Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 101 Bet on the 4th game, startled

she helplessly...

Gazing deeply at Qi Yemo, "Qi Yemo, I will take responsibility for everything I have done. I hope you will stop embarrassing my family."

The family she talks about is only Yang Yang and her mother.

In his ears, he thought it was the Ye family.

He sneered.He stared calmly at her stepping back.

She always smiled sadly.

Then he turned around, rushed out of the window with a few steps, closed his eyes, and jumped down...



There seemed to be a muffled noise coming from downstairs.

The men who were enjoying themselves were suddenly dumbfounded.

They all looked at each other in blank dismay, "Mr. Qi, did I read correctly just now? Your little secretary..."

"Jumped, jumped off a building?"

"Mr. Qi, you don't have to play so big..."

"...a fatal accident..."

"Quick! It will be a catastrophe if the media is alarmed..."

For a while, everyone panicked.

Everyone is a face in city A, how can they stand up to the scandal?

Fearing that the situation would become serious, they hurriedly tidied themselves up.

Qi Yemo's eyebrows were always cold as usual.

Walking off the platform, his legs and feet under his suit pants did not recover.

It is only the steel bracket that supports it so that it can walk upright.

Walking to the window sill step by step, he lowered his eyes——

On the grass under the night sky, there is a solitude.

Ye Huanyu seemed to be a bouquet of white cherry blossoms blooming under the night sky, clean and cool, yet exuding a deadly charm.

It lay undisguised in the bottom of his eyes.

His heart seemed to be pulled by something, and his fingertips felt numb for a while.

Then, he took a cigar out of his pocket.


Leaning against the window sill, take a deep breath slowly.

Circles of smoke, like clouds, lingered away.

The delicate white body downstairs was reflected in her eyes, and what came to her mind was that sad and bleak smile before she was about to jump.

That smile, like a bouquet of cherry blossoms in full bloom, hurt his eyes.

The world knows that cherry blossoms are one of the longest and shortest flowers in the world.

Brilliant when open.

When you lose, you will not be polluted or polluted.

However, from blooming to withering, it is only ten days.

It's Tumi...

———The author has something to say——

Boss-sama is too ruthless, even if Huanhuan really did something wrong, there is no need to force Huanhuan to jump off the building, right?The third floor!Inhumanity, inhumanity, Shizi squatted on the ground and drew circles, silently mourning, woo~


The night sky has never been so dark blue.

The stars are dotted, and the vastness is precarious.

Ye Huanyu lay quietly with her deep eyes open without blinking.

Jumping down from the third floor, she didn't expect that it would be like this.

The body was so paralyzed that he couldn't move.

Are you dying?

I feel that the temperature is losing bit by bit, and my fingertips are gradually losing sensation...

Then, she saw the figure above the window above.

Qi Yemo Lengcen's face was reflected in her pupils.

Suddenly, a burst of soreness spread out of her eye sockets without warning, instantly blinding her eyes.

She clearly saw him leisurely lighting a cigarette on the windowsill.

Elegant and arrogant.

Like a calm but gloomy leopard.

The more careless the disguise, the more dangerous the invasion.

Suddenly, a pure white sheet covered it——

Before she could react, her body was tightly wrapped by this.

A sighing voice came from next to my ear: "Miss Ye, why are you bothering? You shouldn't have offended the master..."

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