"Ye Huanyu!" Linda turned pale, and immediately threw the resignation letter in her hand at Ye Huanyu, "I knew you were playing me!"

Then, stepping on high heels a few inches high, he left in a huff!

The resignation letter floated in the air, and finally fell into Ye Huanyu's hands.


She sighed faintly, she knew that she shouldn't have announced her resignation yesterday, and she really became a laughing stock today!

Gritting her teeth and straightening her back, she chose to be an ostrich pretending nothing happened, and walked to Qi Yemo's office...


Inside the office.

"Bastard! You don't even trust your father?" Qi Zhengtian's voice as deep as a bell roared furiously, and the crutches shook the floor with a muffled sound.

Qi Yemo raised his eyebrows consistently, as if he was not disturbed by his father's anger at all, and Leng Jun's face was still expressionless.

"I just follow the procedure, it's easy for you to sign."

Qi Zhengtian stared at the share transfer agreement in front of him, his gray brows were tightly frowned.

It seemed that what the second child wanted him to sign was a treaty that forfeited power and humiliated the country, which made him feel very entangled. "How about, second child, let's talk about it after the boss returns to China..."

Qi Yemo raised his eyebrows in displeasure, "You sign first! When he returns to China, I will let him sign his share."

The old man was still frowning, unable to write.

Alas, it's all because of his old eyesight and dim eyesight, because he swore at the beginning that he would win the second child, but it turned out!

Su Yingwan's thorn was pulled out, but the boss's shares were also lost.

Ye Huanyu is really a success, and Ye Huanyu is a failure!

Staring at the agreement, the old man gritted his teeth, and signed a vigorous and powerful name!

From now on, he can only use other methods to compensate the eldest family.

Satisfied, Qi Yemo took back the share transfer agreement.

Get up, put it in the big safe in the wall, and lock it.

The old man glanced at the second child, and choked unwillingly, "Second child, since you are willing to even that girl Ye Huanyu, Pei Daier is not bad..."

Unexpectedly, Qi Yemo shot a cold arrow from his dark eyes.

"I broke up with Soso, isn't that what you want? So, don't push yourself!"

The old man pursed his lips. Indeed, he has always disagreed with the second child's relationship with the woman surnamed Su!

However, the second child deliberately contradicted him, the more he disagreed, the more the second child would pick it up!

It literally turned him from black hair to white hair!

It's a pity that after ten years of fighting with the second child, it is not as good as Ye Huanyu, who has been fighting for ten days!


The old man had to sigh, it really was a woman's disaster.

"Then, are you going to continue with Ye Huanyu?" The old man raised his eyebrows with a rather displeased expression.

Qi Yemo turned his eyes, and before he could answer, suddenly——

Knock knock knock!

The door rang three times.

No need to guess, this kind of deliberate mechanical rhythm and timid way of knocking on the door can only be knocked out by that woman Ye Huanyu.

Qi Yemo's eyes softened unconsciously, and he said in a low voice, "Come in."

Ye Huanyu entered in response...

When she opened the door and saw Mr. Qi frowning, with a ferocious face, she was stunned.

The little heart skipped a beat.

Ever since she got close to Qi Yemo, she felt guilty, so she pulled her lips unnaturally, and greeted the old man respectfully: "Master Qi, hello."

"Hmph!" The old man snorted angrily, and didn't look at her directly.

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