Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 226 You Are Not Allowed To Taste Like Other Men

"Hate me?" He raised his lips, sneered across his lips, his eyes darkened, "Then hate me thoroughly!"

With that said, he freed his hand and was about to open the car door——

Her face turned pale instantly!

Outside the car is still a busy road!

His car just stopped in the no-parking zone!

If he suddenly opened the car door at this moment, he might bump into a passing car on the other lane, or be seen by passing cars!

In short, no matter what, his behavior like this is crazy and dangerous!

She was in a cold sweat.Cen yelled hastily, "Qi Yemo... As the president of the Qi Group and the future son-in-law of the mayor of City A, you are not afraid of ruining your reputation and telling the world if you have the guts!"

His handsome face turned cold, an unprecedented haze!

He stopped opening the door.

He squinted his cold eyes, "Very good! You know how to provoke me!"

She was in so much pain.

for a while,

In the angry eyes just now, the calmness of the past has gradually recovered.

He straightened her body slowly with his hands.Messy hair, soft voice like a ghost——

"You're right. With such a noble status, how could I allow such a scandal to happen to me?"

Then, he smiled lightly.

This smile is as handsome as a poppy blooming in the early sun.millet.

In the next second, Ye Huanyu only felt that she was supported by his palm——

Then, the door is opened.

Then, she was like a rag doll that was thrown out, boom~!

He threw it on the road outside the car!

"Didi, Didi..." There were vehicles whistling past my ears.

She was almost smashed to pieces by a car...

In the next second, a big coat that smelled of tobacco was slammed onto her body.

"Remember, unless I don't want this toy of yours, the toy is never eligible to stop!" His cold voice came from the car, condescending, "Go back and wash yourself, I will never allow you to smell like other men -"


The car door was slammed shut.

Then, she watched helplessly as he started the car and drove into the dark night like a swordfish...

Leave her in a mess.

No matter what, this cold, arrogant and crazy man just left her on the road!

Woo Hee...

As the name passed across her heart, she couldn't help but clenched her fingers tightly, clenched tightly...


Wearing the big coat he threw out of the car, Ye Huanyu ran home in a panic.

Chenchen had already finished her homework at this time.

Looking up, his bright eyes were shocked when he saw his mother with disheveled hair, pale face, and sweat profusely entering the door——

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

The small body hurried down from the desk, stepped on the small slippers, and ran to Ye Huanyu's legs with a small frown.

Ye Huanyu lowered her eyes and was dull for two seconds.

Immediately, he could no longer support himself and fell to the ground.

He suddenly hugged Chenchen into his arms, his body was trembling...

Chenchen was hugged well by her mother.Tight, he looked up at his mother's bloodless lips.Petal, subconsciously asked, "Did Dad bully Mom..."

Ye Huanyu's heart was torn apart by his son's 'Dad'!

Tears could no longer be hidden and dripped down.

"Mom, is it true that Dad is crying for you?" Chenchen was cautious about Simin.Feeling, mother's trembling and tears are enough to prove his guess is true!

Immediately, he clenched.A small fist, still full of anger! "Mom, don't be afraid, I'll go to him to settle the score—"

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