Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 133 Betting on the 6th inning, the night party

Everything has its time to end.Including feelings!

He is still the cold and arrogant Qi Yemo, no one can influence him!

Ye Huanyu's heart trembled...

Immediately felt that Su Yingwan was so pitiful... Falling in love with such a man, wasted ten years of youth in vain, only to be ruthlessly abandoned...

At this time, melodious music sounded on the yacht.

People started dancing...

Immediately, Qi Yemo hugged Ye Huanyu tightly, turned around and walked towards the dance floor——

Let Su Yingwan just stand there, face ashen, weeping silently...


Ye Huanyu was forcibly led into the dance floor by him, and was hugged by him for a slow dance.

She felt like a puppet, letting him manipulate her.

"That...Qi Yemo..." She raised her head from his generous embrace, her voice hoarse.

Looking at his perfectly lined jaw and his chisel-like handsome face, she sighed endlessly.

In this world, how can there be such a heartless and ungrateful person?

As soon as it is over, will the ten-year relationship with Soso end?

For some reason, my heart hurts.

Maybe it's a silent mourning for Soso, or maybe it's a silent mourning for the self who hides in my heart...

Her lips trembling, she asked in a low voice, "Qi Yemo, do you really want to abandon Soso? Is your ten-year relationship really a 'breakup'?... Then, what about your son?"

Qi Yemo's pretty brows could not help but frown, and he lowered his eyes to glance at the woman in his arms.

The corners of her lips pursed slightly, her eyes were terrified: "Who told you that it was me and her son?"

"Eh?" Ye Huanyu was stunned for a moment, barely daring to look directly into his frightening eyes, and swallowed, "...isn't it?"

He suddenly pulled his lips and smiled coldly, "Ye Huanyu, you seem to care about Soso and my son very much, why?"

She was so stared at by him that she felt guilty, and her eyes were erratic, "Why is there no reason? Who, who said he cared?"

"Heh..." For the first time, he smiled.

In Ye Huanyu's memory, the smile of this thousand-year-old iceberg-faced man almost doesn't exist!

However, as long as you smile, it will definitely be overwhelming and earth-shattering!

She suddenly felt creepy!

His blade-like brows were frivolously raised, and his dark pupils showed a playful look, he leaned over suddenly, leaned close to her ear and blew lightly——

"Ye Huanyu, admit it, what you care about is actually me."

There was a numb feeling in her ear, which went straight to the bottom of her heart.

Her cheeks burned suddenly, she blinked Jian Yu, and the thousands of little elk in her heart started to gallop again, bumping around.

"Go! You are so tasteless, so heartless, and so heartless, who cares about you, the modern Chen Shimei!" She didn't know why her heart beat violently when she said this.

His handsome and cold face was gloomy, and the hands around her waist were suddenly shackled——

"How much do you know about me and Soso? She wasn't my wife in the first place, and I didn't marry Pei Daier just because I didn't want her. What kind of Chen Shimei is this?"

His cold breath filled her nostrils.

Surrounding her in an instant, as if being dragged into an ice cellar by him, she shivered suddenly.

"Okay, okay... Even if I made a slip of the tongue..." Staring into his icy eyes, she suddenly went limp, gritted her teeth, and cursed herself for being worthless!

Only then did his knuckles tighten secretly, and his big hand followed her back.

It caused her back to itch...

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