Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 271 Chapter 276, talk at the dinner table, fight under the dinner table

In fact, it's not because of Yuxi's young age, but because Ye Huanyu, who is beside him, is not the candidate that Mr. Qi and Qi Feiyuan like!

Just kidding, a woman who is using it as a bet, who would be stupid enough to take it seriously?

Yuxi's face darkened.

Ye Huanyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously, Pei Dai'er didn't know the reason for this, she was secretly surprised, thinking maybe Ye Huanyu's status was too lowly, so Mr. Qi looked down on her.

"Hehe, Uncle Qi, look at what you said, the marriage between Yemo and me... It's up to you and my father to decide!" When Qi Yemo was mentioned, Pei Daier was elated.

Before Mr. Qi could respond, Qi Yemo spoke for the first time——

"Since Qi Yuxi is back, as the grandson of Qi's patriarch, Qi Yuxi should bear the burden of business and government marriage!"

Qi Yemo's vigorous and sharp voice fell, and the air froze for an instant!

Pei Dai'er turned pale, "Yemo, what do you mean?"

Old Master Qi's face swelled with anger.Red, stare!

Yuxi frowned deeply, and secretly clenched her fingers into fists.

"No, no!" It was Yu Xi's mother, Jiang Nian, who objected, and she said boldly, "Hehe, what I mean is, our Yuxi family may not be able to take on such an important task as the marriage between the Qi and Pei families. What's more, Miss Pei comes from a famous family, and she is gentle and gentle..."

"That's more suitable!" Qi Ye Mo Cen coldly interrupted Jiang Nian, "Sister-in-law is good at raising children, what the Pei family wants is to marry the Qi family, it doesn't matter which one you marry."

Qi Feiyuan and Jiang Nian's couple turned pale with fright.

Yuxi has no influence in the Qi family, marrying Pei Dai'er is the same as marrying into the Pei family, Qi Yemo will only kick him further!

What is the difference between Qi Yemo's move and 'Zhaojun's departure'?

Ye Huanyu understood, this bastard just wanted to throw Pei Daier's hot potato to Yuxi!

She recalled that day when Pei Dai'er committed suicide and was admitted to the hospital, crying so heartbroken, Qi Yemo just coldly said 'If you don't love, don't marry'!

At this moment, why should he force Yu Xi?Then destroy Yuxi's happiness?

Despicable, shameless, inferior.flow!

She won't let this scumbag succeed!

So, she stroked the broken hair on her forehead, pulled the corners of her lips stiffly, and said with a smile——

"Hey, what if I, Yuxi's real girlfriend, are dead? Even if he wants to marry, he will marry me! Haven't you heard that you should do to others what you don't want to be done to others? Second, uncle?!"

She deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word "second uncle".

Qi Yemo's expression darkened immediately!

Ye Huanyu didn't care about other people's eyes, she stabbed at Qi Yemo with a knife, and continued, "What's more, Miss Pei has a noble status, and she is so devoted to her second uncle, so you can't find anyone who knows you well even with a lantern. Second Uncle should keep it to himself! If it is forced to our Yuxi, won't it make outsiders laugh at the Qi family if it gets out?"

She deliberately said 'Our Yuxi', and his brows became colder again!

After Ye Huanyu said these words, the Qi family secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, letting my nephew marry the woman my uncle doesn't want, isn't that humiliating the Pei family?

Qi Yan secretly gave Ye Huanyu a thumbs up, his eyes seemed to praise Ye Huanyu's courage!

With Qi Ye's handsome face like a chiseled ink knife, a few veins appeared faintly, and his thick voice uttered coldly——

"Miss Ye wants to be good. Marrying Qi Yuxi is indeed a good choice. I'm afraid he can't satisfy your appetite—"


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