It has to be said that what Mo Xiang said was indeed reasonable.

When Qi Sichen placed him here, he just ignored these things.

After thinking about it seriously, he nodded: "You're right. I really didn't think of this. It seems that it has caused you some trouble. But don't worry, I will arrange it for you again."

The corner of Mo Xiang's mouth turned up slightly, obviously he was not very satisfied with his answer: "Do you think that no matter where I go, I will be treated less than I am now just because of this face?"

Apparently, their resemblance has begun to cause trouble.

"I think staying here will only cause more trouble, whether it's for you or me. I think it's better to leave here on the way."

After finishing speaking, he straightened up again and looked around the president's office: "Your place is the most comfortable place I have ever seen. I have seen many big bosses' offices before, but besides showing off their wealth Other than that, there’s really nothing more to it.”

"I thank you for your compliment. But I don't think you should make your decision so quickly. Give me a little time, and I will find a more suitable place for you. I promise not to disappoint you."

"Hehe, Mr. Qi, you are the first time I met you. In order to keep a person who is almost useless to the group, you made a compromised president. But I'm afraid it's hard for me to accept your kindness. Forgive me It’s hard to keep up.”

After saying that, Mo Xiang didn't give Qi Sichen another chance, turned around and strode away.


Seeing him leave, Qi Sichen didn't chase after him this time, or make any attempt to keep him back.

Perhaps it was because the question he left was indeed a difficult one for himself to answer.

Even so, he still felt a little reconciled, and at the same time felt his own incompetence.Why can't you let him stay...

Could it be just because of this similar face?

Indeed, Qi Sichen's purpose is very clear, that is to try every means to prove that Mo Xiang is the Qi Siyang who disappeared more than ten years ago.

It really seems simple to say, but it is so difficult to really achieve this goal.

"Master Qi, if you let him go like this, then all your previous efforts will be in vain?" In this room, only Jin Shixing understands his feelings at the moment.

"What else can I do, that's all. If he is really my brother, I hope that I won't embarrass him even more."


"Hey, I knew it was no good for you to go in. How about it, you should be scolded by the boss. This is your first lesson here." Ouyang Feifei hid in the stairwell.

When she saw Mo Xiang appearing here with a cold face from inside, she already guessed what happened inside.

Mo Xiang gave her a blank look: "Thank you for your kindness, but I have already resigned." He walked into the elevator as he spoke.

At this moment, Ouyang Yueyue was once again surprised by his decisiveness.

Everyone in the GT Group wants to squeeze their heads in, and it's still the boss of Airborne, so if they say they don't do it now, they won't do it.

When she returned to her secretary's office, she looked up and saw Jin Shixing sitting in her seat.

He frowned and looked at himself.

It could be seen that he was not in a very good mood at the moment, maybe it was because of some conflict with Mo Xiang just now.

She secretly speculated, but there was still a dogleg smile on her face.

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