Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 117 Betting on the 5th Game, Past Thoughts

It turned out that Anthony was really an idol actor rather than a singer.

Ya singing is so's unbearable...

Oh~, broke the glass hearts of many fans.

"Huanhuan, come, have a drink..." Chu Yunfeng approached with a smile, and forced a glass for Ye Huanyu.

Ye Huanyu raised her eyes, and saw Qi Yemo habitually walked to the bar, sat down, and started drinking alone again.

This guy seems to like being alone.

Even in this noisy KTV, he can still find his own peace.

"Huanhuan, we meet again." Bai Muxi's gentle voice came, and he smiled harmlessly.

Ye Huanyu's heartstrings tensed subconsciously, and she smiled back at him in embarrassment.

Bai Muxi said "sister-in-law" at the beginning, and she only realized it now, and she realized it later.

This time, she really understood why Bai Muxi had hostility in his eyes when he saw her.

"Old Bai, can you call me Huanhuan? This is my exclusive nickname!" Chu Yunfeng glanced at Bai Muxi unhappily, and put his arm on Ye Huanyu as he spoke.

Bai Muxi glanced at Qi Yemo, who was drinking too much, and then twitched his mouth: "Tsk, didn't you hear what Qi Er said just now, isn't she a woman you can touch?"

"Qi Er said I can't touch it, so why can't I touch it? I really don't believe it." Chu Yunfeng cried out unwillingly, and hugged Ye Huanyu into his arms, "Huanhuan, let's go, come home with me tonight ..."

Ye Huanyu was startled, raised her head, looked at Chu Yunfeng's monstrous face, and blurted out, "Are you going to marry me home?"

"Huh?" Chu Yunfeng was dumbfounded.

Bai Muxi was also stunned for a second, and then burst into laughter: "Hahaha..."

Qi Yemo hooked his fingers into the wine glass, turned his eyes, and glanced at Chu Yunfeng with disdain, and remained silent.

Ye Huanyu said it very seriously, not that she really wanted Chu Yunfeng to marry her and go home, but just wanted to use this method to make Chu Yunfeng retreat.

She is not the kind of woman who can play with men casually.

Men like them must be afraid to marry a random woman and go home, right?

Otherwise, Qi Yemo wouldn't do everything possible to get rid of Pei Dai'er.

Anthony just ended the song.

He sang intoxicatedly, turned around, and when he saw Ye Huanyu, his eyes lit up.

He quickly squeezed between Ye Huanyu and Chu Yunfeng, and sat down in a daze.

Chu Yunfeng yelled: "Qi San, do you understand if you come first and then come first!"

Anthony ignored Chu Yunfeng, looked directly at Ye Huanyu and said with a smile on his face, "Huanyu, I didn't expect my second brother to bring you here even to sing K. It seems that you are very charming."

As he said that, he even cast a serious glance at Qi Yemo.

But he received Qi Yemo's cold eyes.

Ye Huanyu pulled her lips unnaturally, "Yes, it's quite powerful."

"Huanyu, you are so funny. Hahaha..." Anthony immediately laughed too.

Qi Yemo glanced at the three sitting on the sofa, all of them were surrounded by a woman named Ye Huanyu.

A touch of displeasure crossed his brows.

What kind of ability does this woman have to seduce people, so that he can make Chu Ershao, Bai Ershao, and Qi Sanshao flock to her?

"Xiaoxiaoxiao, what's so funny!" Chu Yunfeng pursed his lips unhappily, passed Anthony, and forced Ye Huanyu out, "Huanhuan, let's go, let's drink and sing!"

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