At this time, at another forked intersection, a nanny car drove towards it.

Ye Huanyu didn't have time to react, she just listened to '嗞——'

The piercing sound of brakes pierced the sky, and the nanny's car stopped beside her.

In an instant, a few big men got out of the car!Captured Ye Huanyu with lightning speed!

"What are you guys going to do? Let me go...well..."

A piece of white cloth was stuffed into her mouth, blocking her shouting, and she was caught in the car arbitrarily, and left arrogantly...


Night falls.

The Qi family is very lively tonight.

The head of the Qi family, Mr. Qi, was smiling from ear to ear from morning to night.

Especially during dinner, when Song Ruling stopped her as soon as she picked up the wine glass——

"Zhengtian, you forgot what the doctor told you not to drink alcohol, huh?"

Qi Zhengtian smiled cheerfully, "It's okay, it's rare that the second child and Dai'er are here today, I'm happy."

In fact, Mr. Qi is not only happy today that his second child is coming home, he is even more happy about the explosive news headlines in the morning!

Unexpectedly, the second child broke up with that woman Su Yingwan!

This thorn in the old man's heart for many years was finally pulled out this morning.

According to Qin Huo's account, the woman on the yacht who was hugged by the second child last night was Ye Huanyu.

Thinking of this, the old man couldn't help laughing again, he really found the right person, it seems that the girl has two brushes!

"Hehehe, Dai'er, my second child has that kind of temperament, don't be so rigid, come here, come and eat..."

Pei Dai'er carefully glanced at Qi Yemo who had been eating in silence, her heart skipped a beat.Smiling and nodding: "Well, Uncle Qi, Aunt Ru Ling, you guys eat too..."

The meal ended with Qi Zhengtian's smile and Qi Yemo's silence.

Before the end of 2 minutes, Qi Yemo frowned, grabbed his coat and went out again——

This scene undoubtedly angered the old man again.

"Stop! Where else do you want to go?" Qi Zhengtian yelled at him.

Pei Dai'er stood aside, a little embarrassed.

Qi Yemo's gloomy eyes never stayed on her.

He just answered the old man coldly: "Go home."

"Bastard! Isn't this your home?" Qi Zhengtian was annoyed when he heard this.

Song Ruling walked over nervously, "Zhengtian, don't get too excited, watch your blood pressure."

Wasn't the old man well just now, and he was smiling happily, but now that Yemo said he was going to leave, he was not happy again.

Qi Yemo glanced at his father, and said in a cold voice, "You asked me to come back to eat, and I ate too, what else do you want?"

Under Song Ruling's reassurance, Qi Zhengtian calmed down a little, "You can't stay here with Dai'er? This is your home after all!"

"It's your home!" Qi Yemo always responded indifferently, "It's not mine."

As soon as his words fell, Qi Zhengtian was furious again, blowing his beard and staring——

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about! If you have the guts to say it again, are you not even going to recognize me as a father?"

"Zhengtian!" Song Ruling yelled hastily, and gave Qi Yemo a look of embarrassment, "Yemo, just beg you as Aunt Ling and let your father go, okay?"

"Bastard! What are you talking about? Do I need this unfilial son Rang?"

Song Ruling couldn't help sighing, she turned her head and glanced at the old man, "Zheng Tian, ​​can you stop talking a few words? There's so much trouble outside today, Yemo can be forgiven for being in a bad mood."

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