Since he was born in Yangyang, he was held in his arms by his mother and drank his mother's milk.Grandma, who grew up bathed in the sunshine of maternal love.Kid, how could Qi Sichen, a gloomy child like Qi Sichen, compare to the deep relationship he has had with his mother for five years?

Yangyang is now proud of the spring breeze.

In the next second, it was replaced by Yang Yang pulling Chen Chen with his head drooping, striding forward arrogantly...


Ye Huanyu came out of the vegetable market, carrying several large packages of vegetables.

While walking back through an alley—

An expensive black car was parked at the alley, blocking the way of many people!

The familiar car, her heart tightened subconsciously.

Especially after vaguely seeing the license plate on the rear of the car, he was even more sure of the owner of that car!

Qi Yemo!

Why is this guy here?

Holding the vegetable bag tightly in his hand, he realized that he was in a hurry to go out just now and did not bring his mobile phone.

So I hurried forward...


Qi Yemo was sitting in the car, smoking a cigarette silently.

Even though he was in the car, as soon as he appeared in this old old district, he attracted people's attention.

But he doesn't care about these.Pulling the tie slightly, Juanxiu's long fingers dialed Ye Huanyu's number——

The other party still didn't answer!

"Damn it!" He cursed subconsciously, and his mood became inexplicably upset.

Even though he didn't want to admit it, her pale and sweaty expression still surprised him during the daytime competition!

Take a deep breath secretly.

After 29 years of practicing calmness and self-restraint, it seems that these days, because of the existence of this woman Ye Huanyu, some changes have begun to occur.

Quietly, even he himself didn't notice it, what changed?

While thinking about it, someone knocked on the door glass——

Boom boom boom!

He turned his eyes——

Ye Huanyu's bright and white face came into his eyes.

As soon as his heart touched, Heichan eyes glanced at her calmly, and immediately pressed the button of the central controller.

The window glass slowly lowered automatically.

Ye Huanyu floated into the car with a mild yet disgusted voice: "Hey, Qi Yemo, you are showing off. I have no objection, but do you know that parking the car here will block other people's way? What's more, this is the old city, you have to run over and peacocks spread their tails randomly, stimulating those aunts and aunts to soar their blood pressure, how can you bear it?"

Qi Yemo's brows turned cold, and he glanced at those people who were staring at him and avoiding discussions, and suddenly realized that they were really aunts and aunts.

When the aunts and aunts saw the gaze he was sending over, they blushed in embarrassment.

His stiff face was immediately covered with blue veins, this woman dared to say that he was showing off.Mutually?Peacock?And in front of those aunts and aunts!

He is the dignified president of the Qi family, powerful and rich, can he commit a crime? !

The long and narrow eyes threw a throwing knife at Ye Huanyu, "Get in the car!"

Ye Huanyu shook her head, and lifted a few big cabbage in her hand, "I don't want it, I have to go home and cook."

He glanced at the vegetable bag in her hand, and then at the plain dress of her home.

There was a trace of tenderness in the eyes.

It is undeniable that her homely atmosphere gave him an inexplicable warmth.

After being silent for a while, as if he had struggled with his thoughts, he said a rare and unprecedented sentence——

"Exactly, I haven't eaten yet."

Ye Huanyu was stunned.

This Erhuo Qi meant that he was going to her house for a meal?

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