Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 272 Chapter 277, talk at the dinner table, fight under the dinner table

These cold words made Ye Huanyu's heart ache!The guy secretly called her a greedy prostitute.female!

Her teeth chattered with anger!

"Then thank you, Second Uncle, for your suggestion!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she immediately raised her foot under the table, aimed at Qi Yemo's direction, and kicked hard to death——

"Hmm..." He just heard a muffled sound.Hmph, on the paralyzed face, the eyebrows were slightly twisted, but it was still as stable as Mount Tai!

He even added fuel to the fire and replied, "Miss Ye, you don't need to thank me, for a watery..."

Before Qi Yemo could say the word 'Yanghua', he immediately made a small word.The leg bone was hit again by a violent force, 'Well...'

He took a cold breath and felt bored.It hurts!

This time, he stared at the woman sitting across from him sharply. Is this woman crazy!

His injured leg still had steel nails in it!She kicked him in pain mercilessly!

Ye Huanyu is crazy, mad with anger!The bastard dares to say 'watery.Try the four characters 'Yang Hua'!

"Second uncle, in short, you don't need to worry about Yuxi's marriage, you should take care of yourself!"

Yuxi glanced at Ye Huanyu moved, and whispered into her ear, "Thank you, Huanyu."

Ye Huanyu touched her fingertips and couldn't help sighing. In fact, she wasn't because of Yuxi, she was just angry with Qi Yemo...

Qi Yemo's leg bones were still in pain, and the injured area hadn't fully healed yet. Being kicked off by Ye Huanyu like this, he was so painful that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he didn't make a sound for a long time.

Live it!

"Okay!" Old Master Qi shouted coldly!Immediately, the chopsticks were thrown on the table, "I can't finish this meal!"

"Zhengtian, the children are just playing around..." Song Ruling hurriedly said good things.

"They're all over a hundred years old, and they're still joking around?" The old man squinted and glanced, "Dai'er, I'll ask the driver to take you back first. Don't worry about what happened tonight. , you have never heard what the second child said, let you see a joke."

Then, the old man stood up, stared at his sons sharply, and said, "Boss and second Yuxi, you three come to my study!"

Then, the old man stood up and left the restaurant...

Qi Yan let out a long breath of relief, and muttered softly, "Emma, ​​this meal made my heart tremble...fortunately, I don't have to go to the study..." He muttered, leaning into Song Ruling's ear, "Oh, mother Ah, why did the old man ask the three of them to go to the study?"

Song Ruling patted her son's face lightly, "Yanyan, just leave it alone, you have to sleep at home honestly tonight, you are not allowed to go to other women's den, you know!"

"Ahh..." Qi Yan froze.

Chenchen quietly jumped down from the table and chair, walked up to Yuxi and Ye Huanyu in front of Qi Yemo, raised her small head, and said——

"Brother Yuxi, will you really marry your sister?"

Ye Huanyu's lips trembled.

Yuxi smiled softly, stroked Chenchen's soft hair, "Where does Chenchen hope?"

Chenchen took a serious look at Ye Huanyu, "Chenchen hopes that sister and brother Yuxi will be happy."

Yu Xi froze for a moment, then smiled moved.

Ye Huanyu frowned subconsciously, her heart fluttering.She could see through Chenchen's mind at a glance, Chenchen didn't really want her to be with Yuxi, the little guy just wanted her to be happy.

But, how did Chenchen know, as Chenchen's mother, how could she choose his brother?

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