
As if to punish her for speaking rudely, he forced her to back off against the door.

He was so domineering that there was no gap, and he was so cold that he didn't even give her a chance to breathe...

After a long time, he let her go.

There was no trace of warmth in his eyes.

"The premise for me to allow Mrs. Ye to be shortlisted is that you must obey me and be a good and obedient toy." His cool voice pierced her heart like needles, "When I get tired of playing with you Body, you are qualified to find your happiness! Otherwise, don’t let me find out that while I am expropriating your body, another man is also enjoying your body at the same time! You know my cleanliness, Ye Huanyu, Qian Wan, don't challenge my bottom line!"

His voice was as cold as a cellar, piercing her heart like ice knives.

The pretty face instantly lost all color.

At this moment, she truly realized that the man in front of her was just a cruel demon wearing a layer of elegant human skin!

With trembling lips, a sob choked in her throat, and she tried her last bit of strength, "Then, may I go?"

He let go of the hand that restrained her, and took a step back gracefully.

Slowly straightened the slightly messy clothes.

This cleanliness act, in her eyes, was creepy.

Turning around, she lifted her legs that seemed to be filled with lead, turned around and pulled the doorknob——

But I heard his deep and gloomy voice coming from behind, "24 hours a day, I will call you anytime I need it!"

He deliberately emphasized the word 'need'.


She slammed the door shut.

After isolating him in the door, she stood outside the door.

Her body went limp for a moment, but she told herself that she must never be weak!

Taking a deep breath, she straightened her waist, and walked away with her head held high...


Ye Huanyu didn't expect that she had just left the Qi's Building.

Qin Huo was like a shadow that could be summoned anytime, anywhere, already waiting downstairs, blocking her way--

"Miss Ye." Qin Huo respected her.

Ye Huanyu raised her eyes.Looking at Qin Huo's serious face, to be honest, she doesn't hate Qin Huo, after all, it was Qin Huo who saved her when Qi Yemo forced her to jump off the building.

But it was precisely because Qin Huo was Qi Yemo's running dog that she couldn't have a good look towards Qin Huo.

"What are you doing?" She snorted angrily.

Qin Huo respectfully handed a brown paper envelope to Ye Huanyu.

Ye Huanyu received it in her hand and opened it to see that there was a credit card inside.

"Miss Ye, this is the black gold card given to you by the master. There is no password and no limit."

Ye Huanyu was startled.

He stared at the black gold card of XX Bank representing high-end customers in his hand.

This is what Qi Yemo called treating women generously, using money...

There was a chill in my heart.

She thought of many plots in TV dramas, women outside men are usually like her.

I really don't know whether to laugh or cry!

Since when did she fall into such a situation?

Ye Huanyu, Ye Huanyu, she laughed at herself, so you can also get money in this way...

However, her heart seemed to be severely suppressed by something, suffocating tightly.

Taking a deep breath, she choked her lips, held the black gold card tightly in her palm, and gritted her teeth angrily, "Is there no limit? Then don't bother me if you max out your card by then!"

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