Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 132 Betting on the 6th inning, the night party

After a moment of silence, the little Jiujiu in her heart began to erupt——

Your sister's Qi Yemo!

After breaking up, you forced me to jump off the building for a few blueprints?

You want to prove how much you attach importance to the 'Ying' project, how much you attach importance to Su Yingwan, but you still have to prove a P after breaking up!

Why are you still messing with me like this after breaking up? !

Ye Huanyu understood now, this guy brought her here tonight to anger Su Yingwan!

She actually made a live target again!

But this time it's not the mayor's daughter Pei Dai'er, but Su Yingwan who he has always protected very well!

So, is Su Yingwan his white moonlight?Otherwise, how could he be so well protected?

Ye Huanyu couldn't help but touch her forehead, what a crime!

This woman really sees flowers in a fog, and she can only see clearly by peeling off the layers, which one is his strange flower... Uh, no, it should be his true love flower!

But, but......

He actually said such cruel words to Su Yingwan, a delicate daffodil?

She was confused, isn't Soso his white moonlight?

Su Yingwan was also shocked by Qi Yemo's understatement but indifference.Tears rolled down, "Yemo, are you serious?"

The sorrow in this faint voice seemed to be the dross that was cruelly abandoned by a bastard man.

While Bai Muxi was in a daze, Qi Yemo hugged Ye Huanyu into his arms, and glanced at Su Yingwan with deep eyes: "You were the one who said to break up, didn't you?"

Su Yingwan's body trembled.

Ye Huanyu frowned and rolled her eyes, she knew that Qi Yemo was a jerk!

Seeing Su Yingwan like this, any idiot would know that the breakup was just casual talk!

Really couldn't bear to spoil Miss Su, Ye Huanyu couldn't help pinching his waist secretly, and muttered in a low voice, "Hey, it's just a quarrel between the two of you, why is breaking up so serious?"

Unexpectedly, this guy's muscles are as strong as a copper wall, making her fingers numb, but he still doesn't feel pain or itching.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly bent his lips and landed on Ye Huanyu's lips...

Su Yingwan's complexion was pale!

Bai Muxi was even more furious.

Ye Huanyu stared petrified.

What is this guy doing?Are you trying to make things difficult for her?

She was just about to open her mouth to bite him, but he moved away slyly, and instead put his lips close to her ear ambiguously, and whispered softly: "If you dare to say "little couple" again, I will tear it apart. …………………”

Although the voice is clear and elegant, it reveals a strong threat, as well as…………… that insinuation!

Ye Huanyu's face suddenly turned red!

Be quiet.

He just used the knife in his eyes fiercely, and stabbed him one by one!I can't wait to tear him into pieces and tear him apart!

Su Yingwan was startled by Qi Yemo's kiss just now.

Tears were already streaming down her delicate cheeks, and she glanced at Qi Yemo resentfully: "Are you really willing? Yemo, are you really willing to part with our ten-year relationship?"

ten years!Ye Huanyu's eyes widened, her heart was shocked!

But I only heard Qi Yemo's still indifferent voice, gently passing through my ears: "Everything has its time to end. Yingwan, you are the one who wants to end it, and I just have no objection."

What a cold tone.

It seems that the number of ten years, in Qi Ershao's eyes, is just quicksand between fingers, fleeting.

It seemed that ten years meant nothing to him.

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