"Hey... third uncle, don't you want to be so cold..."

"I don't want chicken jelly? Can I not have chicken jelly? Hurry up and tell me where you are, and the young master will drive over and catch you right away!" Don't look at Qi Yan who is usually not afraid of waves.swing.He looks old.His mother, Song Ruling, was his weakness, and he could be cured to death!

Yang Yang chuckled twice, even the third uncle didn't know who Qi Sichen's mother was, how dare he say that he was on his way back to his mother's house?

He is not tired of life.

Holding the phone in his little hand, Yang Yang smiled hypocritically: "Third Uncle, I'm so sorry for causing you to be scolded by grandma. But Third Uncle, you don't need to pick me up, I will go back by myself in a while... And oh, Uncle, don't worry, if you don't, I will take over your beauties when I grow up, although at that time your beauties are already old, weak, women and children..."

"What the hell are you bastards. Ball, how dare you curse me! Just wait for me and see how I deal with you..."

Yang Yang held the phone far away, so as not to be shocked by the third uncle's lion's roar, "Um, I'm not cursing you, third uncle..."

Chenchen, who has been following behind Yangyang, rolled his eyes helplessly.When he was in Qi's family before, he didn't get along with third uncle.Unexpectedly, as soon as Yang Yang left, he immediately had a similar taste with the third uncle, as if they had been separated for many years.

Sighing in his heart, Chenchen glanced boredly at the side of the street——

Suddenly, a small van on the street drove out on a rampage!Chenchen saw another old woman pushing a small cart on the street and the van almost crossed paths...

Chenchen took a tight breath!


In this room, Qi Yemo was holding the phone by his ear, quietly listening to Song Ruling's sobbing on the phone.

A trace of impatience flashed in his eyes.

"Aunt Ling, you don't have to blame yourself. It's none of your business..."

His slender fingers subconsciously ripped off the tie completely.

However, at the moment when he pulled his tie, from the corner of his narrow and handsome eyes, he happened to catch the little boy who just turned the corner from the opposite street——

An explosive hair that is too hot to catch the eyes, and an exaggerated clam.The toad mirror hangs in front of the collar!

And the little boy's clothes, the bright color matching, and the unspeakable mix-and-match style, in short, you can't understand the taste at all!

The little boy held the phone in his hand, grinning grinningly as he walked, not knowing what to say to the phone...

Qi Yemo tightened his fingers and slightly narrowed his cold eyes.

"Yemo? Yemo?" Song Ruling wondered why Qi Yemo's voice stopped on the other end of the phone.

After a while, beep beep... Qi Yemo's phone was disconnected...

Before Ye Huanyu understood what was going on, Qi Yemo ruthlessly threw the phone into the compartment!

Pulling off the tie at the neckline, he immediately trotted across the street with his long legs——

"Hey, Qi Yemo..." Ye Huanyu's voice drifted into the empty air.

He is tall and powerful.The fierce figure has already crossed the street with traffic, heading straight to the opposite street...


Yang Yang turned a corner and walked straight, holding the phone and talking vigorously, "Hey, third uncle, don't get angry...Emma, ​​don't ask me where I am again...I will definitely go back obediently , I'll say four..." He said four, not swearing.

"Four? Send you a big four, hurry up, don't procrastinate..." Unexpectedly, Qi Yan hadn't finished speaking, only heard the phone——

"Ah ah ah..."

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