Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 152 The little secret in the notebook

"Hmph!" The old man snorted angrily, and didn't look at her directly.

Qi Yemo raised his eyes, did not say a word, but said to the old man, "There is nothing for you here, you can go back."

Qi Zhengtian's eyes widened in surprise!

The anger suddenly attacked the heart!

When this woman comes, is the second child driving him away?

Gritting his teeth, the old man gave Ye Huanyu a hard look!

Ye Huanyu shuddered, feeling extremely innocent.I really don't know what I did wrong to offend the old man.

"Ye Huanyu, turn in all your notebooks from these days, I will officially fire you now! You won't be used as the second child's secretary tomorrow!" Qi Zhengtian's words were sonorous, anyway, Ye Huanyu was invited by him.

Since the second child drives him away, he will drive this girl away!snort!

Ye Huanyu glanced at Qi Yemo in surprise, and found that this guy's brows were tightened and he didn't say a word.

A trace of anonymous loneliness flashed across her heart, she thought...he would at least keep her back...

Facing Qi Zhengtian's request, she couldn't refuse at all, and she had no position to say-no.

I had no choice but to nod, "Well, I'll give it to you right now."

After finishing speaking, she directly took out a small notebook from her bag, and handed it to Qi Zhengtian with trembling fingers.

He didn't even dare to look into Qi Yemo's eyes.

Qi Yemo glanced at it. Wasn't that black notebook the same one she used to write while hiding on the sofa back then?

A bad premonition floated on his brows, he walked over with a few sword steps, and snatched it from the old man's hand——

"Second brother, you are too much..." Qi Zheng was so bragging and glaring, but the second child was tall and strong after all, and he was quite old, so he couldn't beat him, so he gave up.

Qi Yemo was lazy to talk to his father, and opened the notebook with his slender fingers.

His cold eyes scanned the past page by page.

His complexion also became darker and darker than the last!

Ye Huanyu's heart was trembling, and she was breaking out in a cold sweat.


The sound of the notebook being closed violently.

With a gloomy face, Qi Yemo calmly said, "Dad, Qin Huo's car is waiting downstairs."He held the notebook with his fingers, and had no intention of handing it back to Qi Zhengtian.

The old man was so angry that his face turned blue and white.

He had no choice but to leave with a cane. When he brushed past Ye Huanyu, he gave her a hard look: "You, you don't have to come to Qi's to work tomorrow! I will ask my assistant to remit your salary to your account!"

Ye Huanyu nodded tremblingly, "Understood, old man...thank you."

She finally thanked her, but she didn't expect the old man to give her freedom!

But this 'freedom' came a bit suddenly, so suddenly that it was unreal.

So much so that she was not as happy as she had expected.

"You don't need to thank me, I have to thank you for making me miserable! Hmph!" After a cold reprimand, the old man left angrily...

Ye Huanyu was a little messy. Didn't Mr. Qi praise her for being a mess before?

Why are you blaming her for making such a mess now?

After the old man left, the office was eerily quiet.

Ye Huanyu only felt that Qi Yemo's gloomy eyes were as terrifying as trying to swallow her alive...

———The author has something to say——

About Huanhuan's notebook, it was mentioned in Chapter 52 of this article. If you don't remember it, you can go back and look it up^_^.Thank you for your enthusiastic support these days, Shizi is grateful to have everyone with you, what a group!

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