Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 139 Don't, don't go...

Without the expected joy, without the common sense happiness, Linda was out of anger.

Ye Huanyu was taken aback, "Aren't you happy that I resigned?"

Linda looked at her suspiciously, and directly handed back the resignation letter in her hand to Ye Huanyu: "You were sent by the old man, what right do I have to approve your resignation?"

"It doesn't matter, you just need to give a symbolic approval and submit it to the president." Ye Huanyu was very kind to Linda.

Although old man Qi sent her here, didn't Qi Yemo say that as long as she wins the bet, will the old man have a solution?

After half pushing and half pushing the resignation letter to Linda, Ye Huanyu ran away with a smile.


On this day, she nestled on the sofa in Qi Yemo's office, sleeping comfortably.

As for Qi Yemo, after she returned after handing in her resignation letter, he disappeared.

Except for her, almost no one dared to break into the president's office, so that the office was so quiet that it was startlingly quiet.

No one would come in and tell her what was going on outside.

She was not that interested in knowing what happened outside.

Opening sleepy eyes, counting the clock on the wall——

10 minutes countdown... 5 minutes countdown... 3 minutes... 1 minute...

She couldn't help cheering when the pointer pointed to the time to get off work!

"Yoho! Liberated!"

This sound of liberation contained too much bitterness and a touch of loneliness.

She quickly jumped up from the sofa and tidied up all the things. When she walked to the door, she couldn't help but look back at the office, especially when she glanced at Qi Yemo's luxurious desk. Trembling, the corners of his mouth slightly raised——

Goodbye, Qi Yemo.

Bye bye, bastard night devil!

Out of the Qi's building.

Ye Huanyu stood under the setting sun and took a deep breath.

As if smelling freedom, she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

Thinking of the mother and son at home, her steps became more brisk.

As usual, she crossed an alley to catch a bus across the street.

But when he turned the corner, he just saw a car whizzing by in front of him——

She froze slightly.

Even though the car was going fast, she vaguely saw that the person driving was Sun Junhao whom she met at the Chongqing restaurant that night.

Xu was curious, so she took a closer look.

Sun Junhao's car stopped on the side of the road after passing a traffic light intersection.

Another tall man in white casual clothes stood by the side of the road.

The handsome side face with white teeth immediately attracted the attention of passers-by.

Ye Huanyu's eyes flashed!

Her legs couldn't help following up, her heart tightened suddenly, she would recognize that side face even if it was turned into ashes...

The handsome man with white teeth bent down to take a look inside the car, then opened the door and got into the car.

"Don't..." Ye Huanyu choked up subconsciously, "Don't go..."

However, the endless noise of vehicles on the main road had already drowned out her trembling low cries.

She subconsciously chased after her, and her eyes turned red in an instant.

"Don't go...wait for me, wait for me..."

However, how could she catch up with the speed of the car?

The car was still in her shocked eyes, driving into the vast traffic...

She was out of breath, her chasing footsteps gradually stopped, her lips were pale, her eyes were warm, and she muttered to herself, "Wait for me, Yuxi..."

five years.She thought that she had already learned to face the beautiful boy in her memory calmly, but it turned out that at the moment she saw him just now, she couldn't help crying after all...

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