His hands are also getting tighter!

Shackled her to the point of suffocation.

"Why? Qi Yemo, you don't love me, why do you trap me?"

Her cold questioning made his eyes light up.

"Who says I don't love? I love you—" His voice was suddenly hoarse, and he paused, hearing her heart skip a beat. Unexpectedly, he continued, "Your body! I love you for the way you were at that time— —”

Bang bang.The sound of her heart breaking.

"Qi Yemo! You are not human!" She was so angry that she raised her palm——


He slapped him hard on the cheek!

Suddenly, there was silence in the carriage.

Outside the car, it was dark.

There are also neon lights flashing on the side of the road.

The endless stream of cars roared past one after another, whistling non-stop.

A small five-fingerprint faintly appeared on Qi Ye Moying's cold cheek.

There are blue veins throbbing on his resolute forehead, and his eyes are extremely cold and piercing!

"Don't think that I can do whatever I want with you just because I'm used to you loving you!" Sen Leng's words seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth.

The hand she slapped him just now was still trembling uncontrollably.But she bit her lip and replied sharply——

"Chong?" She wanted to laugh, "Is this also called chong? Then I really have no luck to accept Qi Ershao's chong. Love! This slap is just to tell Qi Ershao that women have dignity besides their body." of!"

"Hmph!" He snorted coldly, "Dignity? Then, you will pay for your dignity!"

.................................................................................................................................... ..............................

Thinking of those days in Barcelona, ​​thinking of her smiling face, thinking of her cute and innocent appearance.However, since that day, when he just drew a puppy like her, she changed him 180 degrees!

Especially at this moment, she looked deathly, her eyes were full of resentment, which made him stare blankly.

For some reason, his heart was severely hurt by something unknown!

Ye Huanyu felt suddenly swept by cold air.

"Qi Yemo - get out! I hate you..." She roared angrily, her nails even scratched his arm...

He didn't pay attention to it at all.

His eyes were as cold as a carnivorous cheetah.

Let her open her teeth and claws, scratching his skin.

"Hate it! Since you don't want to rush, then hate me! Remember, a toy is a toy. If you are restless, I will find a box and lock you up! Imprison you to death!"

Imprison you to death!

His cold and terrifying voice made her heart tremble.

Ye Huanyu didn't expect that he would say such cruel words!

Her tears fell down…………………………

It wasn't until this moment that she really understood that Qi Yemo, who was calm on the outside, was so eerie and terrifying when he was furious!



Ye Huanyu didn't know how long he tossed about.

I just feel like a puppet being pulled, at the mercy of others.

My heart is cold inch by inch.

Yuxi's white face came to mind.Tears rolled down her beautiful face without knowing it.

At this moment, she hated fate so much!

I hate why the father of the child is not Yuxi, but this bird in front of me.beast!

Cold sweat broke out on the white and smooth forehead, and the nails almost dug into the flesh——

"...Qi Yemo, I hate you! I hate you!"

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