Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 103 Bet on the 4th game, startled

With that jump just now, I almost lost my soul.

Thinking about it, I'm stupid, why do you just obey him like this, and just jump when you say it?

But at that time, she was really angry with him.

Those dirty men, dirty meals, and... dirty him!

It almost made her sick to the point of collapse.

Maybe it was impulsiveness, or maybe it was panic, so I just jumped.

Wrapping her fingers tightly around the sheet around her body, her pale lips trembled: "Qin Huo, is that Miss Su Soso?"

Qin Huo folded the deflated airbag and cast a sideways glance at Ye Huanyu.

Finally he sighed and nodded.

Ye Huanyu suddenly lost all blood.

It turned out that Soso was not a rumor, but actually existed in Qi Yemo's life.

Last night, Bai Muxi's "sister-in-law" in the Zeus bar suddenly came to her mind.

Only then did I suddenly understand that it wasn't Pei Dai'er.

That's calling Soso!

My heart seemed to be emptied all of a sudden.She faltered.

No wonder, Bai Muxi would say, how could Qi Yemo be willing to push her out to be someone else's target?

How could he be willing to push her in front of Pei Dai'er and block the sword for Soso!


Her knuckles were bleak.

It turned out that he was just a pawn he used.

And what he wants to protect from the beginning to the end, is that woman named Soso?

"Miss Ye, how about I take you back?" Qin Huo looked at her worriedly.

Ye Huanyu bit her lip and looked up.

The ethereal and resentful eyes stared at the window sill on the third floor——

The indifferent man who was still smoking a cigarette just now has long since disappeared...

She shook her head indifferently: "No, thank you Qin Huo."

For the first time, it was a taste of what it meant to be heart-piercing.

No wonder, Qi Yemo held her in his arms that night, so deep and so gentle.

But he just told her: Huan'er, don't fall in love with me.

Don't fall in love with me.

My heart was hurting, and I squeezed out blood all at once.

Are you in love with him?

She didn't know, she just felt cold in her limbs.

It's not as cold as the apex of the heart.

But the heart hurts like a knife.

In the end, she walked away with legs that seemed to be filled with lead, turned and left...

Qin Huo staggered as he looked at Ye Huanyu's slender back.

Can't help but sigh.

Over the years, many women wanted to get close to their master, but in the end it was nothing.

Only Ye Huanyu is the woman who can really get close to her master.

But it turned out that it was nothing more than a mirror image, eventually losing to Ms. Su...

Under the night, the old community was extremely deserted.

Perhaps it was the roaring police car in the morning, but it was still in vain in the end.

But at night, the neighborhood was so quiet.

Ye Huanyu didn't know how she got home.

As soon as he entered the door, Liu Fen ran over nervously, "Ah, Huanhuan, what's wrong with you?"

I saw my daughter wrapped in a white sheet, her hair was messy, and there were even a few bruises on her hands and feet.

Liu Fen was terrified.

"Could it be..." The word Liu Fen could imagine, robbery?Or something else...?Or what?

Ye Huanyu held back her tears and smiled weakly at her mother.

Shaking her head calmly, "Mom, I'm fine. I'll go in and wash up."

"After Yang Yang had dinner, he locked himself in the room alone. He didn't know what he was doing, so he probably slept." Liu Fen nodded, and looked at Ye Huanyu guiltily, "Huanhuan, your father..."

"Yangyang scared?" As soon as her son was mentioned, she didn't have the heart to hurt the spring and autumn, and had to cheer up 12 points.

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