He sneered coldly, then stood up immediately, walked in front of her, and stared down at her, "Do you think losing the bet is such a simple matter?"

"Then what else?" She was startled and stared back at him.

"From the moment you lose the bet, you don't need to be my secretary, but you must be my exclusive toy!" He coldly emphasized, without any refutation.

"Exclusive toy?" Ye Huanyu was shocked!

It was like being poured from head to toe by a basin of ice water!

"Hmm." He snorted coldly, and the corners of his lips curled up evilly.Evil, "and the kind that is on call 24 hours a day."

"On call 24 hours?!" Ye Huanyu felt chills down her spine. Ye Huanyu remembered that when Master Qi asked her to be Qi Yemo's personal secretary, she also said that she was on call 24 hours a day.

They really are father and son who are connected by blood and heart!

She clenched her teeth, anger covering her skin layer by layer.

This old man had just dismissed her from the post of personal secretary, and his son let her be his exclusive toy on call!


Still think she is human, is she human?

She was out of anger in an instant! "Qi Yemo, don't deceive others too much!"

He stared coldly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "If I remember correctly, it was your obsession and unwillingness to listen to the consequences of losing the bet, no one can blame you."

She was stunned, recalling that day when she gambled with him, she only remembered that he said that if she won, he would give her freedom and get a compensation.


Damn, she was really arrogant at the time, and she really didn't hear what the consequences would be if he lost the bet!

She gritted her teeth, and it really was a thousand-year-old death. "Even if you lose, there is a bottom line!"

"No." He raised his eyebrows frivolously, pointing warmly.ignorant.Passing her trembling lips affectionately, "There is no bottom line. Ye Huanyu, do it until I get tired of you!"


Ye Huanyu gasped!

He stared wide-eyed in disbelief, wishing to stun him thousands of times with his gaze!

"You--" If she wasn't weak and weak at the moment, she would really pounce on him and bite him. Is there anyone more brazen than this guy?

"Don't rush to deny it. Unless you don't want Mrs. Ye to be shortlisted." He reminded her coolly, "What's more, I have always treated women well, and you will definitely benefit from me if you serve me submissively."


Suddenly, a trace of pain tore through the bottom of my heart.She thought of Soso's tearful eyes, Yeying Yipin, and the 'Ying' project. Indeed, as he said, he really treated his women well.

Soso is a living example!

But she, Ye Huanyu, is not rare!

Gritting her teeth, "Qi Yemo, this is impossible! Soso only broke up after ten years with you, do you want me to be with you for ten years?"

She doesn't want to, let alone be the second Soso, can't be her substitute, let alone follow in her footsteps.

When Qi Yemo heard the word "Soso", his eyes narrowed obviously.

His breath dropped several degrees in an instant, and his strong knuckles pinched her jaw sorely!

Spit coldly: "Don't compare yourself with Soso! You are not qualified enough!"

Ye Huanyu's face turned pale.

The heart was suddenly severed by something.

Hiding the severe pain in her heart, she bravely looked directly into his cold eyes, "Oh, that's just right! Because I won't be as stupid as Soso, who spent ten years of my youth, and in the end it's nothing but A bleak end! Qi Yemo, whoever follows you is unlucky! I wish you could hate me so much in ten days, so that I can find my own happiness... um..."

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