Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 158 Jumping from One Wolf Den to Another Wolf Den

"You ask mom to answer the phone!" If she could, she really wanted to slap her father twice.

After a while on the other end of the phone, Liu Fen's gentle voice came over——


Ye Huanyu's eyes turned red when she heard her mother's familiar voice.

"Mom, have you really decided to follow him to the death?" She felt a lump in her throat, suffocating tightly.

"Alas..." Liu Fen sighed on the other end of the phone, "Huanhuan, I'm sorry for you. I'm really grateful for everything you've given me these years... But I just can't be cruel to your father... You... You forgive me Huanhuan..."

Ye Huanyu closed her eyes in despair, tears streaming down her cheeks.

The fingers that clenched the phone were cold, "Well, I see... Then you can live with him... Take care of yourself."

What is desperate is not that the mother is still devoted to the father.

But after she made sacrifices again and again for her mother, she just got a word of 'gratitude'.

A real mother and daughter, why do you need to say thank you?

It turns out that in the bottom of her mother's heart, the love of flesh and blood is no match for the love between men and women with her father?

That being the case, what else can she say?

What else is there to be obsessed with?

If mother would be happy when she returned to her father, what else could she do besides being fulfilled?

"Well, I will...and you too..."

Before Liu Fen could speak, Ye Shengtian snatched the phone back, "I said daughter, don't worry, you. Mom, I will take good care of you. Just remember to come to Ye's for work next Monday."

Ye Huanyu was taken aback, "Go to Ye's to work?"

"Yeah! Why don't you know?" Ye Shengtian was surprised, and immediately spat, "Don't tease me, daughter. This is Qi Shi's will. The only condition for Ye Shi to be shortlisted is that you, Ye Huanyu, must lead Ye's team participated..."

"I lead Ye's team?" She was shocked, "Isn't Ye Anqi always leading it?"

Ye Shengtian sighed over there, "Ye Huanyu, don't make circles with me. Since you have the ambition to join the Ye family, I will let you in. As long as you can successfully win the 'Ying' project, I can turn a blind eye and close it." One glance."

"What is my ambition to join the Ye family?" She asked incredulously, and sneered in her heart, "You f*cking Ye family, what is there for me to be ambitious?"

"You—" Ye Shengtian gritted his teeth and held back, "Okay! You are proud now, Ye Huanyu, I will tolerate you!"

With a click, Ye Shengtian hung up the phone.

Ye Huanyu stared at the phone screen in a daze.

Grit your teeth.

No wonder Qi Yemo agreed that she would be dismissed by Mr. Qi!

It turned out that she was pushed into Ye's fire pit!

And she just jumped from one wolf den to another!

The Ye family has as many tigers and wolves as the Qi family, just one Anqi Ye is enough for her to suffer!

Qi Yemo's move was extremely vicious!


It falls on the weekend.

Ye Huanyu held Qi Yemo's black gold card in his hand, thinking that it wouldn't take him a heartache to get rid of the hatred in his heart.

My son also happens to be off for the weekend.

"Baby, where do you want to go to play, mom will take you there."

Waking up early in the morning, while making breakfast, she asked the children who were reading quietly on the sofa.

Chenchen raised his eyebrows, and glanced at the busy figure in the kitchen, "Is mom free?"

"Well, it's such a hard vacation. So today, I must spend time with my little one. Go shopping spree by the way, okay?"

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