Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 102 Bet on the 4th game, startled

Ye Huanyu's lips trembled, and he raised his eyes, and Qin Huo's honest face came into view.

While wrapping her up, Qin Huo read: "The 'Ying' project is the most important part of the master's sweep of the international architectural field. Miss Su's gift! Miss Ye, you shouldn't be acting like this!"

'Ying' project, Yeying Yipin?

Obviously, Ye came from Qi Yemo, so what about Ying?

Ye Huanyu suffocated suddenly.

The heart seemed to be torn open by something, and blood oozes out.

She was dumbfounded, "...Miss Su?"

Qin Huo looked down at her, and realized that he shouldn't talk too much, so he turned around and breathed a sigh of relief, "It's also fortunate that you jumped down, Miss Ye!"

Ye Huanyu was puzzled.

"Alas..." Qin Huo sighed again, "Look under your body and you will understand."

When she touched it with her fingertips, she realized that the ground below was not a solid ground, but a layer of soft foam plastic.

Qin Huo shook his head and quickly deflated the airbag.

Helpless: "Miss Ye, in fact, this airbag was prepared before you came. The master intends to test you, after all, you really did something wrong. You just stole the master's blueprint and asked Ye's team to take it to the competition. Ye His performance in the tournament was impeccable."

Qin Huo frowned more and more, and while decompressing the airbag with his hand, he continued, "Because the competition system is open, everyone now thinks that these blueprints came from Mrs. Ye. You said you made such a fuss, could it be possible?" Master wants to stand up and slap himself?"

Ye Huanyu's lips were pale, and it was only now that she understood the reason why Qi Ye was extremely angry.

Thinking about it, she still missed her father's insidiousness.

If Qi Yemo stood up and stated that he wanted to thoroughly investigate the source of those blueprints, then it would undoubtedly be for Qi to admit that he had not managed well, so that people could take advantage of it.

And if Qi Yemo didn't choose those blueprints and directly brushed Ye's, then he would be slapped in the face.

Directly deny the value of those blueprints!

After all, those blueprints originally came from within the Qi family, and might even come from Qi Yemo himself.

Qi Yemo definitely couldn't tolerate letting Ye's be shortlisted.

Letting Mrs. Ye out of the competition will cause the public to speculate a lot, because Mrs. Ye was ranked first in the first round of today's competition!

This is not shortlisted, nor is it eliminated.

No wonder Qi Yemo was so angry!

Qin Huo shook his head and sighed, and glanced at the pale Ye Huanyu: "It's also a good thing that Miss Ye jumped down. If you run away or resist or something, I'm afraid you will provoke even more terrible revenge from the master."


He forced her to jump off the building, it was just a cruel test.

She should have guessed, how could Qi Yemo easily punish a person who betrayed him with death?

Ye Huanyu suddenly choked up.

What if she chose to make those bosses happy?

What will be the consequences?She might never guess the answer.

For a moment, she was so choked up that she couldn't speak a word.

"Remember, Miss Ye." Qin Huo took a serious look at Ye Huanyu, "Don't provoke the master again, especially anything related to the 'Ying' project."

She smiled sadly and suddenly realized.

"Is it anything related to that Miss Su?!"

Qin Huo glanced at her and said nothing.

That means the default.

Ye Huanyu twitched her fingers and got up from the airbag.

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