There was an inexplicable displeasure in his heart, and it was hard for him to accept that the woman's attention was not on him!

"..." Clearing his voice coldly, he spit out coldly, "I still have something to do, it seems that I don't have time to go to your house tonight..."

Before she could finish speaking, she suddenly raised her head, and her delicate and trembling voice interrupted him——

" really your son?"

Qi Yemo glanced at the inside of the carriage. His son had already struggled, lying on the window of the carriage, stretched out his small palm, and joined hands with Ye Huanyu's slender palm through the glass...

That move made him even more depressed!

What is this woman doing?hook.What about leading his son?

His tone suddenly became very bad, and he said, "It's not my son, could it be your son?" He snorted disdainfully, "Why, did you fall in love with him? Do you want to wait for him to grow up and marry you?"

The words Qi Yemo dropped casually made Yang Yang happy.

It's hard to get over it.

Yang Yang cleared his throat. seemed to be lying in front of the window, blinking and blinking, and beat the glass window with a small body, dog.The voice of the leg floated over immediately, and the little head was lit like a chicken pecking rice, excited, "I want to! Wait for me to grow up! Wait for me to grow up! I want to marry..."

Before Yang Yang could say the word 'Mom', Qi Yemo interrupted him coldly——

"Do you dare to marry her! I will be the first to castrate you!"


Yang Yang was so frightened that he fell silent.The "Mom" was swallowed back in a daze.Don't dare to make mistakes.

What a vicious birdman father!

Even dare to castrate his own son! !

Ya is not human!

"Qi Yemo!" Ye Huanyu trembled!Xu is the nature of mother and child. Seeing his fierceness frighten the child, she softened her heart, "You can't be so fierce to your son!"

Qi Yemo subconsciously frowned, "Why do I care that my son doesn't need you to teach me!"

"You—" Ye Huanyu felt a little guilty, and suddenly her tongue was not very sharp, but she was not reconciled to the child being bullied by him like this, "No matter how fierce you are, be careful, I will sue you for abuse, boy!"

"Abusing a child?" Qi Yemo sneered, and stabbed Ye Huanyu coldly with a dagger in his eyes, "I'm more interested in abusing you!"

Warm.In the ambiguous voice, there is a trace of heinous evil.evil!

"...Asshole!" She reprimanded, her cheeks burning hot.

Can this man be so unscrupulous in front of his own son?

However, his son—Qi Sichen!

Ye Huanyu took another look at the inside of the carriage and covered herself.pants.crotch boy.

The boy also kept blinking at her, as if he was giving her some kind of wink.

Her neckline was undulating, and her mind was in chaos, as if she was grasping some broken pieces and reassembling them in her mind!

This... is this possible?

Could it be him?

Five years ago, she was entangled with her in the dark room.That man who is so soft is Qi Yemo? !

And this little chicken feather in the car.Is the thief Qi Sichen her other son who has been separated for five years? ! ! !

Realizing this, Ye Huanyu's chicken froze, as if a shot had been injected into her heart!

The rigid body began to come alive inch by inch.

She couldn't be sure, but her palm was printed on the small palm in the car through the glass, and her nose suddenly choked up...

She had missed her son for five years, but this moment suddenly came to her world!

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