even completely offsetting taxes, and there is no disadvantage.But in fact.Everyone understands that the amount of tax they pay now is the amount after special treatment, which is not even a fraction of what they really need to pay. Even if the best one can pay half of it, it is already beyond the sky.

In fact, the ratio of donation and tax exemption set by Princess Mo is still a big loss for them, but what everyone values ​​most is naturally the few benefits of fame and fortune that Princess Mo presented later, It was truly an irresistible temptation.

Opportunities like this don't come along all the time.Don't say that it can be done just by letting them avoid tax evasion, even if they pay more, there will be a lot of people squeezing their heads for nothing.

Therefore, there was no resistance at all to the establishment of the Benevolent Chamber of Commerce. All the people present were full of praise. At that moment, many big businessmen donated an astonishing amount of money.Not to be outdone, the others rushed to contribute money.

The general representative of the chamber of commerce and the heads of the branches of the local chamber of commerce have successfully selected the candidates. It is the first time that these wealthy people donate so happily and proactively, and the amount is not bad.

At the same time, everyone knows that this is a long-term and sustainable investment. The more you invest, the more amazing and rich returns you will get in the future. For everyone, it is very worthwhile.

When Han Jiangxue explained these details one by one, Mo Li felt that his wife was a treasure, and said with a smile: "It seems that this time you not only helped me solve the big trouble of my bank, but also tantamount to It has opened up a new path for tax evasion and underpayment, which has almost become a clear rule."

"After this exchange offset, the tax they paid still reached nearly [-]% of what they actually had to pay. That is to say, those who agreed to donate on behalf of the tax will become more regular taxpayers in the future. Such a difficult part You actually helped me solve the matter directly, you really made a few great achievements!"

The expression on Mo Li's face is one of indescribable pride and pride, his wife's intelligence and talent are worth showing off to everyone in the world!

Han Jiangxue was happy but never complacent, but looking at the pride on Mo Li's face that she was proud of her made her extremely satisfied: "If you don't break things, you can get what you need. It's not important if you don't make great achievements. It's important." The only thing is that I can share some of it for you, and I am satisfied. Now it seems that it is just a good time to take advantage of this opportunity to address the taxation issue of officials, dignitaries, aristocratic families and wealthy families. In the future, anyone who uses various methods to evade taxes and reduce taxes will be severely punished. Correct this unhealthy trend."

"It's so good. I think most people won't object to obstruction, and even get positive responses. After all, people who donate more are actually paying more taxes. Naturally, they don't want to see What are the benefits of those who donate less or those who don’t donate shyly?”

Mo Li said that in human nature, he didn't delay immediately, and immediately called people in to inform the corresponding officials to discuss and arrange the matter in detail.But he didn't follow him personally, but heeded Han Jiangxue's suggestion and let Aoki handle it.

For the past month, Aoki has been borrowed by Han Jiangxue from his elder brother to help arrange and coordinate these matters, so he is not only familiar with it, but also has good abilities, and he is the best candidate to follow up with these.

And Han Jing also felt that with Aoki's ability, it would be too overkill to just stay in the Han family all the time, wasting Aoki's extraordinary talent and learning, so he took this opportunity to directly recommend this great talent to the Mo Palace, and in the future, he will be with Mo. Li Cai will not overwhelm Aoki's ability to govern the country.

Not only Aoki, but Mo Li only cares about talent and character, and does not shy away from relatives and virtuous people, such as Mo Yu, Han Jiangxue's second uncle, Han Jing's father-in-law Lin, etc., are all entrusted by Mo Li according to their own characteristics and expertise. .

In the future, when the Mo Palace went to Wang Chenghuang, when the new dynasty was truly established, these people and those who followed and loyal to Mo Li all the way were the heroes of the founding of the country, and the princes would reward each other for their merits.

It is precisely because of this that the idea of ​​the Benevolent Chamber of Commerce was thrown out and immediately received support and response from those people. After all, the new dynasty is just around the corner, and the so-called princes, generals, and famous families have to be reshuffled, which is a rare event in a century. It's a great opportunity, offending anyone can't offend the Mo Palace, and it's the right way to perform more meritorious service and leave a deep impression.

Time flies, and more than four months have passed in the blink of an eye, and the battle in the north has become more and more fierce, but it is obvious that the Mohist army led by General Qin has the upper hand, winning two big battles in a row. The general is now just insisting on forcibly unwilling to retreat half a step.

However, after Moli solved the tense money problem, several new policies were implemented smoothly. Although no obvious effect can be seen in a short period of time, most of the people are aware of it and support them very much. King Mo supported him even more.

Under the current situation of three points, Nankun is obviously much more prosperous than the Dongming court and Xijiang Mengjia, but Han Jiangxue's belly has not made any progress, and there is no sign of pregnancy at all.

However, Han Jiangxue is not thinking wildly now, and occasionally handles some government affairs with Mo Li, and then takes care of Prince Mo's mansion, and can spend some free time with relatives and friends, and lives a very fulfilling life.

Ziyue has married Dong Ling, her sister-in-law Lin Xiaoxiao is about to give birth again, Han Jing has officially taken over the business of the Han family, and Duan'er was brought by Mo Li to polish her...

Recently, Han Jiangxue has almost nothing to worry about, and Mo Li's company, which he will never ignore no matter how busy he is, makes her very satisfied.

"Miss, there is a visitor." Shui'er walked up to Han Jiangxue's side at some point, and took the water pot that Han Jiangxue had already watered the flowers with, and told her softly.

"Who is it?" Han Jiangxue asked Shui'er sideways, and the clever girl beside her had already handed him a handkerchief to wipe.

Shui'er said truthfully: "It's a middle-aged lady who claims to be your aunt."


Thank you for my tears that no one saw, book friends 140612080915287, and xingyun0586 for the pink votes, and book friends 140929142624844 for the peace talisman, thank you for all the friends who subscribe~~

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