Ouyang Yueyue is here, she can be regarded as elated.

This is like being a seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister.

Everyone would look up to her, but Mo Xiang was the only one who was treated coldly.

Watching him put on a lazy look and gradually walk away, Ouyang Yueyue stretched out her small fist angrily and made random gestures.

If this guy goes like this, I'm afraid the big boss will definitely give him a hard time, and if he doesn't make it right, he may leave with his bed packed.

Even though she had expected such a result, she didn't intend to remind him.

Even if he had saved himself back then, so what.

Although she still feels a little bit uneasy, she still thinks: In today's workplace, it is unacceptable to behave like him in his own way.

This is a lesson for him, and it can be regarded as helping him in disguise.

What's more, he didn't look like he was friends with the one named Qi Qizhen, even if he fell, someone would still pick him up.

Really, no matter how you think about it, it seems that there is a reason to let go.


"What do you find me for?"

Arriving at Qi Sichen's office, Mo Xiang pushed the door open and walked in.

This made Jin Shihang unable to see it at first.

Anyway, this is the president's office, there's no way anyone would break in without knocking on the door first.Moreover, there was no etiquette after entering, and he asked right away, as if he was the president here.

"This is the president's office. Before coming here, I would like to remind you that please knock on the door first and come in only after hearing a response from inside."

Of course, even if he couldn't see it anymore, it was always because of Qi Sichen's face that he should be treated politely.

Otherwise, if it were another person, he would have been scolded out long ago.And it's fairly light.

Qi Sichen gave Jin Shixing a wink, which meant to let him restrain his temper a little. After all, Mo Xiang arranged him into the group by himself, and he didn't want to be angered by just a few words for this painstaking effort.

Mo Xiang glanced at Jin Shixing, turned around and walked out of the president's office without saying a word, and closed the door.

Immediately afterwards, there were two more knocks on the door.

It's more like smashing than knocking.

This really brought a lot of resentment in it.

Only then did Jin Shixing go over and reopen the door to let him in.

Mo Xiang walked in with a straight face, without even looking at Jin Shixing, he came to Qi Sichen's desk.

He put his hands on the table and stared at Qi Sichen.

That expressionless look made people feel a little scared.

However, Qi Sichen didn't feel anything.

Maybe it's because I already know him better.

"You asked me to come, do you have any orders? A president invites a small employee to come to the office, so he shouldn't drink tea and chat."

Jin Shihang's face was full of atmosphere, but he couldn't attack it, so he had to stand aside and watch.

These two are like looking at themselves in a mirror.

Qi Sichen smiled faintly: "You have been working here for a few days, how do you feel, no one is making things difficult for you, right?"

"Embarrassing? Who dares to embarrass a person who looks exactly the same as the president? It's too late for him. He is equipped with the best car in the entire department. He sits at home all day and has no one but listening to music. How dare you bother me. The manager of your transportation department has surrounded me like flies all day long, and I don’t even know who is in charge there.”

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