Qin Huo smiled confidently, "Don't worry, Miss Ye. The most important thing master needs is money, so you can use it."

Ye Huanyu really wanted to slap her at this moment.

She doesn't hate the rich, but anyone who can say "the most indispensable thing is money" is hateful!

If the master is rich, is even the dog around him extraordinarily noble?

She was so angry that she turned around and wanted to leave, but Qin Huo stopped her again——

"Wait, Miss Ye, the master still ordered me to give you this thing."

As Qin Huo said, he took out three boxes of medicine-like things from his pocket.

Ye Huanyu's eyes were heavy, and she took a look in doubt, her face paled instantly!

She was a hundred times paler than the moment she just received the black gold card!

"...He, wants you to give me this?"

Her fingers trembled, and she subconsciously clenched the medicine box in her hand.

I thought it would be a humiliation to give her a gold card.

But I didn't expect that there was something more hurtful...

That guy actually asked Qin Huo to give her 'emergency medicine'!

Qin Huo nodded, "Yes. In order to ensure that Ms. Ye will not become pregnant with the master's child, I ask Ms. Ye to eat one right away."

After speaking, Qin Huo handed over a bottle of mineral water.

Ye Huanyu's face was pale, her heart was bleeding...

Thinking of Qi Yemo's unscrupulous behavior in the office just now, no wonder...

No wonder he doesn't care!

It turns out that this trick has been prepared for a long time!

The black gold card and emergency medicine, these two things are just telling her a bloody fact, that is, he, Qi Yemo——

Just treat Ye Huanyu as a toy!

Total toy!

The humiliation swept across my heart immediately.

He sure did a good job!Kill everything that can make her pregnant.Possibly pregnant!

But did he think she was rare?

Five years ago, in order to save her seriously ill mother, she had no choice but to give birth to a child for 500 million yuan!But Yang Yang has been by her side all these years, so she didn't regret that year...

Therefore, it is enough for her to have Yang Yang!

She doesn't care about being pregnant with that bastard!

Glancing at Qin Huo, she was so angry that she snatched the mineral water from Qin Huo's hand, opened the medicine box, and took out a pill.

In front of Qin Huo, he swallowed the mineral water...

After taking the medicine, she stared at Qin Huo with a livid face, "Go back and tell your master, just right, I don't want to breed offspring for someone like him, so as not to harm the world!"

After saying this, she stepped on her high heels and left in a huff...

Looking at Ye Huanyu's slender back, Qin Huo couldn't help sighing.


Qin Huo frowned, how dare Miss Ye treat an animal as her master?

Hey, Miss Ye's words are really...

Qin Huo had a headache, should he report Miss Ye's words to the master in a while?


Facts have proved that Qi Yemo's work efficiency is extremely fast.

Ye Huanyu had just arrived home when Ye Shengtian called--

"Daughter, I didn't expect you to be so strong, hahaha..."

Her father's wild laughter on the other end of the phone sent a chill down her spine.

With a cold face, she subconsciously frowned, "Where's Mom?"

"Don't worry! She's staying with me these days, she's safe." Ye Shengtian didn't hide his joy.

Ye Huanyu felt her heart getting colder and colder.

He sneered, "Do you want to trap mom so that you can continue to threaten me?"

"Tsk tsk, it's so ugly! You. Mom, she has cared about me all her life, and you can't compare!" Ye Shengtian said proudly.

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