Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 118 Betting on the 5th Game, Past Thoughts

So, Second Young Master Chu dragged Ye Huanyu to the karaoke stand in a daze.

He also poured her a glass of fragrant and rich red wine, "Huanhuan, what do you like to sing, I'll give you some."

Ye Huanyu took the wine glass, and when her lips touched the cold liquid, she drank it without thinking.

The wine penetrates into the heart of sorrow like this, as if the sorrow~ is longer...

"Let's have another drink." She asked Chu Yunfeng for another drink for the first time.

Chu Yunfeng opened his mouth with a smile, and hurriedly poured another bottle for her, "Haha, Huanhuan, isn't this wine delicious? Let me tell you, I have treasured it for many years..."

Nodding indiscriminately, Ye Huanyu drank another gulp.

Glancing at the giant screen, she twitched her lips, "Yunfeng, order "White Moonlight"."

""White Moonlight"?" Chu Yunfeng hesitated for a while, he didn't know this song at all, but he still nodded without saying a word, "No problem!"

Afterwards, the melodious and long musical sound of "White Moonlight" slowly flowed out...

Ye Huanyu picked up the mic, followed the lyrics on the screen, and sang in a low voice——

"White moonlight, somewhere in my heart; so bright, but so cold. Everyone has a sadness that they want to hide, but want to cover up..."

"I can't wipe it off, the tears in my memory..."

Those cool singing voices, each word of sad voice, escaped from her throat...



When she sang to the end, she couldn't help pouring the wine into her mouth in one fell swoop.

"You are me, an unspeakable injury; I want to forget, but I can't help thinking about it. It's like exile, stumbling all the way..."

"Bai Yueguang, somewhere in my heart...everyone has a sadness that they want to hide, but it grows..."

Finally, the song is over.

In an instant, the entire box was silent.

It was as quiet as if she was the only one singing the sad song.

I have to admit that everyone present was astonished after listening to her song!

Who would have thought that Ye Huanyu would have such an astonishingly good singing voice.

After a few seconds of silence, it was finally cut through by a voice——

"Huanhuan, who is your white moonlight?"

Who is your white moonlight?

Ye Huanyu's fingertips trembled, and her gaze shifted from the screen to Chu Yunfeng...

"Yeah, Huanhuan...are you crying?"

She was startled.

Quickly brushing his fingers across his cheeks, he realized that his face was already wet.

The song "White Moonlight" actually sang until she burst into tears.

Hastily concealing the panic in her eyes, she smiled and shook her head: "This song is too sensational..."

Qi Yemo, who was sitting by the bar, had a trace of shock in his deep eyes.When he saw Ye Huanyu's face full of tears, his heart hurt a little from something.

Perhaps, like Chu Yunfeng, he really wanted to ask, who is the white moonlight in her heart?

What caused her to sing so affectionately, with tears in her eyes?

"Okay! Great singing!" Anthony couldn't sit still anymore, clapped his hands and applauded, "Huanyu, do you want to become a singer? I'll be the first to recommend you..."

Ye Huanyu wiped away her tears, her heart was slightly disturbed.

She rarely loses her composure in front of people.

Xu Shi reunited with Sun Junhao tonight, and Xu Shi's words 'Yu Xi has returned to China' brought back countless memories for her...

During the years when the Ye family grew up, they were oppressed*persecuted*by the Ye family, and had to be ordered by their mother not to resist.

I have always been so forbearing, forbear in the bottom of my heart.

Bearing it silently, gradually becoming hurt...

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