Her mood was too complicated to describe in words.

With a hoarse voice, he softly uttered, "Qi Yemo, your son... is so cute..."

"Hey -" he snorted sarcastically, perhaps in the past five years, many women have said similar words.

But those women all came to him by taking the opportunity to get close to his son!

He was suddenly a little disappointed. He didn't expect Ye Huanyu to be the same!

So, he said coldly, "Don't think about trying to trick my son! It's not so easy to marry into the Qi family! You'd better stop thinking about it!"

Casting a cold look at Ye Huanyu, Qi Yemo immediately opened the car door, and got into the car with a tall and straight body——


None.Ye Huanyu's fingertips trembled with the sound of closing the door.

Then, start the engine.

"Hello..." Ye Huanyu's voice was hoarse.

Immediately, Qi Yemo's car made a 'swoosh' and left...

She stood there in a daze, like a slender flower in the wind.But stubbornly refused to wither with the wind.

It wasn't until the car disappeared from her sight that she hoarsely murmured, "Chenchen..."

As if realizing something, a demon flower appeared in her instantly.Rao flowers come.


On the corner of the street.

A car accident almost happened just now, attracting countless crowds of onlookers.

An old woman was thrown to the ground, her elbows and knees were scratched, and one leg was broken.

The small cart was knocked over and overturned.

And the minivan that caused the accident had already left.


At the critical moment, Chenchen rushed over to pick up a small rock on the ground, and slammed it hard at the door of the minivan, which aroused the driver's attention!Just in time to change the steering wheel!

So as not to bump into the old woman directly.

Although there was no danger, the old lady was frightened and dodged in a hurry, and the cart also hit the curb, and she was turned on her back.

"Grandma, are you okay? I've already dialed 120 for you." Chenchen remained calm.

At a young age, he has shown an outstanding general demeanor, calm in times of change, and calm in times of crisis.

The old woman endured the pain, her old eyes flashed with appreciation, "My little friend, mother-in-law, thank you, thank you for saving my life..."

Soon, the ambulance arrived.

After seeing the old woman being carried into the ambulance, Chenchen breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly remembered something, turned around quickly, where is the shadow of Yang Yang on the other side of the street?

He hurried back.

He rushed to the street in one go, and just turned the corner——

At a glance, Chenchen saw his mother standing blankly in the wind beside the other side of the road!

His heart tightened subconsciously, and he ran over with small steps.


Ye Huanyu's fingertips trembled.

Lowering his pupils, he looked at the child who was flying over in front of him, which was exactly the same as the little boy in Qi Yemo's car before.It's just this son who calls her 'Mom', with neatly combed hair, and the chick with the explosive hairstyle just now.Thieves are quite different.

Ye Huanyu didn't even dare to blink her eyes, raised her trembling fingertips, and gently brushed his fair cheeks, "Yangyang..."

As soon as she yelled out, her voice choked up.

Chenchen looked around reflexively, and blurted out, "Did Mom see Yangyang? Where are the others?"

With Yang Yang's temperament, I'm afraid I couldn't bear it long ago, so I told my mother the whole thing, right?

Ye Huanyu was stunned, and couldn't help opening her eyes wide, "You mean...you're not Yangyang?"

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