"Ah? Chenchen, Chenchen?" Qi Yan's nerves tightened, and then he beeped...then his voice disappeared...


The ending sound of Yang Yang's "I made four" is still echoing in the air.

Suddenly, his small body was violently hit.Grab hard!

Something like an iron arm lifted his young body effortlessly!

"Ahhh..." Yang Yang screamed reflexively, and the phone fell to the ground with a clatter.

His astonished pupils immediately met a pair of deep pupils that were as cold as ice——

"Uh, Dad?!"

Yang Yang shivered suddenly!Almost bit off my tongue!

Birdman's father's cold and sturdy iceberg face was suddenly reflected in his young and innocent pupils, and instantly magnified countless times...

He looks so fierce...

"Qi, Si, Chen! How dare you run away from home again? Believe it or not, I broke your leg?!"

Qi Yemo almost growled when he said this!

He is as strong as an eagle holding a chick.The stiff arms lift Yang Yang's small body high, and even just a little force can crush this little guy to death!

Yang Yang trembled a little, like a little white rabbit hanging on the clothes pole to dry, it was pitiful.

In an instant, it seemed as if he remembered something.

What about Qi Sichen? →_→?

Yang Yang glanced behind him reflexively——

It is empty, only the noise of the street can be heard, where is the shadow of Chenchen?

Yang Yang breathed a sigh of relief quietly, thinking that Qi Sichen really flashed fast enough!

As expected, he was quite unlucky, and was directly caught by the bird man's father.

As a last resort, he smiled dryly at Qi Yemo, heartlessly, "Hey, Dad, didn't I run away from home..."

He really didn't.The Qi family was not his family in the first place.

"You still dare to quibble?!"

Qi Yemo brushed three black lines across his forehead, turned around and walked back with him, feeling very uncomfortable while walking.Shamefully squeezed his son's explosive hair, "Damn it! Who on earth allowed you to burn this kind of chicken coop?"

"...It's not chicken nests, it's fireworks hot, pink pop..." →_→!Yang Yang was wronged, how could an old man like Birdman's father understand?

"You still dare to talk back! Hey. Toad mirror? How old are you, and you have learned to be cool and wear sunglasses, huh?"

"...No, toad. Toad Mirror belongs to Third Uncle, I just keep it for him..." @[email protected].Yang Yang's innocent voice is getting softer...

"Make it up? Go ahead and make it up! How old are you? Your third uncle is a peacock boy, and you will become a toad as soon as you follow suit. Toad spirit! Qi Sichen, with your IQ and your level, you are ashamed to go out and say yes to others My Qi Yemo's son? Huh?!"

"Amount..." =. =! !Yang Yang is poor.

Does Birdman's father dislike him for running away from home, his fireworks perm, or his clams.Toad Mirror still thinks he's embarrassing...


On the other side of the street, Ye Huanyu was standing beside Qi Yemo's car.

Watching Qi Yemo run to the opposite street, like an eagle catching a chicken, he caught a little boy in a strange costume and came back.

The speed was so fast that she didn't even have time to react...

Then, watching Qi Yemo hold the child, he turned around and walked back.

The little boy's appearance became more and more clear from her sight.

When a breeze brushed the little boy's cheeks, blowing away the explosive hair, revealing the little boy's delicate white porcelain, handsome and lovely face, Ye Huanyu's brain went 'boom'!

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