"What does that mean?" She pouted.

"It's literally!" He answered proudly like a peacock spreading its tail.A pair of 'Eat your cooking, I think highly of you, why don't you thank you? ''s expression made Ye Huanyu wish she could get her claws into the car and tear this girl's embarrassing face off!

Ye Huanyu was also struggling with her thoughts, her son had probably already returned home from school.

If Qi Yemo followed, what would be his reaction?

She wasn't afraid that Qi Yemo would know the fact that she had a child, but she was worried that Yang Yang wouldn't be able to accept her suddenly bringing a strange man home.

After all, the father's love that was missing since childhood, in Yang Yang's heart, the father's position cannot be replaced by just any man.

Seeing her embarrassed expression, Qi Yemo's eyes flashed with anger.

"Why, is there a wild place hidden in your house? Man, I can't go?" The words he blurted out, even he didn't notice the sour taste in his tone.

He has always been well-dressed and meticulous, and unconsciously pulled the tie at the neckline a little.

An inexplicable boredom rose from his heart, and he stared at Ye Huanyu with cold eyes, as if wearing green.Cap husband!

Ye Huanyu glanced at him, and gave him a bored look, "Qi Yemo, you are very narrow-minded! Can you be a little enlightened, I need Tibetan. Men?" She spat, "Even if there is, that wild man is also you!"

"Me?" He was so angry that his eyes were cloudy, "Damn, am I a wild, male, human?"

Obviously, Qi Erhuo was very dissatisfied with her wording.

"Hmm! Small belly! I don't care about you!" Ye Huanyu gave him a resentful look, then picked up a few big cabbages, turned around and was about to bypass his car and walk out of the alley...

"Wait!" He sternly said, and opened the car door quickly in the next second. His slender and burly body got out of the car, and immediately attracted people hiding everywhere to steal.peeping teacher.The envious eyes of the grandma...

Ye Huanyu frowned subconsciously, "What are you doing?"

"I told you, I haven't eaten dinner yet!" Seeing his posture, he was about to throw the car here to block the intersection, and went directly to the house with her.

Ye Huanyu glanced around, those whispering aunts and aunts were pointing and pointing.

She was thin-skinned and couldn't stand these gazes, so she gritted her teeth and gave Qi Yemo a hard look: "Then go and park the car!"

A smile flickered across Qi Yemo's eyes, and it disappeared in an instant, as if he had succeeded, "There are too many alleys here, I don't know the way, I want you to point out—"

"Hey! Is there anyone more reckless than you? Are you full and have nothing to do? No one insists you come here!" Ye Huanyu rolled his eyes and muttered a few words, but still resigned to his fate to help him point out, Let him drive to park in a wider lane.


At this time, the brothers went to the knees.

"Wow, it's finally here..." Yang Yang saw the old city in front of him, and the intricate alleys intertwined in front of him, and he was very excited.

That is twenty-five thousand miles long.Zheng finally arrived in Yan.Ann's feeling!

Chenchen nodded, tiredness covered his face.

Both little ones were clearly exhausted.

At this moment, the phone in Yang Yang's pocket rang——

Yangyang let go of Chenchen's hand, flicked the firework perm handsomely, and pressed the answer button.

"Hey, third uncle..."

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